Programs / Re: Treasure from the past (DOS World)
« on: April 19, 2019, 12:35:44 pm »
Thanks !
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What would Pythagoras think of computers and programming? He would love QB64!
Hi qb4ever
this is my first impression!
Polite graphic, simple and funny.
Yes I can confirm as negative feedback the experience of Prithak
No use of Up arrow key in menu, it works only key down arrow.
Good graphics. Well done, qb4ever!
Can you also add english to the game language?
Alright, here are some things that I would like you to improve in this game:
You can't press the upper arrow key? Like come on! I don't know if it is because of the fault in your code but PLEASE FIX IT!
And the transition is REALLY REALLY LONG!!!
Those are my only complaints! But still, really nice game I would say! Keep working on it!
A slightly tweaked version which spawns balls at an ever increasing rate as you play, and in which the player shooter is a little more responsive to movements.
Great mix between space invaders and breakout.
Very nice idea !
Have a nice day.
Oh, you mean like this?Code: QB64: [Select]
DEFINT I REM Adds aliens. REM Adds Mouse support. REM Adds alien motion. REM Adds 3 progressive levels. REM Adds Aliens shoot back. REM Adds sub-routines. REM Adds counter. REM Adds mothership. TYPE RegType imaxalienforce = 6 imaxalienmissiles = 3 lmargin% = 2 rmargin% = 79 topmargin% = 3 ialiencolstat = 6 iwin = 3 screenwidth% = rmargin% - lmargin% + 1 ibk = 1 REM Make aliens a$ = a1$ + a1$ + a1$ + a1$ + a1$ + a1$ + a1$ + a1$ + a1$ + a1$ CALL qbide CALL instructions alienforce% = imaxalienforce level = .65 iround = iround + 1 level = level - iround / 15 inextrnd = -1 REM Set up aliens ialiencol = ialiencolstat LOCATE , ialiencol a(i) = a$ REM Station z1 = TIMER z1aliens = TIMER GOSUB redraw icolor = 7: reload = 0 REM Fire imothership = 0 LOCATE tanky%, tankx% bullet%(i) = bullet%(i) - 1 GOSUB erasebullet NEXT i2 iwait = 1 SLEEP 2 inextrnd = -1 LOCATE tanky%, lmargin% SLEEP 2 CALL qbide CALL instructions erasebullet: bullet%(i) = 0: bulletcol%(i) = 0: bulletdelay%(i) = 0 LOCATE tanky%, tankx% redraw: DATA "Well, I better get busy and finish the compiler..." DATA "Or... I'll just do some more work on this IDE, instead..." DATA "" DATA " Loading..." DATA "EOF" DATA "Game Over. Thanks for playing..." DATA "" DATA "Now finish the compiler!" DATA "EOF2" z2alienfire = TIMER NEXT i2 ia(i) = (ileadingmax - (imaxalienforce - i2) * 2) * 80 + i4 NEXT i ia(i) = 0 ia(i) = 0 LOCATE irow, icol iy(i) = iy(i) + 1 LOCATE irow, icol ihitaliens = 0 i4 = imaxalienforce - (ileadingmax - bullet%(i)) \ 2 ihitaliens = bulletcol%(i) - ialiencol + 1 ihitaliens = -i2 SUB instructions ''in$ = "EOF" SLEEP 2 READ in$ z = TIMER SLEEP 1 SLEEP 1 PRINT "0"; LOCATE yy%, xx% ileadingrow = ileadingrow + 1 ileadingmax = ileadingmax + 1 ialiencol = ialiencolstat + imotion LOCATE irow, icol level = level - .025 DEFSNG I STATIC MOUSEACT% REM INITIATE MOUSE MOUSEACT% = 1 Registers.AX = 4: Registers.DX = 184: Registers.CX = 304 Registers.AX = 8: Registers.DX = 184: Registers.CX = 184 GOSUB CALLI DX = Registers.DX CX = Registers.CX y% = DX \ 8 + 1: x% = CX \ 8 + 1 REM MOUSE BUTTONS CALLI: DEFINT I i2 = i2 + 2 ialiencol = ialiencolstat + imotion imarch = 0 imothership = 1 x% = lmargin% mov% = 1 ''IF ABS(TIMER - z2) > .2 THEN GOSUB bullets: z2 = TIMER LOCATE yy%, xx% mothership: x% = x% + mov% LOCATE topmargin%, x% PRINT mothership$; SUB qbide NEXT Rows PRINT " Immediate " NEXT Rows ihits = ihits + 1 alienforce% = alienforce% - 1 ia(i2) = 0 LOCATE irow, icol ihitaliens = 0 bullet%(i) = -bullet%(i) LOCATE yy%, xx%
Edit: Hey, I found the mother ship version! Mouse to move, left click to shoot.
Hi guys
I must remark that the game is also into folder of TheBob at path \programs\samples\thebob\Kong
but the translation is here above posted by me :-)
until QB64 will not become compatible with Call Absolute with INT calls in hexs
yes I think to be italian until the lega'll not build the wall along the Rubicone... :-)
I was born and I live in Nocera Inferiore (Salerno)
this is my location on Google map
and you?
Sai per me la programmazione è affascinante e divertente. Forse perchè non la vivo come lavoro, infatti sono hobbista.