here a adjourned version of Text point by point in Opengl
now with no handy conversions of colors and dimensions from standard SCREEN and Opengl Screen.
'OpenGL text without mapping or font
Const True
= -1, False
= 0
_Title "Demo2 of Text in OpenGL:point by point"
glRun = False
sBkc = White
sFgc = Green
PrepareTxt "Hello"
Print "Now a text in OpenGL" glInit = True
glRun = True
WidhTxt = 40
HeighTxt = 12
PaintPoint Xs + (sXp * Size), Ys + (sYp * Size), glFgc, Size
' OpenGl-----------------------------
' every time _GL runs it must set values for screen
copyTxt 1, 1, Green, 1
copyTxt 100, 200, Red, 2
copyTxt 200, 100, Black, 4
glInit = False
' disable antialiasing method that hides one pixel ' in Opengl Anti aliasing method is ON for default
while here a clear example to make text in 3D using a matrix by SMcNeill
https://www.qb64.org/forum/index.php?topic=3254.msg125353#msg125353Good watching