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Messages - mrhuman

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Ok then
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Yeah auto deleting is bad.
I thing I lost a video because of windows 10's storage sense thing.

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So QB64 is sorta like visual studio? And what I am asking is like I am asking it to not make an exe to test the software

Let’s just forget about the delete thing.
Adding a test in console or run in console could be considered

Then there should be no worries about the auto delete thing. Right @STxAxTIC ?

Ok then ,no delete
But about adding a test in console ? That’s a good idea right?

But it just overwrites it.
So the same time is taken
I had made some code
Run it
Edited it
And ran in again
It took the same time


Still is it possible to add a feature in the run area something like this...


Create an exe and run
Run in console
Create an exe

But the exe come in the qb64 folder

If you open the qb64 folder in one side and qb64 in the other and run a program, an exe comes in the folder.
I am asking for a script or something like that to delete them when qb64 is closed or the program is done testing.

Umm. For both the reasins
I have a lot of apps that hog up space(like adobe animate) so every kB is a lot of storage
As soon as the storage indicator in explorer turns red , I panick like something .

Some .exe with the .bas file name comes. Is there anyway to automatically delete that when I close qb64? Please tell me as I am very storage space conscious and that file(though only a few kbs) takes up space. Or is there any setting to change so that the code only comes up in a console like q basic 4.5?

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