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Messages - Vits

Pages: [1]
Programs / Re: Animation Player (release #2)
« on: September 09, 2020, 08:03:07 pm »
Hi mynameispaul!

I really like this software you made! Very cool. I see your a fan of Transformers. I am also a fan of Transformers

QB64 Discussion / Re: Best Method for Pixel by Pixel Bitmaps
« on: September 04, 2020, 04:28:28 pm »
Stored into an array with POINT! I understand now

Thanks and happy coding

QB64 Discussion / Best Method for Pixel by Pixel Bitmaps
« on: September 04, 2020, 03:41:05 pm »
Hi again Everyone, I was wondering what is your opinion on the best way to rendering bitmaps pixel by pixel. I tried using POINT but it works like PUTIMAGE! What I want to do is do software rendering with textures in 3D, just for fun. I need to use each pixel though for my perspective projection algorithm. How exactly should I go about doing this?

If worse comes to worse then I will make my own texture loader from scratch. but I know in allegro and sdl they have pixel access functions meant for this.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Selling Programs For Profit
« on: August 08, 2020, 01:53:35 pm »
I do know other programming languages and fundamentals, so it should not be an issue for me. However, people actually sold games made in stuff like qb64 If I'm correct? Blitz BASIC, and other similar stuff to. so I'm not sure if it would matter if I used it for a little side indie job and yes I would only use my own material. I don't care if I make only a little money, I'm actually doing this for the experience to learn and have fun is all. I'm actually a current college student who's off this month, and I took Intro To IT and Intro To Python, I also know how to use C++ and LUA.

But I still love to use qb64 independently.

EDIT: I read all the files in the license folder, especially the IMPORTANT LICENSING NOTE FOR QB64 PROGRAMMERS part in file named COPYING. I totally understand now, so I guess It's up to me to think about this.

Well, Thanks for the input guys!

QB64 Discussion / Re: Selling Programs For Profit
« on: August 08, 2020, 12:37:08 pm »
Hmmm ok. Usage in selling usually depends on libraries that are used and not the language itself. I’m wondering if qb64 ‘s source code used any libs that has a restricting license. I’ll probably go look in the Qb64 file folders to see if I can obtain and understand them. I’ll be back I suppose

QB64 Discussion / Selling Programs For Profit
« on: August 08, 2020, 05:47:58 am »
Hi everyone, I'm not new to qb64 and I have been observing around here on the forum for some time. I need to ask if I am allowed to sell software written by me in qb64? I don't use any external libraries, only qb64 stuff like the core language and sound files, image capabilities and so on. I also use OpenGL for rendering sometimes. I can create my own custom sounds, graphics, whatever I need to do.

Thanks in advance

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