I first had this idea back in February 2003,
and it went on to the backburner with the 10,000 other "bright ideas"
to be toyed with or maybe finished or forgotten.
Well, thanks in no small part to QB64, it has finally been realized.
Only took 19 years!
You kids - let that be a lesson to you - sometimes perseverance pays off!!
All you need to run this is the one "footrace3-00.bas" file, the rest of the attachments are just screen shots.
I'm sure this could be done better, I am not what you would call a talented programmer.
Also I am not really a gamer and am not too up on things, so maybe this concept has been done.
I just wanted to make something that would be fun for the family on a rainy day,
that can be tinkered with, without having to be a rocket scientist.
I still want to build some crazy game controllers to make for a unique user experience.
That could be part of the experience - each player brings their own customized contraption to control their player.
Anyway I hope someone gets a laugh out of this.
I haven't tested it beyond my own PC, keyboard, mouse, and a couple of different game controllers, but it seems to work.
Let me know how it goes.