' This program does not play backwards perfectly. Basically the program is
' still playing the audio file in the forwards direction using QB64 command
' _SNDPLAY, but the program constantly is using the _SNDSETPOS command to
' "back up" to a previous location in the audio playback. By playing only
' very small "blocks" of audio, working backwards, it makes it sound like
' the audio file is being played backwards.
' I recomend running the "Update Count Per Second" option on the main menu
' when you first run the program. (but you don't have to) This option will
' see how much the program can count in 1 second (10x). Hard to explain but
' helps the program work better.
' Play around with the other variables in its config file
' - SecondsPositionAdjust
' - DelayCounterAdjust
' Maybe you can come up with a better settings than what i used.