Author Topic: How Many Recursive Calls Can Your System Take?  (Read 6370 times)

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Offline bplus

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How Many Recursive Calls Can Your System Take?
« on: November 02, 2021, 12:01:23 pm »
Find out here!

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _Title "About How Many Recursive Calls Can Your Systen Take?" ' b+ 2021-11-02
  2. Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
  3. Dim Shared recurrance
  4. Print "Pausing a second at every 1000."
  5. Line (150, 100)-Step(501, 401), &HFFFFFF00, B
  6. Fill 151, 101, &HFFFFFF00
  8. Sub Fill (x, y, kolor As _Unsigned Long)
  9.     recurrance = recurrance + 1
  10.     Locate 3, 1: Print Space$(10)
  11.     Locate 3, 1: Print recurrance
  12.     If recurrance Mod 1000 = 0 Then _Delay 1 Else _Delay .01
  13.     If Point(x, y) <> kolor Then PSet (x, y), kolor
  14.     If Point(x + 1, y) <> kolor Then Fill x + 1, y, kolor
  15.     If Point(x - 1, y) <> kolor Then Fill x - 1, y, kolor
  16.     If Point(x, y + 1) <> kolor Then Fill x, y + 1, kolor
  17.     If Point(x, y - 1) <> kolor Then Fill x, y - 1, kolor

Mine died at 1810.

No that was 18010 I think 2md time was 18009.

Offline George McGinn

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Re: How Many Recursive Calls Can Your System Take?
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2021, 12:28:26 pm »
I ran this code on both my DELL Optiplex 990 running Ubuntu Linux and on my MACBook Pro 14.1 (2019 version) running OSX BigSur, and this is what I get:

MAC OSX - 2965 (That was close to the last number I saw before the console closed and the OSX Problem Report displayed0
LINUX -  >86,000 (When I got the error on my MAC, i looked at my Linux and it was in the 86,000 mark. As soon as I looked back from my MAC to the Linux, it had terminated).

@bplus - Were you running it on Windows? That would explain why Linux allows a greater number of recursion calls.

If not, I can provide you with my hardware specs, if you think that has anything to do with it.
George McGinn
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Re: How Many Recursive Calls Can Your System Take?
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2021, 12:30:06 pm »
Ok this works better, it documents the last recursive call count before dying!
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _Title "About How Many Recursive Calls Can Your Systen Take?" ' b+ 2021-11-02
  2. Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
  3. Dim Shared recurrance
  4. Print "Pausing a second at every 1000."
  5. Line (150, 100)-Step(501, 401), &HFFFFFF00, B
  6. Fill 151, 101, &HFFFFFF00
  8. Sub Fill (x, y, kolor As _Unsigned Long)
  9.     recurrance = recurrance + 1
  10.     Open "Recursive Count.txt" For Output As #1
  11.     Print #1, recurrance
  12.     Close #1
  13.     Locate 3, 1: Print Space$(10)
  14.     Locate 3, 1: Print recurrance
  15.     If recurrance Mod 1000 = 0 Then _Delay 1
  16.     If Point(x, y) <> kolor Then PSet (x, y), kolor
  17.     If Point(x + 1, y) <> kolor Then Fill x + 1, y, kolor
  18.     If Point(x - 1, y) <> kolor Then Fill x - 1, y, kolor
  19.     If Point(x, y + 1) <> kolor Then Fill x, y + 1, kolor
  20.     If Point(x, y - 1) <> kolor Then Fill x, y - 1, kolor

So now I know the number is over 10,800. I had set a beep at 17,500 to wake me but never heard it. So might have misread first numbers.

BTW delays from the start seem to help the code stay in play instead of a quick death. So there might be a racing issue involved here too!

@George McGinn  yes Windows 10, 5 year old laptop.

Offline Dav

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Re: How Many Recursive Calls Can Your System Take?
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2021, 12:31:23 pm »
Mine stopped right after the 16,000 mark.  Couldn't see the exact number because the screen whitened out.  I'm running Win7 32bit.

Edit:  I get 16,275.

- Dav

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Re: How Many Recursive Calls Can Your System Take?
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2021, 12:36:13 pm »
With 2nd code I am getting 10,824, 3 times in row.

Offline George McGinn

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Re: How Many Recursive Calls Can Your System Take?
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2021, 12:41:01 pm »
I wasn't sure about the 80,000 plus number, so I ran it again, this time writing the recurrance value to a file.

I get 65,478 on my Linux machine (I ran the test 3 times and got the same number).

I ran the same test on my MAC 3 times, and I get 3,262.

I feared I mis-read the number, as it was flying by so fast on the display.
George McGinn
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Offline bplus

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Re: How Many Recursive Calls Can Your System Take?
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2021, 12:56:30 pm »
Checking for racing conditions I made some mods adding more delays for screen to set and a tiny delay back in at each print of count (along with printing count to file).

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _Title "About How Many Recursive Calls Can Your Systen Take?" ' b+ 2021-11-02
  2. Screen _NewImage(800, 600, 32)
  3. _Delay .25
  5. Dim Shared recurrance
  6. Print "Pausing a second at every 1000."
  7. Line (150, 100)-Step(501, 401), &HFFFFFF00, B
  8. Fill 151, 101, &HFFFFFF00
  10. Sub Fill (x, y, kolor As _Unsigned Long)
  11.     recurrance = recurrance + 1
  12.     Open "About How Many Recursive Count.txt" For Output As #1
  13.     Print #1, recurrance
  14.     Close #1
  15.     Locate 3, 1: Print Space$(10)
  16.     Locate 3, 1: Print recurrance
  17.     If recurrance Mod 1000 = 0 Then _Delay 1 Else _Delay .001
  18.     If Point(x, y) <> kolor Then PSet (x, y), kolor
  19.     If Point(x + 1, y) <> kolor Then Fill x + 1, y, kolor
  20.     If Point(x - 1, y) <> kolor Then Fill x - 1, y, kolor
  21.     If Point(x, y + 1) <> kolor Then Fill x, y + 1, kolor
  22.     If Point(x, y - 1) <> kolor Then Fill x, y - 1, kolor

Also I turned off Browser to save resources (but still had on File Explorer to run program and Notepad++ to read count file. I am getting a very consistent 10824 in .txt file (changed name too so that it sits right under the .bas and .exe for finding quickly in file explorer.

Offline bplus

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Re: How Many Recursive Calls Can Your System Take?
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2021, 02:26:41 pm »
Hmm... I guess it depends on the code that you use a recursive sub in. In QSort I call it 8,902,654 times and the program doesn't die:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _Title "Recursive Vrs NonRecursive #2 test with Quicksort" 'b+ 2021-11-01
  2. '2021-11-01 #2 test try a recursive sub wo parameters
  4. ReDim Shared As _Unsigned _Integer64 ArrayHigh, StackPt
  5. ArrayHigh = 10000000
  6. ReDim Shared n(1 To ArrayHigh), m(1 To ArrayHigh), o(1 To ArrayHigh)
  7. ReDim Shared Stack(0 To ArrayHigh \ 8)
  8. Dim Shared recurrence
  10. For i = 1 To ArrayHigh
  11.     n(i) = i
  12. For i = ArrayHigh To 2 Step -1 ' Fisher Yates Shuffle
  13.     Swap n(i), n(Int(Rnd * i) + 1)
  14.     m(i) = n(i) ' copy m off n
  15.     o(i) = n(i)
  16. m(1) = n(1)
  17. o(1) = n(1)
  18. Print "Test arrays ready. Testing Recursive QuickSort first."
  20. T# = Timer(.001)
  21. QuickSort 1, ArrayHigh
  22. QuickSortT# = Timer(.001) - T#
  23. For i = 1 To ArrayHigh
  24.     If n(i) <> i Then Beep: Print "Error in QuickSort array n."
  25. Print "QuickSort checked, QuickSort time was"; QuickSortT#
  27. T# = Timer(.001)
  28. Quicksort_QB64
  29. QuicksortQB64T# = Timer(.001) - T#
  30. For i = 1 To ArrayHigh
  31.     If m(i) <> i Then Beep: Print "Error in Quicksort__QB64 array m."
  32. Print "Quicksort_QB64 checked, Quicksort_QB64 time was"; QuicksortQB64T#
  34. T# = Timer(.001)
  35. StackPt = StackPt + 1
  36. Stack(StackPt) = 1
  37. StackPt = StackPt + 1
  38. Stack(StackPt) = ArrayHigh
  39. QSort
  40. QSortT# = Timer(.001) - T#
  41. For i = 1 To ArrayHigh
  42.     If o(i) <> i Then Beep: Print "Error in QSort array o."
  43. Print "QSort checked, QSort time was"; QSortT#
  44. Print "Number of calls to QSort"; recurrence
  46. ' recursive
  47. Sub QuickSort (start As _Unsigned _Integer64, finish As _Unsigned _Integer64)
  48.     Lo = start: Hi = finish
  49.     Middle = n((Lo + Hi) \ 2)
  50.     Do
  51.         Do While n(Lo) < Middle: Lo = Lo + 1: Loop
  52.         Do While n(Hi) > Middle: Hi = Hi - 1: Loop
  53.         If Lo <= Hi Then
  54.             Swap n(Lo), n(Hi)
  55.             Lo = Lo + 1: Hi = Hi - 1
  56.         End If
  57.     Loop Until Lo > Hi
  58.     If Hi > start Then QuickSort start, Hi
  59.     If Lo < finish Then QuickSort Lo, finish
  61. ' non recursive
  62. ' ref:
  63. Sub Quicksort_QB64
  64.     Left = LBound(m)
  65.     Right = UBound(m)
  66.     LeftMargin = Left
  67.     ReDim Stack&&(Left To Right)
  68.     StackPtr = 0
  69.     StackPtr = StackPtr + 1
  70.     Stack&&(StackPtr + LeftMargin) = Left
  71.     StackPtr = StackPtr + 1
  72.     Stack&&(StackPtr + LeftMargin) = Right
  73.     Do 'Until StackPtr = 0
  74.         Right = Stack&&(StackPtr + LeftMargin)
  75.         StackPtr = StackPtr - 1
  76.         Left = Stack&&(StackPtr + LeftMargin)
  77.         StackPtr = StackPtr - 1
  78.         Do 'Until Left >= Right
  79.             Pivot~&& = m((Left + Right) \ 2)
  80.             Indx = Left
  81.             Jndx = Right
  82.             Do
  83.                 Do While (m(Indx) < Pivot~&&)
  84.                     Indx = Indx + 1
  85.                 Loop
  86.                 Do While (m(Jndx) > Pivot~&&)
  87.                     Jndx = Jndx - 1
  88.                 Loop
  89.                 If Indx <= Jndx Then
  90.                     If Indx < Jndx Then Swap m(Indx), m(Jndx)
  91.                     Indx = Indx + 1
  92.                     Jndx = Jndx - 1
  93.                 End If
  94.             Loop While Indx <= Jndx
  95.             If Indx < Right Then
  96.                 StackPtr = StackPtr + 1
  97.                 Stack&&(StackPtr + LeftMargin) = Indx
  98.                 StackPtr = StackPtr + 1
  99.                 Stack&&(StackPtr + LeftMargin) = Right
  100.             End If
  101.             Right = Jndx
  102.         Loop Until Left >= Right
  103.     Loop Until StackPtr = 0
  105. ' recursive No Parameters!!!
  106. Sub QSort
  107.     recurrence = recurrence + 1
  108.     If StackPt > 0 Then 'else done!
  109.         finish = Stack(StackPt) 'pull off last 2 arguments
  110.         StackPt = StackPt - 1
  111.         start = Stack(StackPt)
  112.         StackPt = StackPt - 1
  114.         Lo = start: Hi = finish
  115.         Middle = o((Lo + Hi) \ 2)
  116.         Do
  117.             Do While o(Lo) < Middle: Lo = Lo + 1: Loop
  118.             Do While o(Hi) > Middle: Hi = Hi - 1: Loop
  119.             If Lo <= Hi Then
  120.                 Swap o(Lo), o(Hi)
  121.                 Lo = Lo + 1: Hi = Hi - 1
  122.             End If
  123.         Loop Until Lo > Hi
  125.         If Hi > start Then
  126.             StackPt = StackPt + 1
  127.             Stack(StackPt) = start
  128.             StackPt = StackPt + 1
  129.             Stack(StackPt) = Hi
  130.             QSort
  131.         End If
  132.         If Lo < finish Then
  133.             StackPt = StackPt + 1
  134.             Stack(StackPt) = Lo
  135.             StackPt = StackPt + 1
  136.             Stack(StackPt) = finish
  137.             QSort
  138.         End If
  139.     End If

Offline George McGinn

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Re: How Many Recursive Calls Can Your System Take?
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2021, 02:30:32 pm »
@bplus I too ran your new code with everything shut down, except for terminal and htop on my Linux.

I get the same 65,478 number.

I also noticed just now you are running a 32-bit machine, where both of mine are 64-bit machines.

When I ran it from my Linux terminal, I get a message "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" error message, which does not show up when running from the IDE. I checked the run on my MAC OSX, and it gets a similar error message.

This is a memory error - more specifically, the program is trying to access memory that doesn't belong to it. I have 32GB of RAM on my Linux Optiplex computer, where my MACBook Pro only has 8GB of RAM. What is the RAM on your PC?

However, it seems that this memory is also affected by the OS/Kernel running, and yes, other processes. Unless you are actively running memory intensive processes, stopping applications will not have an effect on your results. What usually happens is that most all processes are swapped out when an active program is running, freeing up memory. Also, having SWAP memory available will effect your results. In Linux, I have vm.swappiness set to 60, which means it will grab memory from the SWAP file before RAM is exhausted.

Now having said that, on my Linux system, your program maxes out two of my four-core CPU's. Running a monitoring program, it seems that I get this error when one of my CPU's hits 103% utilization. However, my RAM usage never exceeds 5%. I also verified this using the htop utility as well. So while I get a Segmentation Fault error, I am wondering if this is also displayed when I exceed my CPU utilization? It should only be based on the amount of memory available to the program, or the memory the OS/Kernel allocates to it.

George McGinn
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Re: How Many Recursive Calls Can Your System Take?
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2021, 02:46:11 pm »
Hey @George McGinn actually I'm on a 64 bit system and processor also 8 GB Ram.

I am starting to suspect the problem is not number calls to recursive routine but the actual routine. Fill is using 4 parameters. I just tested the other call to recursive QuickSort that took 2 parameters. No difference compared to one using no parameters the time is longer because I used a pseudo stack instead of internal for the parameters.

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: How Many Recursive Calls Can Your System Take?
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2021, 03:18:33 pm »
@bplus remember: It's not calls the routine makes to itself; it's calls that are made before completion.

SUB foo (x)
   IF x > 0 THEN foo (x -1)

Now, if we pass foo 10, we'll recurse 10 layers deep and then back back out of them, with no issue.

FOR i = 1 to 10
   foo (10)

A static counter, as you're using would give a value of 100 iwith the FOR loop, but we never went more than 10 layers deep.

I'd think a decent stack counter might be something more like:

   count = count + 1
   PRINT count
   foo (count)

SUB foo (x)
   IF x > 0 THEN foo (x -1)

Go in, one layer at a time, back out, and repeat to see how deep you go before dying. — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline George McGinn

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Re: How Many Recursive Calls Can Your System Take?
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2021, 03:37:34 pm »
@bplus - You said you were running a 32-bit Windows OS, which manages memory as if it were running on a 32-bit system. This is why you can't install a 64-bit system on a 32-bit machine, but you can install 32-bit software on a 64-bit PC. You will only get addressing out to 32 bits.

@SMcNeill - By calling and backing out of a recursive call, don't you free up memory in the stack? If you back out of a recursive call, you should be able to execute them forever, no? If you call a routine and back out of it, it would not be recursive? I thought that is what you said in the beginning of your post, but I'm confused why we would see how deep you go before dying. It shouldn't die.

I still think this is a memory issue, and the combo of the program running, the OS/Kernel, and hardware configuration that will dictate what and how many calls you can do by continually calling a recursive routine without backing out of any of the calls. This is why bplus' program shows a huge discrepancy between my Linux and MAC OSX systems running the same exact code from the same version of the QB64 IDE.
George McGinn
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Re: How Many Recursive Calls Can Your System Take?
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2021, 03:58:20 pm »
@bplus - You said you were running a 32-bit Windows OS, which manages memory as if it were running on a 32-bit system. This is why you can't install a 64-bit system on a 32-bit machine, but you can install 32-bit software on a 64-bit PC. You will only get addressing out to 32 bits.

@George McGinn
I don't know where you got this idea, I just told you in this thread I am on 64 bit system.
You must have me confused with someone else.

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: How Many Recursive Calls Can Your System Take?
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2021, 03:59:07 pm »

@SMcNeill - By calling and backing out of a recursive call, don't you free up memory in the stack? If you back out of a recursive call, you should be able to execute them forever, no? If you call a routine and back out of it, it would not be recursive? I thought that is what you said in the beginning of your post, but I'm confused why we would see how deep you go before dying. It shouldn't die.

If a routine calls itself, it's recursive. 

And you're right, backing out frees the resources on the stack, so as long as you backout before running out of stack space, your program can run forever.

As for "it shouldn't die", that type of thinking is wrong.  It *HAS* to die at some point.  Your program has to keep track of a return address every time you call a function.  Think about it for a moment.

PRINT "Hello World"
CALL foo
PRINT "Second Hello."

SUB foo
  PRINT "I'm in a sub..."

With the above, program flow goes from CLS to PRINT to SUB foo to PRINT and then back to where we called foo...  That end sub stores a return address in memory so we can return back to the next line after calling it.

Now, if we had a sub like this:

SUB foo
   CALL foo

We'd end up going deeper and deeper, and never reaching a return point.  We'd store an extra return address over and over and over,using ever more memory.

Without a limit on stack space, we'd eventually eat up ALL the memory on our PC until it became so unstable everything crashed...

And this, manufactures give us a limited amount of stack space so the worstwe can do is crash a single misbehaving program and not the whole PC. — A github collection of all things Steve!

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Re: How Many Recursive Calls Can Your System Take?
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2021, 05:02:23 pm »
I'm getting 10,821 with Mark's code, also running 64 bit and windows. I can't get Steves "SUB foo : CALL foo : END SUB" to run at all. I did try to incorporate a print statement and a counting routine but all I got was a black screen and "press any key"

Other than the recursive feature of QSort, which seems never to crash for me, I think recursive subs and functions need more tools to help them (me) be less prone to crashes. Would QuickSort somehow be clearing the stack with each pass?  OR could it be the case that the Sorting Array has fixed addresses for each of the indexed values, so each call by the recursive subroutine is only accessing these fixed address? If the array has 100 indices then it's the same 100 addresses on the stack. Rather than 100 different address per sort ordering pass. (ie if it takes 20 passes to order the array then there would be 20 x 100 = 2000 address v's the fixed 100 address.

So I could get unlimited recursive calls as long as the addresses are fixed to a max of 10,821 rather than an ongoing creation of address on the stack?