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Messages - RCcola1987

Pages: [1]
@Dimster Pretty much every skill learned in QB64 and QB in general is applicable to more than just coding. For example the use of math and logic in programming. This is very useful in business, finance, and teaching a way of thinking and problem solving.

QB64 also allows students to have almost instant feedback on what they have coded. Weather that be no output or a fantastically colorful screen. Also for anyone that has tried to learn C or Java its very hard to even understand that basic concepts since you have to learn a completely new language. I mean that all the vocabulary and grammar is so different from the native language of the student. It creates a huge unneeded barrier to entry. Hence the place for QB64 and bringing a new generation into programming and hopefully retro tech.

@OldMoses This is why we need to get the kids of today learning programming with QB64. Since I program in many languages I can say I do the majority in QB64 and from the look of the discord I have been seeing people doing the same thing! Thank you for your support.

QB64 Discussion / Re: A New Beginning
« on: January 15, 2022, 01:37:40 pm »
@Dimster Some things I can some I can't. What I can tell you is it is a US based entity in Florida.

QB64 Discussion / Re: A New Beginning
« on: January 15, 2022, 09:46:32 am »
@krovit  I understand and agree that is a common thing to happen but I can attest that it will not happen under my watch.

QB64 Discussion / Re: A New Beginning
« on: January 15, 2022, 07:00:23 am »
Hey all,

This is Robert Carter AKA RCcola1987. I am hear to answer any questions and clear the air.

First off the title of CEO was not my choice but is required when a business is registered. This is required so that  Fellippe is no longer personally handling money and day to day business affairs. Now that that is out of the way I would like to directly address some of the posts on this thread.

@STxAxTIC You mentioned many different things and I will address as many as I can. The one that stood out the most to me is your comment stating that
"I was about to say that the financial aspect of running is not that big of a burden. I would know because I originally bought the place. It doesn't take a CEO to run All it takes is a drain cleaner going through a divorce with some spare time."
That statement is simply not true. The project rides a razors edge of limited funding and increasing costs. I have personally contributed $100's to the project over the years and now my company has also contributed $100's. We are also dedicating a large amount of our time to help bring the project to new "Markets". Like getting it on the Raspberry PI.

Another of your questions was why I didn't announce my self on Discord or the Forum. For the Forum it was a matter of waiting until this post was put up and reopening my Forum account. My old one for years ago had gotten removed. Also on Discord we hadn't planned on announcing anything there and I am online all day almost every day there.

The last question I'm going to answer here from @STxAxTIC is what am I CEO of? To put it bluntly I am managing the day to day business operations, money, growth and direction of the project. For example when it comes to direction of the project I am looking into some of the issues with QB64 base code and figuring out what funding and people we need to help clean it up. both @luke and @FellippeHeitor can speak to how much a mess the source code is and how hard it is to maintain let alone add features. Since everyone involved with the project is a volunteer we need to help make their job easier and less stressful. These changes in no way will break any functionality in QB64 and will not have an effect on your use of the project.

@bplus I see and understand your concern about power and the typical situation of CEO's in companies. Let me be abundantly clear I have zero interest, want, or motivation to change the project into a pay for product nor make major structural changes to the project or its staff. My primary goals are as follows: Expand the reach of QB64 (get more people using it), Increase reliability of the IDE and complied code, Increase features of the IDE inline with the community and the vision of QB64.

On security one of the first changes I made was to the overall structure of how things are hosted and secured. Coming from a background of Technology it is my top concern and we take security of ALL of QB64's assets very seriously. This includes the security of your personal data as well.

Finally on your third item Quote "Also not fun, calling in professionals and bringing in the out of control changes and costs that usually come with them." We have systematically lowered costs. We did this NOT by cutting corners but by using better providers and streamlining services. This is still happening and we are working to make things even better.

@bplus and @Qwerkey The main website at will not be the place for discussion that will remain on the forums and discord. Also most of the website work is being completed by myself and @luke. This is still in process and has already taken may weeks to do.

@SMcNeill Your concern was that the repo would be changing. We have ZERO plans to change the repo now or in the future. Also The project will still need donations to survive. I am not a bank but will help with things I can.
Also I want to point out that I have been pushing from more community input into decisions. We just aren't there yet.

For all that were asking for my information here it is.
Discord RCcola1987
Forum RCcola1987

I am much more active on Discord.

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