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Messages - PhilOfPerth

Pages: [1]
QB64 Discussion / Re: Using the Help function
« on: May 16, 2021, 08:54:06 pm »
Thanks a heap for that!
A perfect answer to a silly question. I should have guessed both methods, as they're pretty standard (crawls away with head down, avoiding eye-contact)...

QB64 Discussion / Using the Help function
« on: May 16, 2021, 08:43:49 pm »
I'm fairly familiar with using QB64, and can usually find a way to do most things. But occasionally, I need help with use of a particular function - its syntax etc.
But I find it very difficult to find help on the function using the Help button.
The View and Contents sub-buttons seem to give the same results - a list of searches I've previously made.
What I think would be REALLY helpful is to have a Search For... button, or similar, that would take me to the keyword, or part of the keyword, with its description and its syntax, with its limitations.
Maybe I'm missing something, but can someone either clarify or implement this?

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