Combining comments made here in Discussion Program and an old, old comment I read about using all CAP's for CONSTants, I am trying a new system of Capital letter start of all Globals or SHARED variables that I always have declared at start after CONSTs and TYPEs. That and I took to heart the comment of overuse? of just a couple of letters for variable names. Now I will try to at least be more descriptive with Global SHARED constants and variables but in little SUBs and FUNCTIONs or even that Main, I don't see it as necessary. It should be obvious in the context.
A little defensive: surely you guys know x, y, z for position coordinates w, h for width and height, maybe too r, c are short for row and column, mx, my, mb are mouse updates...
Now I can clearly see what variables are coming from 'nowhere' (the beginning of the program declared Globals) and know what they are from CAPs and better description.
Word Search Puzzle Builder is my first program with that style purposely imposed: if it reads better than my usual, it's from your influence here :)
Yes I agree that code should read as well as program functions, they could likely contribute to each other specially psychically for human creators.
So Zack is Spriggsy, Dave is Cobalt and Bill looks a little like my room mate from college the semester I had my best GPA and who was a physics major also. I pictured Bill with Black hair, about every Bill I ever knew had Black hair, funny how wrong our imagination can be.