Author Topic: Help with animated sprites  (Read 3130 times)

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Offline johnno56

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Help with animated sprites
« on: January 29, 2022, 03:40:46 pm »
I am looking for a method of translating a strip (not a grid) of sprites so as to display an animated sprite. Sure, I can separate each cell, 'load' them, then display them as needed... But, I was wondering if QB64 had a method of loading the 'strip', 'read' each 'frame', then display each frame in sequence... I'm not sure if I have explained it very well... I hope someone may be able to 'point me in the right direction'...
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Offline SMcNeill

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Re: Help with animated sprites
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2022, 04:09:02 pm »
Just use _PUTIMAGE to put each frame onto the screen as needed, such as this little demo below:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Screen _NewImage(1024, 768, 32)
  2. AnimatedStrip = _NewImage(10000, 100, 32)
  4. _Dest AnimatedStrip
  5. For i = 0 To 10000 Step 100
  6.     Circle (i + i \ 100, 75), 25, &HFFFFFF00 'yellow ball moving as my animation, to create the animated strip
  7.     Paint (i + i \ 100, 75), &HFFFFFF00
  9. _Dest 0 'restore our dest to the main screen
  11.     For i = 0 To 100 '100 frames of animation for this demo
  12.         Cls
  13.         _PutImage (0, 0)-(1024, 768), AnimatedStrip, 0, (i * 100, 0)-Step(100, 100)
  14.         _Limit 25 '25 FPS, so a 4 second animation loop
  15.         _Display
  16.         If _KeyHit Then Exit Do
  17.     Next
  19. _PutImage (0, 0)-(1024, 100), AnimatedStrip, 0, (0, 0)-(1024, 100) 'show (a portion of) the animation image.

It's rather short, and seems quite straightforward to me, so I had no idea what exactly I might need to comment to help explain what it's doing here, if someone doesn't understand it.  If there's any questions at all, feel free to ask me about which part of this you don't understand, and I'll explain step by step what I'm doing if I need to. — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline bplus

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Re: Help with animated sprites
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2022, 04:27:07 pm »

This should look really familiar since I got the strip from you!

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _Title "Walking Man #2 B+ 2018-09-22"
  3. Const xmax = 800
  4. Const ymax = 600
  5. Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
  6. _ScreenMove 360, 60
  8. walk& = _LoadImage("walking720x146.png") ' 8 positions at 90 x 146   walk& is same as slot number
  9. manW = 90 'width of man image
  10. manH = 146 'height of man image
  12. Type manType
  13.     x As Single
  14.     y As Single
  15.     dx As Single
  16.     dy As Single
  17.     frame As Integer
  18.     frameRate As Single
  20. Dim man1 As manType
  21. man1.x = 0
  22. man1.y = ymax - manH
  23. man1.dx = 1
  24. man1.dy = -.625
  25. man1.frame = 0
  26. man1.frameRate = 1 / 8 'of loops per sec
  29. Dim man2 As manType
  30. man2.x = xmax + manW
  31. man2.y = 0
  32. man2.dx = -4
  33. man2.dy = 2.5
  34. man2.frame = 0
  35. man2.frameRate = 1 / 2 'of loops per sec
  38. manN = 0 'man number 0 to 7 as walks ie, manN = (manN + 1) mod 8
  39. GLS = 30 ' Global Loops per Second
  40.     Cls
  41.     lc = (lc + 1) Mod GLS 'loop counter to the limit
  43.     _PutImage (man1.x, man1.y)-Step(manW, manH), walk&, 0, (man1.frame * 90, 0)-Step(manW, manH)
  44.     _PutImage (man2.x, man2.y)-Step(-manW, manH), walk&, 0, (man2.frame * 90, 0)-Step(manW, manH)
  45.     man1.x = (man1.x + man1.dx)
  46.     man1.y = (man1.y + man1.dy)
  47.     If man1.x > xmax Then man1.x = -manW: man1.y = ymax - manH
  48.     man1.frame = Int(man1.frameRate * lc) Mod 8
  50.     man2.x = (man2.x + man2.dx)
  51.     man2.y = (man2.y + man2.dy)
  52.     If man2.x < -manW Then man2.x = xmax: man2.y = 0
  53.     man2.frame = Int(man2.frameRate * lc) Mod 8
  55.     _Display
  56.     _Limit GLS

Oh here it is translated from SdlBasic or Naalaa, lots of comments:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _Title "Walking Man trans by bplus started 2018-06-30"
  2. 'QB64 version 2017 1106/82 (the day before they switched to version 1.2)
  3. Const xmax = 800
  4. Const ymax = 600
  5. Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
  6. _ScreenMove 360, 60
  8. walk& = _LoadImage("walking720x146.png") ' 8 positions at 90 x 146   walk& is same as slot number
  9. manW = 90 'width of man image
  10. manH = 146 'height of man image
  11. manN = 0 'man number 0 to 7 as walks ie, manN = (manN + 1) mod 8
  12. manY = (ymax - manH) \ 2 'place top man image at manY always as walks across the screen
  13. manX = -manW 'start off screen by 1 manW  manX is x location on screen of man
  15. While 0 = 0
  16.     Cls
  17.     ' blt(1, x*90, 0, 90, 146, movex, 45)
  18.     '
  19.     '   blt(sprite number,starting x position, starting y position, image width, image height, destination x, and y)
  20.     '
  21.     '   (I prefer a strip of characters. Others may use a 'grid' of characters.)
  22.     '
  23.     '   Sprite #1 is the 'walking' strip of characters
  24.     '
  25.     '   when x = 0 it will grab the first image locate at x*90 with a width of 90px and a height of 146px
  26.     '   and display it at 'movex'x and 45y. Perform a short delay; increment to the next image; If the
  27.     '   image grabbed is greater than 7 (the last image) then reset the image count to 0 (first image).
  28.     '   move the curent image 5 pixels to the right. If the image moves off screen, make it reappear on
  29.     '   the other side. Continue doing this until the escape key is pressed.
  32.     '' _PUTIMAGE [STEP] [(dx1, dy1)-[STEP][(dx2, dy2)]][, sourceHandle&][, destHandle&][, ][STEP][(sx1, sy1)[-STEP][(sx2, sy2)]][_SMOOTH]
  34.     'THE SKINNY: (notice the unintuitive positions of source handle and destination handle)
  35.     'destination coordinates:  (x, y)-(x2, y2)  <<<< syntax
  36.     'then source (image) handle (walk),
  37.     'then destination handle = 0 for screening, then coordinates of image in
  38.     'finally source coordinates off image of image handle:  (x, y)-(x2, y2)  <<<< syntax
  40.     _PutImage (manX, manY)-Step(manW, manH), walk&, 0, (manN * 90, 0)-Step(manW, manH)
  41.     manN = (manN + 1) Mod 8 'increase image index until hit 7 then back to 0
  42.     manX = manX + 10
  43.     If manX >= xmax Then manX = -manW 'move man back to left side of screen when hit right side
  44.     _Display 'like   waitvbl(100) in sdlbas
  45.     _Limit 10 'like wait(100) this limits displays to 10 per second

Offline johnno56

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Re: Help with animated sprites
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2022, 07:01:59 pm »

Thanks Steve. Very clear to follow... even for me... lol


Yes. The images look vaguely familiar... lol  SDL and RC coding was simple enough, I just didn't know how QB64 did it.
But, thanks to both you and Steve, I should be able to cobble something together... lol

Thanks guys! Much appreciated.
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Offline johnno56

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Re: Help with animated sprites
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2022, 07:03:44 pm »
Apologies... I am having difficulty producing the hyperlinks...
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Offline johnno56

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Re: Help with animated sprites
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2022, 03:04:24 am »

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Offline johnno56

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Re: Help with animated sprites
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2022, 02:56:55 pm »
@SMcNeill and @bplus ,

Your assistance with sprite animation worked like a charm. I seriously doubt that the work will be published... lol  I am still learning how to convert some of my old sdlbasic and rcbasic programs to QB64... Animation being part of it. Bplus may be familiar with, 'Attack! Attack!', and would probably agree with the non-publishing... lol

What I will do is post the 'test'... After seeing it, you too, will agree with my assessment... lol

  [ You are not allowed to view this attachment ]  

Again. Thank you for the assist. Much appreciated.

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Offline bplus

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Re: Help with animated sprites
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2022, 03:23:47 pm »
Nice @johnno56

Here is idea for applying scale to image:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _Title "UFO Animation Test"
  2. '   Based on: "Walking Man trans by bplus started 2018-06-30"
  3. Const xmax = 800
  4. Const ymax = 300
  5. Screen _NewImage(xmax, ymax, 32)
  6. _ScreenMove 360, 60
  8. ufo& = _LoadImage("ufo3.png") ' 15 positions at 32 x 16
  9. W = 32 'width of ufo image
  10. H = 16 'height of ufo image
  11. N = 0 'ufo number 0 to 15, ufo3N = (ufo3N + 1) mod 15  << Frame might be better name?
  12. Y = ymax / 2 'place top ufo image at ufo3Y
  13. X = -W
  14. scale = 1
  15. While scale < 4
  16.     Cls
  17.     _PutImage (X - .5 * scale * W, Y - .5 * scale * H)-Step(scale * W, scale * H), ufo&, 0, (N * W, 0)-Step(W, H)
  18.     N = (N + 1) Mod 15
  19.     X = X + 4
  20.     If X >= xmax Then X = -W: scale = scale + 1
  21.     _Display
  22.     _Limit 30
  23. scale = 1
  24. While _KeyDown(27) = 0 ' no escape pressed
  25.     Cls
  26.     scale = 4 * (1 - (Abs(X - _Width / 2) / (_Width / 2)))
  27.     _PutImage (X - .5 * scale * W, Y - .5 * scale * H)-Step(scale * W, scale * H), ufo&, 0, (N * W, 0)-Step(W, H)
  28.     N = (N + 1) Mod 15
  29.     X = X + 4
  30.     If X >= xmax Then X = -W
  31.     _Display
  32.     _Limit 30

I am keeping the x, y position in the middle of the image (I hope). :) so I start it back and up by half the image width and height modified by scale.

Offline johnno56

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Re: Help with animated sprites
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2022, 05:54:15 pm »
Oh... Now you're just showing off... lol

Seriously. Cool example. The 'zoom' effect was brilliant... (it also showed up the lo-res quality of the sprite... lol)

Much appreciated.

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Offline Cobalt

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Re: Help with animated sprites
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2022, 11:45:51 am »
One thing to keep in mind when scaling sprites with _PUTIMAGE is that your program will take a performance hit. Scaling with putimage, for what ever reason, is roughly 10.5x-11x slower than just a normal run. So depending on how many times your using it you could find a speed issue showing up. Especially if your one of those misbegotten weirdos that think you need 120fps for your program.

Just something to keep in mind.
Granted after becoming radioactive I only have a half-life!

Offline bplus

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Re: Help with animated sprites
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2022, 11:56:17 am »
One thing to keep in mind when scaling sprites with _PUTIMAGE is that your program will take a performance hit. Scaling with putimage, for what ever reason, is roughly 10.5x-11x slower than just a normal run. So depending on how many times your using it you could find a speed issue showing up. Especially if your one of those misbegotten weirdos that think you need 120fps for your program.

Just something to keep in mind.

Maybe so, but I had to refrain from using RotoZoom ;-))

I am already accused of showing off :)

Offline Cobalt

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Re: Help with animated sprites
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2022, 12:38:15 pm »
Maybe so, but I had to refrain from using RotoZoom ;-))

I am already accused of showing off :)
HA! I can't imagine why. XD

But yeah I think even your rotozoom takes a hit in the speed too, but then you are manipulating stuff which always takes time.
Unless its like a one off event in your program it might be better, performance-wise to pre-render the sprites at the final sizes and stuff. That's kind of what I was getting at.

Your Roto Zoom is pretty good though, A lot of times I just remake my sprite sheets at the correct size or even at run time pre-render the sprites on special image layers.
Granted after becoming radioactive I only have a half-life!

Offline johnno56

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Re: Help with animated sprites
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2022, 01:51:29 pm »
Oh... Not just 'accused'... Tried and convicted... Moo Ha Ha..
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