@rickclark58There is something odd about your "16x 16.png", it doesn't display in either Paint nor just clicking it in a Windows File Explorer listing. It does show in Paint 3D and there it has a glow bar along bottom row of letters.
How did this image get created?
There is so many ways to do this kind of thing...
If you just want the image that can be expanded or shrunk or even rotated by 90's you could use _PutImage. It can take any box area in image and project it to any place on screen. The image can get extremely distorted but sometimes that's perfect. This would be good practice for tiles off images too. So you could do 16x16 or 32x32 or 16x48 or any n x any m that is smaller than screen and image. Probably easier than what you have done and would be good practice. You'd store the image in a handle and make a Sub that picks and prints characters from image to screen using _PutImage not very different that what you've done.
Then there is the easy way, just pick a nice .ttf font, load it and switch to it when / where you want and print with _PrintString(topleftX, topLeftY), text$
Now if you want to mess with the colors in the print like I did in Welcome, you could collect points from the ascii characters printed on screen like your chart image. Basically using Point and storing character images in array(s) or just saving the image in a separate handle. Then print each point as a tiny rectangle so you can make wide fat letters or tall thin letters and again you have control over what color to make each rectangle.