Author Topic: AD&D Treasure of Tarmin demo-ish test code.  (Read 3899 times)

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Offline Cobalt

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AD&D Treasure of Tarmin demo-ish test code.
« on: September 06, 2018, 10:13:04 pm »
Here is something I was working on late last year, had to step away from it for a while. Just thought I'd take a look at it cause I need to step back from my Warcraft clone.

Its playable for one map, keys are as follows:
arrow keys move forward and turn left\right(down arrow unused)
1 pickup\drop item at your feet
2 swap hands left\right
3 rotate pack clockwise(pack can hold 6 items) [space allows for counter-clockwise rotation]
4 Open doors\ open containers at your feet. Door takes priority[I think]. (containers are currently empty)
5 use item\ equip armor
6 Swap right hand with pack(item in 3 o'clock gets put in right hand)
7 normally would attack, no monsters on maps yet so this is unused.
8 Rest, regain war\spiritual strengths
9 when a ladder is at your feet you descend to the next labyrinth level(no ladders yet)
ESC quits

I think I became stuck on how to set up the item\weapon\monster tables so that the weaker things are found on the first levels and then gets stronger as you descend. Couldn't figure out how to set it up properly. If anybody has anything on that I would appreciate the help. Thought about trying to contact the original programmer and ask him(Tom Loughry). Thats why there are no monsters and the containers are empty when you open them. they also disappear when picked up this should not happen, you can carry containers before you open them, will have to look into that. But its playable, the door opening sound will get old quick as its the only sound in there yet. probably wouldn't be that bad if there was a bit of variety(monsters\walking\random SFX) or some BG music.

Give it a try, tell me what you think.
* ADDTOT.rar (Filesize: 68.18 KB, Downloads: 325)
Granted after becoming radioactive I only have a half-life!