Author Topic: My new Linux multi language install scrip for QB64 2.0.2 and Inform 1.3 together  (Read 8098 times)

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Offline Fifi

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Hello everyone,

I updated my multi-language bash install script (rev #35 English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Portuguese) now located on my own server.

It installs (and uninstalls) both QB64 v 2.0.2 (which includes vWatch) and InForm v 1.3 together with a few mouse clicks.

This installation also allows to use the QB64 compiler from any terminal session like any other standard compiler (i.e. gcc, g++, etc) without having to be launched from the directory where QB64 is installed by the following simple command line:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. qb64 -x /source-directory/source-file.bas -o /destination-directory/executable-file

Same for InForm.

As an option, you can have icons placed directly on your desktop without having to go through the programming menu to launch QB64 or InForm and to directly access the QB64 directory.

In addition to the many supported Linux distributions, special thanks to doppler it is supposed to work for Raspbian on Pi as well.

The new location is at: (or

Thank you in advance for your feedback and your suggestions to improve it further.

It's better to look like an idiot for a short time while asking something obvious to an expert than pretending to be smart all your life. (C) Me.

Offline George McGinn

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@Fifi - I tried to run your script and I am getting "unable to resolve host address ''"

Says that the name or service is unknown.

EDIT: When I substitute the IP address, I get a not secure connection error. 

Question - why are you downloading a version of QB64 from your website?


George McGinn
Theoretical/Applied Computer Scientist
Member: IEEE, IEEE Computer Society
Technical Council on Software Engineering
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American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Offline Fifi

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Hello George.

Thnak you for your message.

@Fifi - I tried to run your script and I am getting "unable to resolve host address ''"

Says that the name or service is unknown.

EDIT: When I substitute the IP address, I get a not secure connection error. 

This script is hosted on a server at home and I don't have an SSL certificate. That's why you can access it via http and not https.
BTW, is supposed to handle the name resolution. So, I'll check again.

@Fifi Question - why are you downloading a version of QB64 from your website?


I've a copy of both the last QB64 and InForm versions on my own server since, months (or years) ago both these two products used to have fixed places for their last_stable releases. naturally and simply named "stable" when the development releases were named "last".

But now, on github their hosting places and names change for each new release and my script can't guess where they are and how they are named.

Further, I use a better compression ratio (.tar.bz2 vs .tar.gz).

Hope this answers your questions.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2022, 09:28:53 pm by Fifi »
It's better to look like an idiot for a short time while asking something obvious to an expert than pretending to be smart all your life. (C) Me.