Author Topic: QB64 competitors... It is an hard life!  (Read 13669 times)

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Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: QB64 competitors... It is an hard life!
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2021, 08:56:03 pm »
Thanks because your links have brought some good news...
see here  2019 and 2020 VisualBasic  in 6 position!
and here your link of codecamp " 20 best programming languages for kids..."
at first there is BASIC
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Offline George McGinn

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Re: QB64 competitors... It is an hard life!
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2021, 09:04:02 pm »
From the codecamp website:

Despite the popularity of Visual Basic in the 90s, BASIC has fallen by the wayside as a serious programming language. Still, it’s a great language for your younger kids to try if they want to get their feet wet in real programming code.

I wonder if the writer has programmed in today's modern BASIC - like PowerBASIC and even QB64! I've worked at a few Fortune 100 companies where I wrote production code in PowerBASIC and even VisualBASIC (back in the late 1980's).

Thanks because your links have brought some good news...
see here  2019 and 2020 VisualBasic  in 6 position!
and here your link of codecamp " 20 best programming languages for kids..."
at first there is BASIC
George McGinn
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Offline SMcNeill

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Re: QB64 competitors... It is an hard life!
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2021, 12:02:45 am »
The problem with BASIC — any sort of basic, really — is that they’re not really programming languages at the end of the day.  They’re just a language translator; from old BAS syntax to C, which then compiles to the EXE behind the scenes.

Ask ANY business what they’d be willing to invest money in to train a new employee — for them to learn a new language, or for them to learn an obsolete language that’s only machine translated into a modern language. 

If one wants to push the boundaries of what QB64 can do, then they have to use DECLARE LIBRARY and C-routines.  Need to access the microphone?  DECLARE LIBRARY.  Text-to-Speech?  DECLARE LIBRARY.  Video playback?  Https access?  Printer functionality?  Database access?  All DECLARE LIBRARY.  (Or external SHELLing to other utilities.)

To do more than just hobby-level coding, you need to use DECLARE LIBRARY for external functionality.  Of course, to do that, you need to start learning some C to sort out the conversions and interactions…

…which ends up leaving a NEW programmer asking, “Why don’t I just learn and use C to begin with?”

BASIC is for old, outdated programmers, who are nostalgic for the look and feel of the 1980s and 1990s.  It’s basically why we’ve always kept the IDE we have, despite all its flaws — basic nostalgia and familiarity.

As long as “Modern BASIC” is just a translation tool, it’ll never be able to catch up to, or stand alongside the other languages.  For example, C might add some astonishing new library that unlocks the power of literal magic!  QB64 would then need ten years to study the C source, find alternative versions to work across all platforms, and then add in a translation function for _CAST_SPELL and _PERFORM_RITUAL after all that…

BASIC at it currently exists is never going to go mainstream.  Translators aren’t best selling Authors and they can’t compete with them in their fields.  Translation Languages are more or less the same, when it comes to coding. — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline Qwerkey

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Re: QB64 competitors... It is an hard life!
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2021, 05:31:50 am »
Steve is, of course, right.  The clue is in the acronym, "Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code" (I bet the coding guys were really pleased with themselves when they came up with that acronym).  Beginner: why would a professional organisation use a Basic thing when there are "proper" languages available?  Perhaps a kind member might care to enlighten this idiot as to what "Python" is.  It keeps cropping up, but I've no idea.

I think that we have said before that Galleon (et al) and now Fellippe et al have done wonders (and beyond) starting with QB45.  But what (I think) Tempo was talking about was the lack of visibility of QB64, seeing its superb effectiveness of achievement particularly against other similar.

The world population is 7.8 billion, our membership is 524 (0.000007%), and many of these are "one-hit-wonders" who wanted one problem solving and who will never re-appear.  We could do better.

Offline Dimster

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Re: QB64 competitors... It is an hard life!
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2021, 10:18:23 am »
Ya but... you guys could be right when it comes to companies and professional use of a language but there is a huge audience out there of just ordinary people with computers who may want to tailor their own little routine for their own personal use, or maybe something for their kids. Basic can fill the gap of NONE professional use. I must admit my programs are far from professional grade but I do have some keeping track some stock investments, a small data base of recipes and another data base of just program codes and ideas I have had over the years. I have a grandson (was very young when I started to have kids) who is in university interested in a routine which will help him keep track of all the different cyrpto  currencies. Apparently this is where those students are parking their spare money and speculating on paying off their student debt. I guess my point is.. what audience do we want to target for QB64 (or Basic )? I believe this community is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to spreading the popularity of the Basic language.

Not sure how old basic is but it's endurance is a testament to its utility over time.

Offline Jaze

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Re: QB64 competitors... It is an hard life!
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2021, 04:40:39 pm »
Tempo, all active members heartily agree with you.  Getting this site out into the World-Wide Community is something that we all desire.  As well as us complete-amateur coders, we have some skilled professionals.  I wonder if a Group (here or on Discord) could think of ways to promote QB64 widely?  Unless I have been dreaming, I think that Ashish has said that QB64 is being taught in schools.  The QB64 Team deserve better.

I grew up with very elementary coding on an Apple IIe when I was quite young. Years later, as a Freshman in high school, I was introduced to the QB included the Windows 3.1 OS. As a senior in a different school, one of the math teachers taught a class in QB. I basically taught the class most of the time. The following semester I did the easiest independent study in the history of independent studies. So, yes, QB is taught in school.

Offline Pete

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Re: QB64 competitors... It is an hard life!
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2021, 04:43:30 pm »
Steve is, of course, right.  The clue is in the acronym, "Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code" (I bet the coding guys were really pleased with themselves when they came up with that acronym).  Beginner: why would a professional organisation use a Basic thing when there are "proper" languages available?  Perhaps a kind member might care to enlighten this idiot as to what "Python" is.  It keeps cropping up, but I've no idea.

I think that we have said before that Galleon (et al) and now Fellippe et al have done wonders (and beyond) starting with QB45.  But what (I think) Tempo was talking about was the lack of visibility of QB64, seeing its superb effectiveness of achievement particularly against other similar.

The world population is 7.8 billion, our membership is 524 (0.000007%), and many of these are "one-hit-wonders" who wanted one problem solving and who will never re-appear.  We could do better.

mennonite traded BASIC for Python a couple of years ago, and I haven't heard fro him, since. I remember early on he stated he didn't like it nearly as much as QB/QB64, but that he could see it was going to be what replaced BASIC as a popular beginner language. I can't say he was wrong about his assumption.

I think I recall Python being more library oriented. As such, it is a bit easier for beginners to build projects, but at the loss of customization we BASIC programmers enjoy. I think of lot of us BASIC coders love this tinker toy approach to making our projects the way we envision them. I don't think you can say that about the general programming populous. For instance, Notepad looks pretty simple, right? Well, as a library as user could add a text editor to a routine, but to code it from scratch, in BASIC, would take weeks, around 8,000 lines of code.

The two guys that did PowerBASIC had the right idea. They kept a DOS version, all very BASIC in dialect, but then added a Windows version, which was a bit C and Windows API-like. Maybe a similar approach should be entertained, here. Keep a "BASIC" version, but expand to a package that includes usable libraries and API routines that can be easily called by a single statement line of code.

Anyway, just kicking some stuff around, but for a better understanding of what type of catalyst gets a language in front of the masses, perhaps some members would like to research how Python was marketed. I do know schools are a huge inroad, and gaming communities are another, but the trick is to not just get occasionally used or mentioned, but to have some working plan that gains a great amount of acceptance with as little effort as possible. Of course big companies like Microsoft accomplish this with name recognition and carefully crafted slogans like "Windows, a world without walls." Well, as a friend of mine once posted..." If you don't have walls, who the hell needs windows!" Okay, so when you're as big as Microsoft, apparently any stupid slogan will do, but for the people trying to promote a language from a far less well accepted source, it's a higher level of activation that is needed to get the desired reaction from a much wider user base. Maybe Bill and his ADHD protons could help us tunnel our way through this challenge. Okay, now I'm just being goofy.

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Offline johnno56

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Re: QB64 competitors... It is an hard life!
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2021, 07:12:24 pm »

"Not sure how old basic is but it's endurance is a testament to its utility over time."

Challenge accepted.

Invented by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz of Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, BASIC was first successfully used to run programs on the school’s General Electric computer at 4am. May 1st, 1964.
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Offline Pete

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Re: QB64 competitors... It is an hard life!
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2021, 07:43:05 pm »
Nice job! Now tell us who invented FORTRAN but be prepared, I may punch holes in your post.

Pete :D
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Offline George McGinn

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Re: QB64 competitors... It is an hard life!
« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2021, 08:18:10 pm »
Nice job! Now tell us who invented FORTRAN but be prepared, I may punch holes in your post.

Pete :D

Invented by John Backus for IBM in 1954, released commercially in 1957. Fortran is still used today for programming scientific and mathematical applications. Fortran began as a digital code interpreter for the IBM 701 and was originally named Speedcoding. John Backus wanted a programming language that was closer in appearance to human language, which is the definition of a high-level language, other high language programs include Ada, Algol, BASIC, COBOL, C, C++, LISP, Pascal, and Prolog.

I had to look that up -

And yes, the only media back then (until the 1980's) to initially load programs into a computer was paper tape and punch cards.
George McGinn
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Re: QB64 competitors... It is an hard life!
« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2021, 08:23:58 pm »
That's funny, I was reading Pete's post above, just read "mennonite" and the forum crashed!

Punch cards for Fortran (and Cobol) and dummy terminals for mainframe BASIC.

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Re: QB64 competitors... It is an hard life!
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2021, 08:59:21 pm »
That was a weird crash, too.  Just a white blank page. I posted about it at QBF. Anyway, glad it's back.

Speaking of punch cards, that was my first experience with a computer. I had this dumbass chem professor and he required we stand in a long line to punch holes in FORTRAN cards for lab projects. It took about an hour to wait in a line, and another 30+ minutes to punch the cards. All this work could have been accomplished in about 5-minutes if it were handled in the traditional paper manner, but I'm sure it saved that a-hole (since we are on the subject of holes) a lot more time for an extended lunch. Needless to say I did not have a fond appreciation for computers back then. Lucky for me, I dropped his class, got a "real" teacher, and gave BASIC a look a few years later. The rest is history. Actually, everything including this post is history. The present just doesn't stick around for long.

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Offline jack

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Re: QB64 competitors... It is an hard life!
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2021, 08:59:35 pm »
a nice video on how FORTRAN was created

Offline Pete

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Re: QB64 competitors... It is an hard life!
« Reply #28 on: September 28, 2021, 09:17:06 pm »
It's a good thing the folks in that video could make a computer statement, because they sure couldn't make a fashion statement! Dammit, now I have to go and revisit that whole personal pronoun thing again.

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Offline Pete

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Re: QB64 competitors... It is an hard life!
« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2021, 09:50:16 pm »
Just wondering about this idea on mine (to help widen the QB64 user base).

I gather that @George McGinn and @Petr were referring to the "recently (2017-2018) revived (???) site"

QB64.not    [ don't go there ...]

not to be confused with my archives from the (2008 - 2016) site of a similar name that many here "enjoyed" and 'trusted" (the original 2008 site that is).

Although @odin  and @FellippeHeitor have not particularly shown interest in my archives (to "inject" into to "fill the void" regarding Network54 (was it ???) to - and so consequently which I have not been trying/offering to do so myself - I was thinking (the really dangerous part) of ...

From approximately 10,000 web pages of QB64.(2008-2016).net to start "uploading" the archives onto QB64.(2017-2018).net itself. Now on the assumption that either or both the QB64.not site is malicious (etc) and/or it is part of a big advertising campaign (to make money only) and/or perhaps it is just all a big "hoax" - if approached "carefully" by me - MAYBE the truth of the situation will eventually come out for all to see.

Now, for the sake of this reply, again "carefully" approaching QB64.not with the uploads - by careful modification of the uploads by me - effectively "advertise" (e.g. by way of links to, "popular QB64.not topics" (that maybe still Google et al still come up with in the searches)). The idea is to say use a site (QB64.not) which may be getting tons of $ from advertising, to mention

Of course, @odin  @FellippeHeitor  and many others here may not like the idea (to try out - fair enough) - and any advice regarding this "dangerous idea" would be appreciated (probably resulting in "don't go there...").

So it may be that one million (???) views per year to a "bogus" site could be potentially one million "redirects" to

Above is just a thought...

Thanks for reading this.

QB64 actually got its start at Network54,and branched off into the .net site when N54 was hacked. The N54 site was completely restored, but it made sense to maintain a separate QB64 site at that time, as the language was really taking off. It's a shame that the site wasn't preserved. A lot of good projects and contributions were lost. What's left only has a fraction of the old stuff still on it. I spent some time there, digging into some older posts. All I found is a few posts intact, and a bunch of non-working links, which basically equated to a bunch of lost pages. I did not run across anything "malicious" at the time, but I still wouldn't trust the site. Why it's still up is beyond me. Whomever took it over, after Rob abandoned it, can't be very happy with whatever minuscule advertising dollars it may return. Unless, of course, he comes from country where psychological advice actually does cost 5-cents.


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