The "opensave" library probably causes an issue, since that uses Windows things, I believe. As I haven't done an own file explorer, that will be the only supported platform for now. The .bas file you should be able to open in your IDE though 👀
I think I started the first bits of code for this about a year back. The UI framework was inspired by the ease of HTML, I wanted to capture that and put it into a QB64-native desktop variant. So I designed all the elements I wanted and I am still continuously expanding that library as I go.
As for the particle routines, that was a piece of code I also started a year ago, but only wrote that for a little 2D "game" which never became anything. Now I relived it to make it modifiable with the UI and maybe use the emitters I create in a Level design tool that is yet to be written 8)
As for putting those pieces of code together, it took me one day. Writing all the aspects...months!