Author Topic: A demo of Dictionary or hash table made with a array bidimensional(Rosetta Code)  (Read 5510 times)

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Offline TempodiBasic

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Hi guys and gals
here the same concept of dictionary build up with an array bidimensional

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Const False = 0, True = Not False, sValue = 2, sKey = 1
  3. Dim Mydict(1 To 10, 1 To 2) As String
  5. ' start of demo
  7. If PutDict(Mydict(), "b", "battle") = True Then Print " Inserted couple key value"
  8. If PutDict(Mydict(), "c", "cheesebattle") = True Then Print " Inserted couple key value"
  9. If PutDict(Mydict(), "a", "ancient") = True Then Print " Inserted couple key value"
  10. If PutDict(Mydict(), "d", "domus") = True Then Print " Inserted couple key value"
  11. If PutDict(Mydict(), "e", "embarassing") = True Then Print " Inserted couple key value"
  12. ShowDict Mydict()
  13. Print " we search the key a and e"
  14. If GetDict(Mydict(), "b") <> "" Then Print GetDict(Mydict(), "b")
  15. If GetDict(Mydict(), "e") <> "" Then Print GetDict(Mydict(), "e")
  16. Print " we change key b and e"
  17. If ChangeValueDict(Mydict(), "b", "BASIC") Then Print "changement done"
  18. If ChangeValueDict(Mydict(), "e", "Elephant") Then Print "changement done"
  19. If GetDict(Mydict(), "e") <> "" Then Print GetDict(Mydict(), "e")
  20. If GetDict(Mydict(), "b") <> "" Then Print GetDict(Mydict(), "b")
  21. Print " we erase key e"
  22. If EraseKeyDict(Mydict(), "e") = True Then Print "key passed erased"
  23. If GetDict(Mydict(), "e") <> "" Then Print GetDict(Mydict(), "e") Else Print "key passed not foud"
  24. ShowDict Mydict()
  25. ' end of demo
  28. Function PutDict (dict() As String, Keys As String, Value As String)
  29.     PutDict = False
  30.     Dim Count As Integer
  31.     For Count = 1 To UBound(dict, sKey)
  32.         If dict(Count, sKey) = "" Then Exit For
  33.     Next
  34.     dict(Count, sKey) = Keys
  35.     dict(Count, sValue) = Value
  36.     PutDict = True
  38. Function GetDict$ (dict() As String, Keys As String)
  39.     GetDict$ = ""
  40.     Dim Count As Integer
  41.     For Count = 1 To UBound(dict, sKey)
  42.         If dict(Count, sKey) = Keys Then
  43.             GetDict$ = dict(Count, sValue)
  44.             Exit For
  45.         End If
  46.     Next
  48. Function ChangeValueDict (dict() As String, Keys As String, Value As String)
  49.     ChangeValueDict = False
  50.     Dim Count As Integer
  51.     For Count = 1 To UBound(dict, sKey)
  52.         If dict(Count, sKey) = Keys Then
  53.             dict(Count, sValue) = Value
  54.             Exit For
  55.         End If
  56.     Next
  57.     ChangeValueDict = True
  59. Function EraseKeyDict (dict() As String, Keys As String)
  60.     EraseKeyDict = False
  61.     Dim Count As Integer
  62.     For Count = 1 To UBound(dict, sKey)
  63.         If dict(Count, sKey) = Keys Then
  64.             dict(Count, sValue) = ""
  65.             dict(Count, sKey) = ""
  66.             Exit For
  67.         End If
  68.     Next
  69.     EraseKeyDict = True
  71. Sub ShowDict (dict() As String)
  72.     Dim Count As Integer
  73.     For Count = 1 To UBound(dict, sKey)
  74.         Print dict(Count, sKey), dict(Count, sValue)
  75.     Next
Give a tray.

PS what do you think about UDT dictonary?
« Last Edit: April 11, 2021, 05:27:07 pm by TempodiBasic »
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Offline bplus

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Re: A demo of Dictionary or hash table made with a array bidimensional
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2021, 11:09:07 pm »
Can you put multiple entries under the letters a, b, c...

PS what do you think about UDT dictonary?

I think it might be better than demo, be right back!

Yeah less functions to fool with:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Type dictionary
  2.     key As String
  3.     val As String
  5. ReDim d(1 To 100) As dictionary
  7. d(1).key = "mamals": d(1).val = "dogs, cats, bears, whales, bats"
  8. d(2).key = "fish": d(2).val = "bass, trout, carp"
  9. d(3).key = "trees": d(3).val = "oak, ash, maple, pine"

vals can be Astrings. This is pretty much variables and values used in oh interpreter.

Is there even any reason for the double dimensions?
I edit my demo to show need for key and multiple values under key.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 12:24:23 am by bplus »

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: A demo of Dictionary or hash table made with a array bidimensional
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2021, 12:04:04 am »
Is there even any reason for the double dimensions?  Why not just use a single array to store all the data, sort it, and then use a separate array of 26 items to track starting position?

For example:


A single array holds the dictionary of 123,456 words.  (Use your imagination for the next 123,451...)

In a 2-dimensional array, or a 2-type UDT, you’re going to have that index being 123,456 elements as well...

OR, you just just use a second array.:
Index(65) = 1
Index(66) = 3
Index(67) = 5

Now, for quick searches, we know words that start with “A” begin at index 1, words that start with “B” begin at index 3, and so on.... — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: A demo of Dictionary or hash table made with a array bidimensional
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2021, 07:26:58 am »
Hi friends
@bplus Yes the value can be all you want but the key seems it must be unique in fact are forbidden duplicate of  the key_value

@Steve Yes your answer is interesting and efficacy but it goes out of definition od Array associative said also as Dictionary or Hash table or Map in different programming languages.

To build from stratch a simple Dictionary engine in QB64 I have followed these instruction taken from Python
Python dictionary is an unordered collection of items. Each item of a dictionary has a key/value pair.

Dictionaries are optimized to retrieve values when the key is known.
really both as single string with bounder limiters both as bidimensional array the only order is that of registering the info into it, but this order is changed when you delete a key or insert a new couple (not yet developed in this demo) in the dictionary.

my code starts from this track
The goal is to create an associative array (also known as a dictionary, map, or hash).
coming from there

and from there for the definition of Associative Array
Associative array/Iteration 
Show how to iterate over the key-value pairs of an associative array, and print each pair out.
Also show how to iterate just over the keys, or the values, if there is a separate way to do that in your language.

coming from there

so I have understood  that the original associative array is UNSORTED couple of data and the key cannot be duplicate and the key mustn't be numeric.
Thanks for your feedbacks
Waiting your thoughts
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Offline bplus

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Re: A demo of Dictionary or hash table made with a array bidimensional
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2021, 10:50:57 am »
Oh this is Rossetta Challenge, I never knew,  a couple of years ago we played with same thing at JB, Carl developer of JB started the thread. He doesn't hang around JB much but he did for this.

I think this is just Dictionary, not hash table. Oh but RC uses hash term too, I will read...
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 10:53:27 am by bplus »

Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: A demo of Dictionary or hash table made with a array bidimensional
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2021, 12:47:32 pm »
your code cover the 3rd way to do a dictionary or Associative Array in QB64
but as you see from Task you need to build an engine to manage this UNordered data organized in a couple key-value

so please complete your code with basical routines/functions: AppendData to the dictionary, SearchData using a key, ChangeValue to a key, ChangeKey, DeleteKeyandValue, InsertKeyValue.

In this manner we'll have 3 different Dictionary engines as Associative Array are not native in QB64 but built from scratch!

About tasks of Rosetta Code yet posted into forum I have seen

the Solve the eight queens puzzle.
You can extend the problem to solve the puzzle with a board of size   NxN.
For the number of solutions for small values of   N,   see   OEIS: A000170.
at this link there is still QB64

« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 01:03:56 pm by TempodiBasic »
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Offline bplus

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Re: A demo of Dictionary or hash table made with a array bidimensional
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2021, 01:12:31 pm »
your code cover the 3rd way to do a dictionary or Associative Array in QB64
but as you see from Task you need to build an engine to manage this UNordered data organized in a couple key-value

so please complete your code with basical routines/functions: AppendData to the dictionary, SearchData using a key, ChangeValue to a key, ChangeKey, DeleteKeyandValue, InsertKeyValue.

In this manner we'll have 3 different Dictionary engines as Associative Array are not native in QB64 but built from scratch!

Hi TempodiBasic,

Yes I am reading through Rosetta stuff now, disappointed by lack of "rules" or directions for Assoc. Arrays in Creation thread.

I will probably review what I used in my oh Interpreter because that is exactly what is needed to look up values and or create new variables with values. That was main problem with deciding to make a new variable & value pair or modify an existing one whenever you have a program line that calls for reassigning or creating a variable. For some reason I chose to make 2 separate arrays for variables and for values and I can't remember my reasoning at the time. I do remember hesitating and thinking a bit on the decision. So it is ironic I am advocating UDT's now ;-))

And yes, absolutely, the number 1 Rule is you can't have 2 keys of the same name! with different value sets. RC doesn't even mention this one basic rule for key - value pairs from my reading in Creation thread.

Regarding Steve's mention of sorting, yes when key - value pairs reach a certain number there would be definite advantage to sorting keys for speedy lookup of values.

Regarding the word "hash", I think of using a formula that assigns an index number to key so that it automatically sorts itself in a lookup table so maybe a binary search could be used to find items fast without a sort. I don't know, that is a bit fuzzy because I never worked it out for myself.

Offline bplus

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Re: A demo of Dictionary or hash table made with a array bidimensional
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2021, 01:19:05 pm »

Confirmed nothing! Usually RC has some sort of guidelines or specifications so you know you did a task correctly.
Nothing here!!!

I propose a specification for creating or modifying a key and value pair.

You must search the keys you have already stored and if key is not found then create the new pair otherwise just modify the key with the new value.

I think this is all that is needed for key - value pairs to work as intended.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 01:27:33 pm by bplus »

Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: A demo of Dictionary or hash table made with a array bidimensional
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2021, 01:28:17 pm »
hey I never imagined the possible use in the programming of this data structure. peharps I have studied QBasic, TurboPascal, TurboC/C++ and their RAD evolution in Windows, but never I have used intensively for my hobbistic programming activity.
 As table for interpreter o compiler :-) cool!

For some reason I chose to make 2 separate arrays for variables and for values and I can't remember my reasoning at the time. I do remember hesitating and thinking a bit on the decision.
I cannot know your decision, but at my eyes with pointers you can save more space (RAM or Disk access) using pointers between 2 separated lists... just think for compression algorythm in which the compressor search repetitive value to store packed.

Thanks for feedback
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Offline bplus

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Re: A demo of Dictionary or hash table made with a array bidimensional
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2021, 01:55:50 pm »
The thing is you have to decide if you want static or dynamic arrays, easy choice there you want dynamic array because you have no idea how many variable - value pairs you will have to store.

Then there is question to SHARED the arrays or not. Here is the big decision, I decided to SHARED the arrays in oh interpreter because you don't want to pass arrays as arguments unless absolutely necessary.

Once I decided on SHARED the rest of the decisions were easy to decide:

Deciding on SHARED that means you have to design application specific subs and functions to handle the specific arrays so since I had to do that, I might as well use list type arrays because generally they are easier to type without all the dot stuff you have with UDT's.

And further, I decided on base 1 arrays because then the Ubound of the array is also the number of items in it, just to make things a little bit easier on myself.

So, while RC works on theory, that works for most cases generally, when it comes to actual application you want a fast efficient program easy to read, understand and modify.

So there, I think I have recreated the decision process I went through using an actual application of dictionary type structure in oh Interpreter.

Oh and you know what? You don't have to worry about initializing string arrays as you do with values in UDT's, though it may not matter with variable values tables.

So proceeding here, we have to talk generally with dictionary arrays so we need to pass them as arguments as TempodiBasic has begun. Using UDT's ??

Don't know if I want to proceed down that line, yeah UDT's might be better if we have to pass the Dictionary arrays!
Yeah! That surely beats having to pass 2 arrays! 1 for the keys and one for the values.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 02:13:26 pm by bplus »

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Re: A demo of Dictionary or hash table made with a array bidimensional
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2021, 02:18:12 pm »
So @TempodiBasic

This is good choice for keeping the 2 arrays attached:
Dim Mydict(1 To 10, 1 To 2) As String

with constants sKey = 1 and sValue = 2

Update: I would use ReDim so you can use a dynamic array and add to it if new keys go beyond the UBound of array.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 02:36:20 pm by bplus »

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Re: A demo of Dictionary or hash table made with a array bidimensional
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2021, 03:42:40 pm »
Oh hell ReDim of a double array is nightmare back to UDT's!

OK UDT's don't get confusing with more than one dimension, way more intuitive for developing:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Type Dictionary
  2.     K As String
  3.     V As String
  5. ReDim MyDict(1 To 1) As Dictionary ' use ubound of array to tell how many values we have
  7. ' make some new pairs
  8. ShowDict MyDict()
  9. AddModDictionary MyDict(), "mammals", "Cats"
  10. ShowDict MyDict()
  11. AddModDictionary MyDict(), "trees", "Oak"
  12. ShowDict MyDict()
  13. AddModDictionary MyDict(), "fish", "Bass"
  14. ShowDict MyDict()
  15. AddModDictionary MyDict(), "mammals", "Dogs"
  16. ShowDict MyDict()
  17. Print "What is current mammal ? answer: "; GetValue$(MyDict(), "mammals")
  21. ' replace 2 TempodiBasic Functions with 1 Sub, to handle both new and modified values for keys and dynamic Dict() dbl string array.
  22. ' Now just take ubound of dict() and have number of pairs it contains
  23. Sub AddModDictionary (Dict() As Dictionary, K$, V$)
  24.     ReDim ub As Long, i As Long, ky$
  25.     ub = UBound(dict)
  26.     ky$ = UCase$(_Trim$(K$)) 'don't change k$ but make case insensitive?
  27.     If ky$ <> "" Then ' bullet proof sub routine K$ must not be empty!
  28.         If ub = 1 And Dict(1).K = "" Then 'our very first pair!
  29.             Dict(1).K = ky$: Dict(1).V = V$: Exit Sub
  30.         Else
  31.             For i = 1 To ub ' see if we have that name yet
  32.                 If ky$ = Dict(i).K Then Dict(i).V = V$: Exit Sub ' yes name is registered so change value
  33.             Next
  34.             'still here? add var name and value to dictionary
  35.             ReDim _Preserve Dict(1 To ub + 1) As Dictionary ' create one slot at a time such that ubound = number or pairs
  36.             Dict(ub + 1).K = ky$: Dict(ub + 1).V = V$ ' fill it with key and value
  37.         End If
  38.     End If
  41. '===========  AddModDictionary replaces this
  42. 'Function PutDict (dict() As String, Keys As String, Value As String)
  43. '    PutDict = False
  44. '    Dim Count As Integer
  45. '    For Count = 1 To UBound(dict, sKey)
  46. '        If dict(Count, sKey) = "" Then Exit For
  47. '    Next
  48. '    dict(Count, sKey) = Keys
  49. '    dict(Count, sValue) = Value
  50. '    PutDict = True
  51. 'End Function
  53. ' fixed for
  54. Function GetValue$ (Dict() As Dictionary, K$)
  55.     Dim i As Long
  56.     For i = 1 To UBound(Dict)
  57.         If Dict(i).K = UCase$(_Trim$(K$)) Then
  58.             GetValue$ = Dict(i).V: Exit Function
  59.         End If
  60.     Next
  62. '===========  AddModDictionary replaces this
  63. 'Function ChangeValueDict (dict() As String, Keys As String, Value As String)
  64. '    ChangeValueDict = False
  65. '    Dim Count As Integer
  66. '    For Count = 1 To UBound(dict, sKey)
  67. '        If dict(Count, sKey) = Keys Then
  68. '            dict(Count, sValue) = Value
  69. '            Exit For
  70. '        End If
  71. '    Next
  72. '    ChangeValueDict = True
  73. 'End Function
  75. ' save for later
  76. 'Function EraseKeyDict (dict() As String, Keys As String)
  77. '    EraseKeyDict = False
  78. '    Dim Count As Integer
  79. '    For Count = 1 To UBound(dict, sKey)
  80. '        If dict(Count, sKey) = Keys Then
  81. '            dict(Count, sValue) = ""
  82. '            dict(Count, sKey) = ""
  83. '            Exit For
  84. '        End If
  85. '    Next
  86. '    EraseKeyDict = True
  87. 'End Function
  89. 'modified for quick look
  90. Sub ShowDict (Dict() As Dictionary)
  91.     Dim i As Long
  92.     Print: Print "Dictionary has "; _Trim$(Str$(UBound(dict))); " items."
  93.     For i = 1 To UBound(dict)
  94.         Print i, Dict(i).K, Dict(i).V
  95.     Next
  96.     Print
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 03:57:14 pm by bplus »

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: A demo of Dictionary or hash table made with a array bidimensional
« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2021, 04:14:57 pm »
From the example for BASIC256 here: , isn’t this what the _KEYHIT library does for us?  Map an unique value to each key on the keyboard, just as:

call updateKey("a","apple")
call updateKey("b","banana")
call updateKey("c","cucumber")

Only difference is we MapKey (“A”, 65) to set a value of 65 to the “A” key, rather than an “apple”. — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline bplus

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Re: A demo of Dictionary or hash table made with a array bidimensional
« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2021, 04:37:53 pm »
Here is what RC has on assoc arrays probably the key phrase is "indexed by arbitrary data types":

but according to the PL your looking at, could be very different interpretations. Just about any array we know in QB64 is indexed with integers so we have to fiddle to make it work as if indexed by strings or other things.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 04:40:52 pm by bplus »

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Re: A demo of Dictionary or hash table made with a array bidimensional
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2021, 12:55:07 am »
I added some more bells and whistles to Dictionary Subs and Functions, appending to values and removing KV pair or removing a value in a list of them:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Option _Explicit ' Dictionary 2 b+ remake of TempodiBasic post 2021-04-06
  2. ' ref:
  3. ' 2021-04-07 add some bells and whistles
  5. Type Dictionary
  6.     K As String
  7.     V As String
  9. ReDim MyDict(1 To 1) As Dictionary ' use ubound of array to tell how many values we have
  11. ' make some new pairs
  12. Print "Show empty MyDict at start of this demo:"
  13. ShowDict MyDict()
  14. Print "Add a KV pair:"
  15. AddModDictionary MyDict(), "mammals", "Cats"
  16. ShowDict MyDict()
  17. Print "Add a KV pair:"
  18. AddModDictionary MyDict(), "trees", "Oak"
  19. ShowDict MyDict()
  20. Print "Add a KV pair:"
  21. AddModDictionary MyDict(), "fish", "Bass"
  22. ShowDict MyDict()
  23. Print "Swap Dogs for Cats in mammals:"
  24. AddModDictionary MyDict(), "mammals", "Dogs"
  25. ShowDict MyDict()
  26. Print "Check current mammals:"
  27. Print "What is current mammal ? answer: "; GetValue$(MyDict(), "mammals")
  28. Print "Remove mammals:"
  29. RemoveKV MyDict(), "mammals"
  30. ShowDict MyDict()
  31. Print "Bring mammals back with Horses AND Dogs,Cats:"
  32. AddAppendDictionary MyDict(), "Mammals", "Horses"
  33. AddAppendDictionary MyDict(), "mammals", "Cats,Dogs"
  34. ShowDict MyDict()
  35. Print "Remove Cats from mammals:"
  36. RemoveValue MyDict(), "mammals", "Cats"
  37. ShowDict MyDict()
  38. Print "Remove Horses from mammals:"
  39. RemoveValue MyDict(), "mammals", "Horses"
  40. ShowDict MyDict()
  41. Print "Remove Unicorns from mammals:"
  42. RemoveValue MyDict(), "mammals", "Unicorns"
  43. ShowDict MyDict()
  44. Print "And finally wipe out mammals again by removing dogs:"
  45. RemoveValue MyDict(), "mammals", "Dogs"
  46. ShowDict MyDict()
  49. ' replace 2 TempodiBasic Functions with 1 Sub, to handle both new and modified values for keys and dynamic Dict() dbl string array.
  50. ' Now just take ubound of dict() and have number of pairs it contains
  51. Sub AddModDictionary (Dict() As Dictionary, K$, V$)
  52.     ReDim ub As Long, i As Long, ky$
  53.     ub = UBound(dict)
  54.     ky$ = UCase$(_Trim$(K$)) 'don't change k$ but make case insensitive?
  55.     If ky$ <> "" Then ' bullet proof sub routine K$ must not be empty!
  56.         If ub = 1 And Dict(1).K = "" Then 'our very first pair!
  57.             Dict(1).K = ky$: Dict(1).V = V$: Exit Sub
  58.         Else
  59.             For i = 1 To ub ' see if we have that name yet
  60.                 If ky$ = Dict(i).K Then Dict(i).V = V$: Exit Sub ' yes name is registered so change value
  61.             Next
  62.             'still here? add var name and value to dictionary
  63.             ReDim _Preserve Dict(1 To ub + 1) As Dictionary ' create one slot at a time such that ubound = number or pairs
  64.             Dict(ub + 1).K = ky$: Dict(ub + 1).V = V$ ' fill it with key and value
  65.         End If
  66.     End If
  68. ' fixed for
  69. Function GetValue$ (Dict() As Dictionary, K$)
  70.     Dim i As Long
  71.     For i = 1 To UBound(Dict)
  72.         If Dict(i).K = UCase$(_Trim$(K$)) Then
  73.             GetValue$ = Dict(i).V: Exit Function
  74.         End If
  75.     Next
  77. 'modified for quick look
  78. Sub ShowDict (Dict() As Dictionary)
  79.     Dim i As Long
  80.     Print "Dictionary has "; _Trim$(Str$(UBound(dict))); " items."
  81.     For i = 1 To UBound(dict)
  82.         Print i, Dict(i).K, Dict(i).V
  83.     Next
  84.     Print
  85.     Print "zzz... press any to continue"
  86.     Sleep
  87.     Print
  89. '========================== new stuff 2021-04-07
  91. Sub RemoveKV (Dict() As Dictionary, K$)
  92.     Dim As Long i, j
  93.     For i = 1 To UBound(Dict)
  94.         If Dict(i).K = UCase$(_Trim$(K$)) Then
  95.             If i <> UBound(dict) Then
  96.                 For j = i + 1 To UBound(dict)
  97.                     Swap Dict(j - 1), Dict(j)
  98.                 Next
  99.             End If
  100.             ReDim _Preserve Dict(1 To UBound(dict) - 1) As Dictionary
  101.             Exit Sub
  102.         End If
  103.     Next
  105. ' instead or replacing a value with another we will add the new value delimited by a comma
  106. Sub AddAppendDictionary (Dict() As Dictionary, K$, V$)
  107.     ReDim ub As Long, i As Long, ky$
  108.     ub = UBound(dict)
  109.     ky$ = UCase$(_Trim$(K$)) 'don't change k$ but make case insensitive?
  110.     If ky$ <> "" Then ' bullet proof sub routine K$ must not be empty!
  111.         If ub = 1 And Dict(1).K = "" Then 'our very first pair!
  112.             Dict(1).K = ky$: Dict(1).V = V$: Exit Sub
  113.         Else
  114.             For i = 1 To ub ' see if we have that name yet
  115.                 If ky$ = Dict(i).K Then Dict(i).V = Dict(i).V + "," + V$: Exit Sub ' yes name is registered so change value
  116.             Next
  117.             'still here? add var name and value to dictionary
  118.             ReDim _Preserve Dict(1 To ub + 1) As Dictionary ' create one slot at a time such that ubound = number or pairs
  119.             Dict(ub + 1).K = ky$: Dict(ub + 1).V = V$ ' fill it with key and value
  120.         End If
  121.     End If
  123. Sub RemoveValue (Dict() As Dictionary, K$, RemoveV$)
  124.     ReDim As Long ub, i, j
  125.     ReDim ky$, b$
  126.     ub = UBound(dict)
  127.     ky$ = UCase$(_Trim$(K$)) 'don't change k$ but make case insensitive?
  128.     If ky$ <> "" Then ' bullet proof sub routine K$ must not be empty!
  129.         If ub = 1 And Dict(1).K = "" Then 'our very first pair!
  130.             Exit Sub
  131.         Else
  132.             For i = 1 To ub ' see if we have that name yet
  133.                 If ky$ = Dict(i).K Then
  134.                     If InStr(Dict(i).V, ",") > 0 Then
  135.                         ReDim t$(1 To 1)
  136.                         Split Dict(i).V, ",", t$()
  137.                         For j = 1 To UBound(t$)
  138.                             If t$(j) <> RemoveV$ Then
  139.                                 If b$ = "" Then
  140.                                     b$ = t$(j)
  141.                                 Else
  142.                                     b$ = b$ + "," + t$(j)
  143.                                 End If
  144.                             End If
  145.                         Next
  146.                         Dict(i).V = b$
  147.                     ElseIf Dict(i).V = RemoveV$ Then
  148.                         Dict(i).V = ""
  149.                     End If
  150.                     Exit Sub
  151.                 End If
  152.             Next
  153.         End If
  154.     End If
  156. ' note: I buggered this twice now, FOR base 1 array REDIM MyArray (1 to 1) AS ... the (1 to 1) is not same as (1) which was the Blunder!!!
  157. 'notes: REDIM the array(0) to be loaded before calling Split '<<<< IMPORTANT dynamic array and empty, can use any lbound though
  158. 'This SUB will take a given N delimited string, and delimiter$ and create an array of N+1 strings using the LBOUND of the given dynamic array to load.
  159. 'notes: the loadMeArray() needs to be dynamic string array and will not change the LBOUND of the array it is given.  rev 2019-08-27
  160. Sub Split (SplitMeString As String, delim As String, loadMeArray() As String)
  161.     Dim curpos As Long, arrpos As Long, LD As Long, dpos As Long 'fix use the Lbound the array already has
  162.     curpos = 1: arrpos = LBound(loadMeArray): LD = Len(delim)
  163.     dpos = InStr(curpos, SplitMeString, delim)
  164.     Do Until dpos = 0
  165.         loadMeArray(arrpos) = Mid$(SplitMeString, curpos, dpos - curpos)
  166.         arrpos = arrpos + 1
  167.         If arrpos > UBound(loadMeArray) Then ReDim _Preserve loadMeArray(LBound(loadMeArray) To UBound(loadMeArray) + 1000) As String
  168.         curpos = dpos + LD
  169.         dpos = InStr(curpos, SplitMeString, delim)
  170.     Loop
  171.     loadMeArray(arrpos) = Mid$(SplitMeString, curpos)
  172.     ReDim _Preserve loadMeArray(LBound(loadMeArray) To arrpos) As String 'get the ubound correct