Author Topic: Pipecom conversion to BAS only (MAJOR UPDATE!)  (Read 11957 times)

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Offline Richard Frost

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Re: Pipecom conversion to BAS only (MAJOR UPDATE!)
« Reply #45 on: August 24, 2021, 03:52:42 pm »
This is amazing, and despite studying the code for an hour I cannot
figure out how it works.  I need a new brain.

Some variable/offset names are exciting - Process?  Thread?  Can you
do multithreading?  If so, please write a demo - calculating and
plotting Mandelbrots would be something most could understand.

It works better if you plug it in.

Offline dbox

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Re: Pipecom conversion to BAS only (MAJOR UPDATE!)
« Reply #46 on: December 03, 2021, 10:25:49 am »
Thanks for this great utility.  Wanted to let you know about an issue I found on Linux.  If the command I send to pipecom is too long, it causes errors indicating that the command text is being truncated.  If I use an arbitrarily large fixed length string instead it seems to work properly.

Just changed the following line:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. stream = popen(cmd + " 2>pipestderr", "r")

to this:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Dim cmdf as String * 200
  2. cmdf = cmd + " 2>pipestderr"
  3. stream = popen(cmdf, "r")

Offline George McGinn

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Re: Pipecom conversion to BAS only (MAJOR UPDATE!)
« Reply #47 on: December 03, 2021, 12:09:30 pm »
I pass in a Linux application I am writing to pipecom a series of SQL commands (where cmd is more than 2,600 characters) with no issues.

@dbox - Is this only an issue with output to stderr?

The code that Linux executes is:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. stream = popen(cmd + " 2>pipestderr" + Chr$(0), "r")

Are you running with the current version? Below is the version I am running that I believe is the most current:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  2.     $Let PIPECOM = TRUE
  3.     Function pipecom& (cmd As String, stdout As String, stderr As String)
  4.         stdout = "": stderr = ""
  5.         $If WIN Then
  6.             Type SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
  7.                 As _Unsigned Long nLength
  8.                 $If 64BIT Then
  9.                     As String * 4 padding
  10.                 $End If
  11.                 As _Offset lpSecurityDescriptor
  12.                 As Long bInheritHandle
  13.                 $If 64BIT Then
  14.                     As String * 4 padding2
  15.                 $End If
  16.             End Type
  18.             Type STARTUPINFO
  19.                 As Long cb
  20.                 $If 64BIT Then
  21.                     As String * 4 padding
  22.                 $End If
  23.                 As _Offset lpReserved, lpDesktop, lpTitle
  24.                 As _Unsigned Long dwX, dwY, dwXSize, dwYSize, dwXCountChars, dwYCountChars, dwFillAttribute, dwFlags
  25.                 As _Unsigned Integer wShowWindow, cbReserved2
  26.                 $If 64BIT Then
  27.                     As String * 4 padding2
  28.                 $End If
  29.                 As _Offset lpReserved2, hStdInput, hStdOutput, hStdError
  30.             End Type
  32.             Type PROCESS_INFORMATION
  33.                 As _Offset hProcess, hThread
  34.                 As _Unsigned Long dwProcessId
  35.                 $If 64BIT Then
  36.                     As String * 4 padding
  37.                 $End If
  38.             End Type
  40.             Const STARTF_USESTDHANDLES = &H00000100
  41.             Const CREATE_NO_WINDOW = &H8000000
  43.             Const INFINITE = 4294967295
  44.             Const WAIT_FAILED = &HFFFFFFFF
  46.             Declare CustomType Library
  47.                 Function CreatePipe& (ByVal hReadPipe As _Offset, Byval hWritePipe As _Offset, Byval lpPipeAttributes As _Offset, Byval nSize As _Unsigned Long)
  48.                 Function CreateProcess& (ByVal lpApplicationName As _Offset, Byval lpCommandLine As _Offset, Byval lpProcessAttributes As _Offset, Byval lpThreadAttributes As _Offset, Byval bInheritHandles As Long, Byval dwCreationFlags As _Unsigned Long, Byval lpEnvironment As _Offset, Byval lpCurrentDirectory As _Offset, Byval lpStartupInfo As _Offset, Byval lpProcessInformation As _Offset)
  49.                 Function GetExitCodeProcess& (ByVal hProcess As _Offset, Byval lpExitCode As _Offset)
  50.                 Sub HandleClose Alias "CloseHandle" (ByVal hObject As _Offset)
  51.                 Function ReadFile& (ByVal hFile As _Offset, Byval lpBuffer As _Offset, Byval nNumberOfBytesToRead As _Unsigned Long, Byval lpNumberOfBytesRead As _Offset, Byval lpOverlapped As _Offset)
  52.                 Function WaitForSingleObject~& (ByVal hHandle As _Offset, Byval dwMilliseconds As _Unsigned Long)
  53.             End Declare
  55.             Dim As Long ok: ok = 1
  56.             Dim As _Offset hStdOutPipeRead, hStdOutPipeWrite, hStdReadPipeError, hStdOutPipeError
  57.             Dim As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa: sa.nLength = Len(sa): sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = 0: sa.bInheritHandle = 1
  59.             If CreatePipe(_Offset(hStdOutPipeRead), _Offset(hStdOutPipeWrite), _Offset(sa), 0) = 0 Then
  60.                 pipecom = -1
  61.                 Exit Function
  62.             End If
  64.             If CreatePipe(_Offset(hStdReadPipeError), _Offset(hStdOutPipeError), _Offset(sa), 0) = 0 Then
  65.                 pipecom = -1
  66.                 Exit Function
  67.             End If
  69.             Dim As STARTUPINFO si
  70.             si.cb = Len(si)
  71.             si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES
  72.             si.hStdError = hStdOutPipeError
  73.             si.hStdOutput = hStdOutPipeWrite
  74.             si.hStdInput = 0
  75.             Dim As PROCESS_INFORMATION procinfo
  76.             Dim As _Offset lpApplicationName
  77.             Dim As String lpCommandLine: lpCommandLine = "cmd /c " + cmd + Chr$(0)
  78.             Dim As _Offset lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes
  79.             Dim As Long bInheritHandles: bInheritHandles = 1
  80.             Dim As _Unsigned Long dwCreationFlags: dwCreationFlags = CREATE_NO_WINDOW
  81.             Dim As _Offset lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory
  82.             ok = CreateProcess(lpApplicationName, _Offset(lpCommandLine), lpProcessAttributes, lpThreadAttributes, bInheritHandles, dwCreationFlags, lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory, _Offset(si), _Offset(procinfo))
  84.             If ok = 0 Then
  85.                 pipecom = -1
  86.                 Exit Function
  87.             End If
  89.             HandleClose hStdOutPipeWrite
  90.             HandleClose hStdOutPipeError
  92.             Dim As String buf: buf = Space$(4096 + 1)
  93.             Dim As _Unsigned Long dwRead
  94.             While ReadFile(hStdOutPipeRead, _Offset(buf), 4096, _Offset(dwRead), 0) <> 0 And dwRead > 0
  95.                 buf = Mid$(buf, 1, dwRead)
  96.                 GoSub RemoveChr13
  97.                 stdout = stdout + buf
  98.                 buf = Space$(4096 + 1)
  99.             Wend
  101.             While ReadFile(hStdReadPipeError, _Offset(buf), 4096, _Offset(dwRead), 0) <> 0 And dwRead > 0
  102.                 buf = Mid$(buf, 1, dwRead)
  103.                 GoSub RemoveChr13
  104.                 stderr = stderr + buf
  105.                 buf = Space$(4096 + 1)
  106.             Wend
  108.             Dim As Long exit_code, ex_stat
  109.             If WaitForSingleObject(procinfo.hProcess, INFINITE) <> WAIT_FAILED Then
  110.                 If GetExitCodeProcess(procinfo.hProcess, _Offset(exit_code)) Then
  111.                     ex_stat = 1
  112.                 End If
  113.             End If
  115.             HandleClose hStdOutPipeRead
  116.             HandleClose hStdReadPipeError
  117.             If ex_stat = 1 Then
  118.                 pipecom = exit_code
  119.             Else
  120.                 pipecom = -1
  121.             End If
  123.             Exit Function
  125.             RemoveChr13:
  126.             Dim As Long j
  127.             j = InStr(buf, Chr$(13))
  128.             Do While j
  129.                 buf = Left$(buf, j - 1) + Mid$(buf, j + 1)
  130.                 j = InStr(buf, Chr$(13))
  131.             Loop
  132.             Return
  133.         $Else
  134.             Declare CustomType Library
  135.                                 Function popen%& (cmd As String, readtype As String)
  136.                                 Function feof& (ByVal stream As _Offset)
  137.                                 Function fgets$ (str As String, Byval n As Long, Byval stream As _Offset)
  138.                                 Function pclose& (ByVal stream As _Offset)
  139.             End Declare
  141.             Declare Library
  142.                                 Function WEXITSTATUS& (ByVal stat_val As Long)
  143.             End Declare
  145.             Dim As _Offset stream
  147.             Dim buffer As String * 4096
  148.             If _FileExists("pipestderr") Then
  149.                                 Kill "pipestderr"
  150.             End If
  151.             stream = popen(cmd + " 2>pipestderr" + Chr$(0), "r")
  152.             If stream Then
  153.                                 While feof(stream) = 0
  154.                                         If fgets(buffer, 4096, stream) <> "" And feof(stream) = 0 Then
  155.                                                 stdout = stdout + Mid$(buffer, 1, InStr(buffer, Chr$(0)) - 1)
  156.                                         End If
  157.                                 Wend
  158.                                 Dim As Long status, exit_code
  159.                                 status = pclose(stream)
  160.                                 exit_code = WEXITSTATUS(status)
  161.                                 If _FileExists("pipestderr") Then
  162.                                         Dim As Integer errfile
  163.                                         errfile = FreeFile
  164.                                         Open "pipestderr" For Binary As #errfile
  165.                                         If LOF(errfile) > 0 Then
  166.                                                 stderr = Space$(LOF(errfile))
  167.                                                 Get #errfile, , stderr
  168.                                         End If
  169.                                         Close #errfile
  170.                                         Kill "pipestderr"
  171.                                 End If
  172.                                 pipecom = exit_code
  173.                         Else
  174.                                 pipecom = -1
  175.                         End If
  176.         $End If
  178.     Function pipecom_lite$ (cmd As String)
  179.         Dim As Long a
  180.         Dim As String stdout, stderr
  181.         a = pipecom(cmd, stdout, stderr)
  182.         If stderr <> "" Then
  183.             pipecom_lite = stderr
  184.         Else
  185.             pipecom_lite = stdout
  186.         End If

Thanks for this great utility.  Wanted to let you know about an issue I found on Linux.  If the command I send to pipecom is too long, it causes errors indicating that the command text is being truncated.  If I use an arbitrarily large fixed length string instead it seems to work properly.

Just changed the following line:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. stream = popen(cmd + " 2>pipestderr", "r")

to this:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. Dim cmdf as String * 200
  2. cmdf = cmd + " 2>pipestderr"
  3. stream = popen(cmdf, "r")
George McGinn
Theoretical/Applied Computer Scientist
Member: IEEE, IEEE Computer Society
Technical Council on Software Engineering
IEEE Standards Association
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Offline dbox

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Re: Pipecom conversion to BAS only (MAJOR UPDATE!)
« Reply #48 on: December 03, 2021, 02:06:11 pm »
@George McGinn - thanks for the reply.

Looks like the version you have is appending a NUL to the end of the string which resolves the issue for me too.  I guess I did not have the latest version.  When I searched for it I was taken here:  It does not seem to be the same version you have.  It looks like the latest version in @SpriggsySpriggs github matches what you posted.  I'll get any future updates from there.

Thanks again.