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Messages - eddy498

Pages: [1] 2
QB64 Discussion / Re: Star Wars Text
« on: March 28, 2019, 02:23:15 pm »
Yep! Same cruddy results with scrolling text example:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. ' Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back opening crawl?
  2. '
  4. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800, 700, 32)
  5. _SCREENMOVE 300, 20
  6. swt& = _NEWIMAGE(320, 512, 32)
  7. _DEST swt&
  8. COLOR _RGB32(0, 180, 0)
  9. nl$ = CHR$(10)
  10. sw$ = "It is a dark time for the Rebellion." + nl$
  11. sw$ = sw$ + "Although the Death Star has been" + nl$
  12. sw$ = sw$ + "destroyed, Imperial troops have driven" + nl$
  13. sw$ = sw$ + "the Rebel forces from their hidden base" + nl$
  14. sw$ = sw$ + "and pursued them across the galaxy." + nl$
  15. sw$ = sw$ + nl$ + nl$
  16. sw$ = sw$ + "Evading the dreaded Imperial Starfleet," + nl$
  17. sw$ = sw$ + "a group of freedom fighters led by Luke" + nl$
  18. sw$ = sw$ + "Skywalker has established a new secret" + nl$
  19. sw$ = sw$ + "base on the remote ice world of Hoth." + nl$
  20. sw$ = sw$ + nl$ + nl$
  21. sw$ = sw$ + "The evil lord Darth Vader, obsessed with" + nl$
  22. sw$ = sw$ + "finding young Skywalker, has dispatched" + nl$
  23. sw$ = sw$ + "thousands of remote probes into the" + nl$
  24. sw$ = sw$ + "far reaches of space.... " + nl$
  25. LOCATE 20, 1
  26. PRINT sw$
  29. '                                         Disaster!!!!!!!!!!!
  30. FOR y = 0 TO 512
  31.     '_MAPTRIANGLE [{_SEAMLESS}] (sx1, sy1)-(sx2, sy2)-(sx3, sy3), source& TO (dx1, dy1)-(dx2, dy2)-(dx3, dy3)[, destination&][{_SMOOTH|_SMOOTHSHRUNK|_SMOOTHSTRETCHED}]]
  32.     _MAPTRIANGLE (0, y)-(319, y)-(0, y + 319), swt& TO(350, 0)-(449, 0)-(0, 699), 0
  33.     _MAPTRIANGLE (319, y)-(0, y + 319)-(319, y + 319), swt& TO(449, 0)-(0, 699)-(799, 699), 0, _SMOOTHSHRUNK
  34.     _DISPLAY
  35.     _LIMIT 15

maybe something along the lines of calling out the strings each seperatly like how you did there but instead of maptriangle a transitioning code.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Star Wars Text
« on: March 28, 2019, 01:59:32 pm »
I see what the problem is with your programs.. not that i understand but i see from the output lol.

um an idea i was gonna try was something a bit simpler but simple things usually dont always work in coding. correct me if im wrong, but cant you create multiple invisible lines every 50-100 pixels that when the text passes through that line it will change font size making it smaller giving the illusion that its fading in the distance??

again i might be wrong. and i still havnt tried it myself since im trying to figure out the simplest way to make text scroll up by itself :)

QB64 Discussion / Re: Simplifying code
« on: March 26, 2019, 10:49:21 pm »
Hey bplus, for the next few days imma off of my usual comp so I want to work on something different since I don't have my full codes with Me on my laptop. Is there a way to do text that scrolls off the screen lime star wars or text that scrolls like the rpg games? If possible don't give me a full answer code done just the methods and explanation to see if I can figure it out myself through actual processes. I learn faster trying to solve it ;) thanks I'm looking through Google on my phone but Google is a mess for qb64 tutorials idk why

QB64 Discussion / Re: Candy Crush saga type game
« on: March 25, 2019, 06:27:44 pm »
Thanks, looks like they have you buying every little thing to supplement the game. Yikes!

worst part is that they actually have in app purchasing for games like this because they limit how many lives you have and how many times you can fail then have to wait an hour for 1 live or buy them...

QB64 Discussion / Re: Candy Crush saga type game
« on: March 25, 2019, 05:02:01 pm »
Am I correct in my understanding the only moves you can make are swiping 1 space left/right or up/down, which causes candies to swap positions? Then if triple or more, up/down AND left/right the candy blocks are removed and more fall from top to replace removed blocks.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Candy Crush saga type game
« on: March 24, 2019, 11:05:30 pm »
i second what bplus said, you should already be creating a code to check whether there is a triple or higher of a kind together. use that same code to create a board where if there is a triple or higher it will replace the board entirely until it creates a proper board or just replace the ones there until it has no triples.  having it all being done in a loading screen in the background will give your code enough time to go and make the appropriate board. you can code it so that when board is ready loading screen ends like regular candy crush

QB64 Discussion / Re: Simplifying code
« on: March 24, 2019, 11:00:37 pm »
ohh i see how you made the brick as a source and then halfed it.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Simplifying code
« on: March 24, 2019, 12:42:27 am »
Sat here looking at that step code for a while lost xD. Okay let's see if I understood it. So basically it's getting the (x, y) and the doing the step (49, 24). Or whatever number you place inside is what it's adding to the x and y right?

Nice rocks. I'm saving these codes as references so I can use later :)

QB64 Discussion / Re: Simplifying code
« on: March 24, 2019, 12:14:48 am »
no yeah i got that but i meant.

LINE (x + 1, y)-STEP(21, 0), white

that step there that u wrote what does it do? i havnt seen that before

QB64 Discussion / Re: Simplifying code
« on: March 23, 2019, 11:59:04 pm »
i havnt done anything with images yet tho, dont want to incorporate images and textures yet untill i have a better understanding of the basics.

okay so that code you draw the brick and half brick then set it up to do the pattern.. what is that step you put while drawaing the bricks?

QB64 Discussion / Simplifying code
« on: March 23, 2019, 08:36:14 pm »
I am currently doing a brick type background for something im working on. Currently im doing it row by row adding the white line as light and black line as a shadow to make it somewhat a 2d/3d ish. this is the code.
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. DIM SHARED scrn&, background&
  2. DIM SHARED white&, black&, red&, grey&, darkgrey&
  3. scrn& = _NEWIMAGE(800, 600, 32)
  5. SCREEN scrn&
  6. CALL MakeColors
  7. CALL MakeBackground
  9. _DEST display&
  10. gameover$ = "false"
  12.     CLS
  13.     _PUTIMAGE (0, 0), background&
  14.     _DISPLAY
  16. LOOP UNTIL gameover$ = "true"
  17.     _DISPLAY
  19. SUB MakeColors
  21.     white& = _RGB(255, 255, 255)
  22.     black& = _RGB(0, 0, 0)
  23.     red& = _RGB(255, 0, 0)
  24.     grey& = _RGB(125, 125, 125)
  25.     darkgrey& = _RGB(50, 50, 50)
  28. SUB MakeBackground
  30.     background& = _NEWIMAGE(800, 600)
  31.     _DEST background&
  32.     'background color
  33.     LINE (0, 0)-(800, 600), darkgrey&, BF
  35.     'row 1
  36.     LINE (4, 578)-(54, 597), red&, BF
  37.     LINE (57, 578)-(107, 597), red&, BF
  38.     LINE (110, 578)-(160, 597), red&, BF
  39.     LINE (163, 578)-(213, 597), red&, BF
  40.     LINE (216, 578)-(266, 597), red&, BF
  41.     LINE (269, 578)-(319, 597), red&, BF
  42.     LINE (322, 578)-(372, 597), red&, BF
  43.     LINE (375, 578)-(425, 597), red&, BF
  44.     LINE (428, 578)-(478, 597), red&, BF
  45.     LINE (481, 578)-(531, 597), red&, BF
  46.     LINE (534, 578)-(584, 597), red&, BF
  47.     LINE (587, 578)-(637, 597), red&, BF
  48.     LINE (640, 578)-(690, 597), red&, BF
  49.     LINE (693, 578)-(743, 597), red&, BF
  50.     LINE (746, 578)-(796, 597), red&, BF
  52.     'lighting row 1
  53.     LINE (4, 578)-(54, 578), white& 'first horizontal line
  54.     LINE (54, 578)-(54, 597), white& 'second vertical line
  55.     LINE (57, 578)-(107, 578), white&
  56.     LINE (107, 578)-(107, 597), white&
  57.     LINE (110, 578)-(160, 578), white&
  58.     LINE (160, 578)-(160, 597), white&
  59.     LINE (163, 578)-(213, 578), white&
  60.     LINE (213, 578)-(213, 597), white&
  61.     LINE (216, 578)-(266, 578), white&
  62.     LINE (266, 578)-(266, 597), white&
  63.     LINE (269, 578)-(319, 578), white&
  64.     LINE (319, 578)-(319, 597), white&
  65.     LINE (322, 578)-(372, 578), white&
  66.     LINE (372, 578)-(372, 597), white&
  67.     LINE (375, 578)-(425, 578), white&
  68.     LINE (425, 578)-(425, 597), white&
  69.     LINE (428, 578)-(478, 578), white&
  70.     LINE (478, 578)-(478, 597), white&
  71.     LINE (471, 578)-(531, 578), white&
  72.     LINE (531, 578)-(531, 597), white&
  73.     LINE (534, 578)-(584, 578), white&
  74.     LINE (584, 578)-(584, 597), white&
  75.     LINE (587, 578)-(637, 578), white&
  76.     LINE (637, 578)-(637, 597), white&
  77.     LINE (640, 578)-(690, 578), white&
  78.     LINE (690, 578)-(690, 597), white&
  79.     LINE (693, 578)-(743, 578), white&
  80.     LINE (743, 578)-(743, 597), white&
  81.     LINE (746, 578)-(796, 578), white&
  82.     LINE (796, 578)-(796, 597), white&
  86.     'shadow row 1
  87.     LINE (4, 578)-(4, 597), black& 'first vertical line
  88.     LINE (4, 597)-(54, 597), black& 'second horizontal line
  89.     LINE (57, 578)-(57, 597), black&
  90.     LINE (57, 597)-(107, 597), black&
  91.     LINE (110, 578)-(110, 597), black&
  92.     LINE (110, 597)-(160, 597), black&
  93.     LINE (163, 578)-(163, 597), black&
  94.     LINE (163, 597)-(213, 597), black&
  95.     LINE (216, 578)-(216, 597), black&
  96.     LINE (216, 597)-(266, 597), black&
  97.     LINE (269, 578)-(269, 597), black&
  98.     LINE (269, 597)-(319, 597), black&
  99.     LINE (322, 578)-(322, 597), black&
  100.     LINE (322, 597)-(372, 597), black&
  101.     LINE (375, 578)-(375, 597), black&
  102.     LINE (375, 597)-(425, 597), black&
  103.     LINE (428, 578)-(428, 597), black&
  104.     LINE (428, 597)-(478, 597), black&
  105.     LINE (481, 578)-(481, 597), black&
  106.     LINE (481, 597)-(531, 597), black&
  107.     LINE (534, 578)-(534, 597), black&
  108.     LINE (534, 597)-(584, 597), black&
  109.     LINE (587, 578)-(587, 597), black&
  110.     LINE (587, 597)-(637, 597), black&
  111.     LINE (640, 578)-(640, 597), black&
  112.     LINE (640, 597)-(690, 597), black&
  113.     LINE (693, 578)-(693, 597), black&
  114.     LINE (693, 597)-(743, 597), black&
  115.     LINE (746, 578)-(746, 597), black&
  116.     LINE (746, 597)-(796, 597), black&
  120.     'row 2
  121.     LINE (4, 555)-(28, 575), red&, BF
  122.     LINE (31, 555)-(81, 575), red&, BF
  123.     LINE (84, 555)-(134, 575), red&, BF
  124.     LINE (137, 555)-(187, 575), red&, BF
  125.     LINE (190, 555)-(240, 575), red&, BF
  126.     LINE (243, 555)-(293, 575), red&, BF
  127.     LINE (296, 555)-(346, 575), red&, BF
  128.     LINE (349, 555)-(399, 575), red&, BF
  129.     LINE (402, 555)-(452, 575), red&, BF
  130.     LINE (455, 555)-(505, 575), red&, BF
  131.     LINE (508, 555)-(558, 575), red&, BF
  132.     LINE (561, 555)-(611, 575), red&, BF
  133.     LINE (614, 555)-(664, 575), red&, BF
  134.     LINE (667, 555)-(717, 575), red&, BF
  135.     LINE (720, 555)-(770, 575), red&, BF
  136.     LINE (773, 555)-(796, 575), red&, BF
  138.     'lighting row 2
  139.     LINE (4, 555)-(28, 555), white&
  140.     LINE (28, 555)-(28, 575), white&
  141.     LINE (31, 555)-(81, 555), white&
  142.     LINE (81, 555)-(81, 575), white&
  143.     LINE (84, 555)-(134, 555), white&
  144.     LINE (134, 555)-(134, 575), white&
  145.     LINE (137, 555)-(187, 555), white&
  146.     LINE (187, 555)-(187, 575), white&
  147.     LINE (190, 555)-(240, 555), white&
  148.     LINE (240, 555)-(240, 575), white&
  149.     LINE (243, 555)-(293, 555), white&
  150.     LINE (293, 555)-(293, 575), white&
  151.     LINE (296, 555)-(346, 555), white&
  152.     LINE (346, 555)-(346, 575), white&
  153.     LINE (349, 555)-(399, 555), white&
  154.     LINE (399, 555)-(399, 575), white&
  155.     LINE (402, 555)-(452, 555), white&
  156.     LINE (452, 555)-(452, 575), white&
  157.     LINE (455, 555)-(505, 555), white&
  158.     LINE (505, 555)-(505, 575), white&
  159.     LINE (508, 555)-(558, 555), white&
  160.     LINE (558, 555)-(558, 575), white&
  161.     LINE (561, 555)-(611, 555), white&
  162.     LINE (611, 555)-(611, 575), white&
  163.     LINE (614, 555)-(664, 555), white&
  164.     LINE (664, 555)-(664, 575), white&
  165.     LINE (667, 555)-(717, 555), white&
  166.     LINE (717, 555)-(717, 575), white&
  167.     LINE (720, 555)-(770, 555), white&
  168.     LINE (770, 555)-(770, 575), white&
  169.     LINE (773, 555)-(796, 555), white&
  170.     LINE (796, 555)-(796, 575), white&
  172.     'shadow row 2
  173.     LINE (4, 555)-(4, 575), black&
  174.     LINE (4, 575)-(28, 575), black&
  175.     LINE (31, 555)-(31, 575), black&
  176.     LINE (31, 575)-(81, 575), black&
  177.     LINE (84, 555)-(84, 575), black&
  178.     LINE (84, 575)-(134, 575), black&
  179.     LINE (137, 555)-(137, 575), black&
  180.     LINE (137, 575)-(187, 575), black&
  181.     LINE (190, 555)-(190, 575), black&
  182.     LINE (190, 575)-(240, 575), black&
  183.     LINE (243, 555)-(243, 575), black&
  184.     LINE (243, 575)-(293, 575), black&
  185.     LINE (296, 555)-(296, 575), black&
  186.     LINE (296, 575)-(346, 575), black&
  187.     LINE (349, 555)-(349, 575), black&
  188.     LINE (349, 575)-(399, 575), black&
  189.     LINE (402, 555)-(402, 575), black&
  190.     LINE (402, 575)-(452, 575), black&
  191.     LINE (455, 555)-(455, 575), black&
  192.     LINE (455, 575)-(505, 575), black&
  193.     LINE (508, 555)-(508, 575), black&
  194.     LINE (508, 575)-(558, 575), black&
  195.     LINE (561, 555)-(561, 575), black&
  196.     LINE (561, 575)-(611, 575), black&
  197.     LINE (614, 555)-(614, 575), black&
  198.     LINE (614, 575)-(664, 575), black&
  199.     LINE (667, 555)-(667, 575), black&
  200.     LINE (667, 575)-(717, 575), black&
  201.     LINE (720, 555)-(720, 575), black&
  202.     LINE (720, 575)-(770, 575), black&
  203.     LINE (773, 555)-(773, 575), black&
  204.     LINE (773, 575)-(796, 575), black&
  209.     'row 3
  210.     LINE (4, 532)-(54, 552), red&, BF
  211.     LINE (57, 532)-(107, 552), red&, BF
  212.     LINE (110, 532)-(160, 552), red&, BF
  213.     LINE (163, 532)-(213, 552), red&, BF
  214.     LINE (216, 532)-(266, 552), red&, BF
  215.     LINE (269, 532)-(319, 552), red&, BF
  216.     LINE (322, 532)-(372, 552), red&, BF
  217.     LINE (375, 532)-(425, 552), red&, BF
  218.     LINE (428, 532)-(478, 552), red&, BF
  219.     LINE (481, 532)-(531, 552), red&, BF
  220.     LINE (534, 532)-(584, 552), red&, BF
  221.     LINE (587, 532)-(637, 552), red&, BF
  222.     LINE (640, 532)-(690, 552), red&, BF
  223.     LINE (693, 532)-(743, 552), red&, BF
  224.     LINE (746, 532)-(796, 552), red&, BF
  227.     'lighting row 3
  228.     LINE (4, 532)-(54, 532), white& 'first horizontal line
  229.     LINE (54, 532)-(54, 552), white& 'second vertical line
  230.     LINE (57, 532)-(107, 532), white&
  231.     LINE (107, 532)-(107, 552), white&
  232.     LINE (110, 532)-(160, 532), white&
  233.     LINE (160, 532)-(160, 552), white&
  234.     LINE (163, 532)-(213, 532), white&
  235.     LINE (213, 532)-(213, 552), white&
  236.     LINE (216, 532)-(266, 532), white&
  237.     LINE (266, 532)-(266, 552), white&
  238.     LINE (269, 532)-(319, 532), white&
  239.     LINE (319, 532)-(319, 552), white&
  240.     LINE (322, 532)-(372, 532), white&
  241.     LINE (372, 532)-(372, 552), white&
  242.     LINE (375, 532)-(425, 532), white&
  243.     LINE (425, 532)-(425, 552), white&
  244.     LINE (428, 532)-(478, 532), white&
  245.     LINE (478, 532)-(478, 552), white&
  246.     LINE (471, 532)-(531, 532), white&
  247.     LINE (531, 532)-(531, 552), white&
  248.     LINE (534, 532)-(584, 532), white&
  249.     LINE (584, 532)-(584, 552), white&
  250.     LINE (587, 532)-(637, 532), white&
  251.     LINE (637, 532)-(637, 552), white&
  252.     LINE (640, 532)-(690, 532), white&
  253.     LINE (690, 532)-(690, 552), white&
  254.     LINE (693, 532)-(743, 532), white&
  255.     LINE (743, 532)-(743, 552), white&
  256.     LINE (746, 532)-(796, 532), white&
  257.     LINE (796, 532)-(796, 552), white&
  260.     'shadow row 3
  261.     LINE (4, 532)-(4, 552), black& 'first vertical line
  262.     LINE (4, 552)-(54, 552), black& 'second horizontal line
  263.     LINE (57, 532)-(57, 552), black&
  264.     LINE (57, 552)-(107, 552), black&
  265.     LINE (110, 532)-(110, 552), black&
  266.     LINE (110, 552)-(160, 552), black&
  267.     LINE (163, 532)-(163, 552), black&
  268.     LINE (163, 552)-(213, 552), black&
  269.     LINE (216, 532)-(216, 552), black&
  270.     LINE (216, 552)-(266, 552), black&
  271.     LINE (269, 532)-(269, 552), black&
  272.     LINE (269, 552)-(319, 552), black&
  273.     LINE (322, 532)-(322, 552), black&
  274.     LINE (322, 552)-(372, 552), black&
  275.     LINE (375, 532)-(375, 552), black&
  276.     LINE (375, 552)-(425, 552), black&
  277.     LINE (428, 532)-(428, 552), black&
  278.     LINE (428, 552)-(478, 552), black&
  279.     LINE (481, 532)-(481, 552), black&
  280.     LINE (481, 552)-(531, 552), black&
  281.     LINE (534, 532)-(534, 552), black&
  282.     LINE (534, 552)-(584, 552), black&
  283.     LINE (587, 532)-(587, 552), black&
  284.     LINE (587, 552)-(637, 552), black&
  285.     LINE (640, 532)-(640, 552), black&
  286.     LINE (640, 552)-(690, 552), black&
  287.     LINE (693, 532)-(693, 552), black&
  288.     LINE (693, 552)-(743, 552), black&
  289.     LINE (746, 532)-(746, 552), black&
  290.     LINE (746, 552)-(796, 552), black&
  296.     'row 4
  297.     LINE (4, 509)-(28, 529), red&, BF
  298.     LINE (31, 509)-(81, 529), red&, BF
  299.     LINE (84, 509)-(134, 529), red&, BF
  300.     LINE (137, 509)-(187, 529), red&, BF
  301.     LINE (190, 509)-(240, 529), red&, BF
  302.     LINE (243, 509)-(293, 529), red&, BF
  303.     LINE (296, 509)-(346, 529), red&, BF
  304.     LINE (349, 509)-(399, 529), red&, BF
  305.     LINE (402, 509)-(452, 529), red&, BF
  306.     LINE (455, 509)-(505, 529), red&, BF
  307.     LINE (508, 509)-(558, 529), red&, BF
  308.     LINE (561, 509)-(611, 529), red&, BF
  309.     LINE (614, 509)-(664, 529), red&, BF
  310.     LINE (667, 509)-(717, 529), red&, BF
  311.     LINE (720, 509)-(770, 529), red&, BF
  312.     LINE (773, 509)-(796, 529), red&, BF
  315.     'lighting row 4
  316.     LINE (4, 509)-(28, 509), white&
  317.     LINE (28, 509)-(28, 529), white&
  318.     LINE (31, 509)-(81, 509), white&
  319.     LINE (81, 509)-(81, 529), white&
  320.     LINE (84, 509)-(134, 509), white&
  321.     LINE (134, 509)-(134, 529), white&
  322.     LINE (137, 509)-(187, 509), white&
  323.     LINE (187, 509)-(187, 529), white&
  324.     LINE (190, 509)-(240, 509), white&
  325.     LINE (240, 509)-(240, 529), white&
  326.     LINE (243, 509)-(293, 509), white&
  327.     LINE (293, 509)-(293, 529), white&
  328.     LINE (296, 509)-(346, 509), white&
  329.     LINE (346, 509)-(346, 529), white&
  330.     LINE (349, 509)-(399, 509), white&
  331.     LINE (399, 509)-(399, 529), white&
  332.     LINE (402, 509)-(452, 509), white&
  333.     LINE (452, 509)-(452, 529), white&
  334.     LINE (455, 509)-(505, 509), white&
  335.     LINE (505, 509)-(505, 529), white&
  336.     LINE (508, 509)-(558, 509), white&
  337.     LINE (558, 509)-(558, 529), white&
  338.     LINE (561, 509)-(611, 509), white&
  339.     LINE (611, 509)-(611, 529), white&
  340.     LINE (614, 509)-(664, 509), white&
  341.     LINE (664, 509)-(664, 529), white&
  342.     LINE (667, 509)-(717, 509), white&
  343.     LINE (717, 509)-(717, 529), white&
  344.     LINE (720, 509)-(770, 509), white&
  345.     LINE (770, 509)-(770, 529), white&
  346.     LINE (773, 509)-(796, 509), white&
  347.     LINE (796, 509)-(796, 529), white&
  349.     'shadow row 4
  350.     LINE (4, 509)-(4, 529), black&
  351.     LINE (4, 529)-(28, 529), black&
  352.     LINE (31, 509)-(31, 529), black&
  353.     LINE (31, 529)-(81, 529), black&
  354.     LINE (84, 509)-(84, 529), black&
  355.     LINE (84, 529)-(134, 529), black&
  356.     LINE (137, 509)-(137, 529), black&
  357.     LINE (137, 529)-(187, 529), black&
  358.     LINE (190, 509)-(190, 529), black&
  359.     LINE (190, 529)-(240, 529), black&
  360.     LINE (243, 509)-(243, 529), black&
  361.     LINE (243, 529)-(293, 529), black&
  362.     LINE (296, 509)-(296, 529), black&
  363.     LINE (296, 529)-(346, 529), black&
  364.     LINE (349, 509)-(349, 529), black&
  365.     LINE (349, 529)-(399, 529), black&
  366.     LINE (402, 509)-(402, 529), black&
  367.     LINE (402, 529)-(452, 529), black&
  368.     LINE (455, 509)-(455, 529), black&
  369.     LINE (455, 529)-(505, 529), black&
  370.     LINE (508, 509)-(508, 529), black&
  371.     LINE (508, 529)-(558, 529), black&
  372.     LINE (561, 509)-(561, 529), black&
  373.     LINE (561, 529)-(611, 529), black&
  374.     LINE (614, 509)-(614, 529), black&
  375.     LINE (614, 529)-(664, 529), black&
  376.     LINE (667, 509)-(667, 529), black&
  377.     LINE (667, 529)-(717, 529), black&
  378.     LINE (720, 509)-(720, 529), black&
  379.     LINE (720, 529)-(770, 529), black&
  380.     LINE (773, 509)-(773, 529), black&
  381.     LINE (773, 529)-(796, 529), black&
  384.     'row 5
  385.     LINE (4, 486)-(54, 506), red&, BF
  386.     LINE (57, 486)-(107, 506), red&, BF
  387.     LINE (110, 486)-(160, 506), red&, BF
  388.     LINE (163, 486)-(213, 506), red&, BF
  389.     LINE (216, 486)-(266, 506), red&, BF
  390.     LINE (269, 486)-(319, 506), red&, BF
  391.     LINE (322, 486)-(372, 506), red&, BF
  392.     LINE (375, 486)-(425, 506), red&, BF
  393.     LINE (428, 486)-(478, 506), red&, BF
  394.     LINE (481, 486)-(531, 506), red&, BF
  395.     LINE (534, 486)-(584, 506), red&, BF
  396.     LINE (587, 486)-(637, 506), red&, BF
  397.     LINE (640, 486)-(690, 506), red&, BF
  398.     LINE (693, 486)-(743, 506), red&, BF
  399.     LINE (746, 486)-(796, 506), red&, BF
  401.     'lighting row 5
  402.     LINE (4, 486)-(54, 486), white& 'first horizontal line
  403.     LINE (54, 486)-(54, 506), white& 'second vertical line
  404.     LINE (57, 486)-(107, 486), white&
  405.     LINE (107, 486)-(107, 506), white&
  406.     LINE (110, 486)-(160, 486), white&
  407.     LINE (160, 486)-(160, 506), white&
  408.     LINE (163, 486)-(213, 486), white&
  409.     LINE (213, 486)-(213, 506), white&
  410.     LINE (216, 486)-(266, 486), white&
  411.     LINE (266, 486)-(266, 506), white&
  412.     LINE (269, 486)-(319, 486), white&
  413.     LINE (319, 486)-(319, 506), white&
  414.     LINE (322, 486)-(372, 486), white&
  415.     LINE (372, 486)-(372, 506), white&
  416.     LINE (375, 486)-(425, 486), white&
  417.     LINE (425, 486)-(425, 506), white&
  418.     LINE (428, 486)-(478, 486), white&
  419.     LINE (478, 486)-(478, 506), white&
  420.     LINE (471, 486)-(531, 486), white&
  421.     LINE (531, 486)-(531, 506), white&
  422.     LINE (534, 486)-(584, 486), white&
  423.     LINE (584, 486)-(584, 506), white&
  424.     LINE (587, 486)-(637, 486), white&
  425.     LINE (637, 486)-(637, 506), white&
  426.     LINE (640, 486)-(690, 486), white&
  427.     LINE (690, 486)-(690, 506), white&
  428.     LINE (693, 486)-(743, 486), white&
  429.     LINE (743, 486)-(743, 506), white&
  430.     LINE (746, 486)-(796, 486), white&
  431.     LINE (796, 486)-(796, 506), white&
  434.     'shadow row 5
  435.     LINE (4, 486)-(4, 506), black& 'first vertical line
  436.     LINE (4, 506)-(54, 506), black& 'second horizontal line
  437.     LINE (57, 486)-(57, 506), black&
  438.     LINE (57, 506)-(107, 506), black&
  439.     LINE (110, 486)-(110, 506), black&
  440.     LINE (110, 506)-(160, 506), black&
  441.     LINE (163, 486)-(163, 506), black&
  442.     LINE (163, 506)-(213, 506), black&
  443.     LINE (216, 486)-(216, 506), black&
  444.     LINE (216, 506)-(266, 506), black&
  445.     LINE (269, 486)-(269, 506), black&
  446.     LINE (269, 506)-(319, 506), black&
  447.     LINE (322, 486)-(322, 506), black&
  448.     LINE (322, 506)-(372, 506), black&
  449.     LINE (375, 486)-(375, 506), black&
  450.     LINE (375, 506)-(425, 506), black&
  451.     LINE (428, 486)-(428, 506), black&
  452.     LINE (428, 506)-(478, 506), black&
  453.     LINE (481, 486)-(481, 506), black&
  454.     LINE (481, 506)-(531, 506), black&
  455.     LINE (534, 486)-(534, 506), black&
  456.     LINE (534, 506)-(584, 506), black&
  457.     LINE (587, 486)-(587, 506), black&
  458.     LINE (587, 506)-(637, 506), black&
  459.     LINE (640, 486)-(640, 506), black&
  460.     LINE (640, 506)-(690, 506), black&
  461.     LINE (693, 486)-(693, 506), black&
  462.     LINE (693, 506)-(743, 506), black&
  463.     LINE (746, 486)-(746, 506), black&
  464.     LINE (746, 506)-(796, 506), black&
  467.     'row 6
  468.     LINE (4, 463)-(28, 483), red&, BF
  469.     LINE (31, 463)-(81, 483), red&, BF
  470.     LINE (84, 463)-(134, 483), red&, BF
  471.     LINE (137, 463)-(187, 483), red&, BF
  472.     LINE (190, 463)-(240, 483), red&, BF
  473.     LINE (243, 463)-(293, 483), red&, BF
  474.     LINE (296, 463)-(346, 483), red&, BF
  475.     LINE (349, 463)-(399, 483), red&, BF
  476.     LINE (402, 463)-(452, 483), red&, BF
  477.     LINE (455, 463)-(505, 483), red&, BF
  478.     LINE (508, 463)-(558, 483), red&, BF
  479.     LINE (561, 463)-(611, 483), red&, BF
  480.     LINE (614, 463)-(664, 483), red&, BF
  481.     LINE (667, 463)-(717, 483), red&, BF
  482.     LINE (720, 463)-(770, 483), red&, BF
  483.     LINE (773, 463)-(796, 483), red&, BF
  486.     'lighting row 6
  487.     LINE (4, 463)-(28, 463), white&
  488.     LINE (28, 463)-(28, 483), white&
  489.     LINE (31, 463)-(81, 463), white&
  490.     LINE (81, 463)-(81, 483), white&
  491.     LINE (84, 463)-(134, 463), white&
  492.     LINE (134, 463)-(134, 483), white&
  493.     LINE (137, 463)-(187, 463), white&
  494.     LINE (187, 463)-(187, 483), white&
  495.     LINE (190, 463)-(240, 463), white&
  496.     LINE (240, 463)-(240, 483), white&
  497.     LINE (243, 463)-(293, 463), white&
  498.     LINE (293, 463)-(293, 483), white&
  499.     LINE (296, 463)-(346, 463), white&
  500.     LINE (346, 463)-(346, 483), white&
  501.     LINE (349, 463)-(399, 463), white&
  502.     LINE (399, 463)-(399, 483), white&
  503.     LINE (402, 463)-(452, 463), white&
  504.     LINE (452, 463)-(452, 483), white&
  505.     LINE (455, 463)-(505, 463), white&
  506.     LINE (505, 463)-(505, 483), white&
  507.     LINE (508, 463)-(558, 463), white&
  508.     LINE (558, 463)-(558, 483), white&
  509.     LINE (561, 463)-(611, 463), white&
  510.     LINE (611, 463)-(611, 483), white&
  511.     LINE (614, 463)-(664, 463), white&
  512.     LINE (664, 463)-(664, 483), white&
  513.     LINE (667, 463)-(717, 463), white&
  514.     LINE (717, 463)-(717, 483), white&
  515.     LINE (720, 463)-(770, 463), white&
  516.     LINE (770, 463)-(770, 483), white&
  517.     LINE (773, 463)-(796, 463), white&
  518.     LINE (796, 463)-(796, 483), white&
  520.     'shadow row 6
  521.     LINE (4, 463)-(4, 483), black&
  522.     LINE (4, 483)-(28, 483), black&
  523.     LINE (31, 463)-(31, 483), black&
  524.     LINE (31, 483)-(81, 483), black&
  525.     LINE (84, 463)-(84, 483), black&
  526.     LINE (84, 483)-(134, 483), black&
  527.     LINE (137, 463)-(137, 483), black&
  528.     LINE (137, 483)-(187, 483), black&
  529.     LINE (190, 463)-(190, 483), black&
  530.     LINE (190, 483)-(240, 483), black&
  531.     LINE (243, 463)-(243, 483), black&
  532.     LINE (243, 483)-(293, 483), black&
  533.     LINE (296, 463)-(296, 483), black&
  534.     LINE (296, 483)-(346, 483), black&
  535.     LINE (349, 463)-(349, 483), black&
  536.     LINE (349, 483)-(399, 483), black&
  537.     LINE (402, 463)-(402, 483), black&
  538.     LINE (402, 483)-(452, 483), black&
  539.     LINE (455, 463)-(455, 483), black&
  540.     LINE (455, 483)-(505, 483), black&
  541.     LINE (508, 463)-(508, 483), black&
  542.     LINE (508, 483)-(558, 483), black&
  543.     LINE (561, 463)-(561, 483), black&
  544.     LINE (561, 483)-(611, 483), black&
  545.     LINE (614, 463)-(614, 483), black&
  546.     LINE (614, 483)-(664, 483), black&
  547.     LINE (667, 463)-(667, 483), black&
  548.     LINE (667, 483)-(717, 483), black&
  549.     LINE (720, 463)-(720, 483), black&
  550.     LINE (720, 483)-(770, 483), black&
  551.     LINE (773, 463)-(773, 483), black&
  552.     LINE (773, 483)-(796, 483), black&
  558.     'row 7
  559.     LINE (4, 440)-(54, 460), red&, BF
  560.     LINE (57, 440)-(107, 460), red&, BF
  561.     LINE (110, 440)-(160, 460), red&, BF
  562.     LINE (163, 440)-(213, 460), red&, BF
  563.     LINE (216, 440)-(266, 460), red&, BF
  564.     LINE (269, 440)-(319, 460), red&, BF
  565.     LINE (322, 440)-(372, 460), red&, BF
  566.     LINE (375, 440)-(425, 460), red&, BF
  567.     LINE (428, 440)-(478, 460), red&, BF
  568.     LINE (481, 440)-(531, 460), red&, BF
  569.     LINE (534, 440)-(584, 460), red&, BF
  570.     LINE (587, 440)-(637, 460), red&, BF
  571.     LINE (640, 440)-(690, 460), red&, BF
  572.     LINE (693, 440)-(743, 460), red&, BF
  573.     LINE (746, 440)-(796, 460), red&, BF
  576.     'lighting row 7
  577.     LINE (4, 440)-(54, 440), white& 'first horizontal line
  578.     LINE (54, 440)-(54, 460), white& 'second vertical line
  579.     LINE (57, 440)-(107, 440), white&
  580.     LINE (107, 440)-(107, 460), white&
  581.     LINE (110, 440)-(160, 440), white&
  582.     LINE (160, 440)-(160, 460), white&
  583.     LINE (163, 440)-(213, 440), white&
  584.     LINE (213, 440)-(213, 460), white&
  585.     LINE (216, 440)-(266, 440), white&
  586.     LINE (266, 440)-(266, 460), white&
  587.     LINE (269, 440)-(319, 440), white&
  588.     LINE (319, 440)-(319, 460), white&
  589.     LINE (322, 440)-(372, 440), white&
  590.     LINE (372, 440)-(372, 460), white&
  591.     LINE (375, 440)-(425, 440), white&
  592.     LINE (425, 440)-(425, 460), white&
  593.     LINE (428, 440)-(478, 440), white&
  594.     LINE (478, 440)-(478, 460), white&
  595.     LINE (471, 440)-(531, 440), white&
  596.     LINE (531, 440)-(531, 460), white&
  597.     LINE (534, 440)-(584, 440), white&
  598.     LINE (584, 440)-(584, 460), white&
  599.     LINE (587, 440)-(637, 440), white&
  600.     LINE (637, 440)-(637, 460), white&
  601.     LINE (640, 440)-(690, 440), white&
  602.     LINE (690, 440)-(690, 460), white&
  603.     LINE (693, 440)-(743, 440), white&
  604.     LINE (743, 440)-(743, 460), white&
  605.     LINE (746, 440)-(796, 440), white&
  606.     LINE (796, 440)-(796, 460), white&
  609.     'shadow row 7
  610.     LINE (4, 440)-(4, 460), black& 'first vertical line
  611.     LINE (4, 460)-(54, 460), black& 'second horizontal line
  612.     LINE (57, 440)-(57, 460), black&
  613.     LINE (57, 460)-(107, 460), black&
  614.     LINE (110, 440)-(110, 460), black&
  615.     LINE (110, 460)-(160, 460), black&
  616.     LINE (163, 440)-(163, 460), black&
  617.     LINE (163, 460)-(213, 460), black&
  618.     LINE (216, 440)-(216, 460), black&
  619.     LINE (216, 460)-(266, 460), black&
  620.     LINE (269, 440)-(269, 460), black&
  621.     LINE (269, 460)-(319, 460), black&
  622.     LINE (322, 440)-(322, 460), black&
  623.     LINE (322, 460)-(372, 460), black&
  624.     LINE (375, 440)-(375, 460), black&
  625.     LINE (375, 460)-(425, 460), black&
  626.     LINE (428, 440)-(428, 460), black&
  627.     LINE (428, 460)-(478, 460), black&
  628.     LINE (481, 440)-(481, 460), black&
  629.     LINE (481, 460)-(531, 460), black&
  630.     LINE (534, 440)-(534, 460), black&
  631.     LINE (534, 460)-(584, 460), black&
  632.     LINE (587, 440)-(587, 460), black&
  633.     LINE (587, 460)-(637, 460), black&
  634.     LINE (640, 440)-(640, 460), black&
  635.     LINE (640, 460)-(690, 460), black&
  636.     LINE (693, 440)-(693, 460), black&
  637.     LINE (693, 460)-(743, 460), black&
  638.     LINE (746, 440)-(746, 460), black&
  639.     LINE (746, 460)-(796, 460), black&
  643.     'row 8

I want to know if there is a simpler way to do this. like maybe create one and put at code that copies and pastes it.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Code/compiling
« on: March 23, 2019, 07:04:05 pm »
Short answer: no.

Lil longer answer: All QB64 programs are first translated from BASIC to C++, then they are compiled to a binary which is then run. That's why you can't do it as in the old days, when QuickBASIC was also an interpreter.

okay thanks. thats sad news >.> just gonna have to keep running and checking program as i code then lol

QB64 Discussion / Code/compiling
« on: March 23, 2019, 06:47:27 pm »
Is there any way to run the code as i am coding? I want to be able to see my drawing of backgrounds or things show in real time as im coding. I know i can run a detached program which will let me still code but it wont update the program while i code.

QB64 Discussion / Re: Practicing Coding Game
« on: March 21, 2019, 05:34:48 pm »
thanks lol. if i want to be able to do my own games i want to be able to do them from scratch not just getting pictures and working with them. ill dissect this code for a bit if i come up with any questions ill post it up again :)

QB64 Discussion / Re: Practicing Coding Game
« on: March 21, 2019, 12:18:00 pm »
Hmm that code confuses me. I'm still not at that level.
Want something more along the lines of
SUB makerocks
And the do a bunch of lines to make an outline of a rock. But my problem is how do I go about making angles and the faces different colors. For example u know how rocks have shades on different sides. And they are different shapes. I know about line BF which will fill the box in but how do I go about making a parrellelogram where the box is at an angle and it's filled with a different shade??
This is what has me confused since I don't want to just use boxes as rocks.

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