Author Topic: Lotto Max Lottery Simulator RC7 with source code and all data files  (Read 4607 times)

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Offline rcamp48

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Hi guys:

I have decided to release my Lotto Max Lottery Simulator and my Lotto 649 Package Simulator , just data files and basic files. The only problem I have with it is calculating the amount of money spent and the amount of money won and showing both.  Also I would like to update   all of the title screens from a retro DOS style to a more modern looking package. I have all of the code, it started 35 years ago as a random number generator and grew into a full fledged lottery package, I then turned it into a simulator, with it randomly selecting the big prize.

Thanks for anyone who looks at it in advance, I would like to credit Peter for the automatic date updating functions.

Here is how to set it up with the setup program that comes with it:

Lotto Max Lottery Simulator RC7A Version 2020 Setup Menu

Welcome to my Lotto Max setup screen, there is a reason why I have so may questions in this  program, and that is to select the way you want to run the main program in other word set it up the way you want it to run , to a point. Some options are not changeable, but if I see a need fo this to be changed , then I will change both the setup program and the main program to suit your needs as i think of them.

When you first run my new Lotto Max Lottery Simulator RC7A Lottery Simulator you will get a title screen and a prompt asking you if you want colour screens.

The default for this question is to just press enter and it will select Yes.

The next question after that is if you have a printer online and do you want to use it, again the default here is that you do have a printer online, and that you don’t want to use it. So by pressing enter or Y, you either select : Yes I have a printer but no I don’t want to use it, or no I don’t have a printer anyways, again the option is the same, pressing enter turns off the printer in the program.

The next question is about the help screens , I have over 8 of them and to display them all would be a pain, so I give you the option of turning them off. The default on this question is Yes, by pressing enter it will leave them on for new users. I would suggest just pressing enter for new users, as you will want to read every help file, they will change  I write the program.

The next question displayed is Do you wish to display text from draws on the screen, again if you are picking large amounts of numbers, I would suggest turning this one off, the program will then not display the numbers, but instead save them to a file that you select, more about that in the main documentation. If you want to see what the program is picking select Y on this question.

The next question is about the speed at which the numbers go by on the screen, there are two possible answers, Readable or Fast, the program defaults to Readable , there are two reasons why you would want to change this option, One is that you can set the screen display read speed as readable, good for when you want to watch the creation of your  numbers in the main program. The other option is to set the screen display to fast , useful f you don’t want to watch the numbers as they go by, or you want to create huge amounts of numbers. Remember here that all number lists are saved to disk so that you can check them later after the next draw is made.

After you answer this question, the screen clears and you are asked abut the graphics mode for the program. If you want no graphics , choose Option A: No graphics card, useful for laptops that are very old.

Option B is VGA mode, again for VGA laptops or desktops, choose this one for laptops or desktops without an HDMI port.

Option C is the best and the default, use this one for computers with HDMI ports, in the future I will be making screens for this option that support HDMI, so if you are using VGA don’t use this option, as I may change the screens for this option in the future.

The next question is about the wheeling system, a wheeling system is where you use a selected amount of numbers (from 7 to 42), and picks randomly from that amount , then asks you how many lines of  numbers  you wish to generate , then picks randomly from those numbers only,  7 numbers chosen allows you to enter tickets that you have bought and does not wheel them, it just asks you how many tickets you have , and gives you the opportunity to enter them directly, good for quick pick numbers that you have bought. This selection does default to 14.

The next screen (it clears again is the challenge level. Remember that although this program can be used to help you with Lotto Max, the main purpose that I wrote it is for entertainment purposes only, so it is a simulation or game.

You have 5 options here , no default yet, but here are the options:

[1] Easy Skill Game       - You start with $1,000,000 dollars
[2] Medium Skill Game – You start with $50,000 dollars
[3] Hard Skill Game      -  You start with $10,000 dollars
[4] Real Time Game      -  You start with $0 dollars
[5] Impossible Game     -  You start with $-25,000 dollars
[6] Totally nuts Game    -  You start with $-1,000,000 dollars

Skill Level :

Of the above selections only selection 5 follows the rules totally, all others allow you to win on any draw, but cheating is possible, but what is the point of cheating? But still you can as I want to make the game fun.

With the real time game , you must purchase the tickets first and before the next draw, and you must specify which date in the future you wish to purchase tickets for. In this case all numbers saved will be date stamped in some way, and you will not be allowed to purchase tickets from a past draw.

To win in this case your tickets must be dated as the same date as the draw or winners do not count, and you start with $500 dollars, to be fair I will program in that you get $500.00 a week and you will be able to purchase from that amount. You will not be allowed to go into the whole , just like the real game , you must have the funny money to purchase tickets.

You are then given a display of what you have chosen in the above menu choices and asked if everything is OK. If Yes just press enter and the options will be saved in a configuration file, then
the main program will run.



« Last Edit: January 13, 2020, 04:27:01 pm by rcamp48 »
Russ Campbell
BBS Files Programmer