_TITLE "Any file to Base64 Data" 'Embed any file into a self-extracting .bas file
'dataLine is the most number of bytes to convert from a 'DATA' statement when decoding
'Longer lines create slightly smaller output files. Recommended upper bound for dataLine = 252 (3 x 84)
CONST dataLine
= 192 '<---MUST be divisible by 3 !!! PRINT "Error: Maximum Data Line Length is NOT evenly divisible by 3" PRINT "Press a key to end"
inFile$ = "binaryFile.ext" ' <---Change name of input file here (.zip .7z .rar .dll .bmp .png)
outFile$ = "binaryFile_ext.bas" ' <---Change name of output file here
'Change the variable 'viewPic to 1 to display an image in the distributed file.
'******************* Only set viewPic as 1 for image files used by QB64 .bmp, .png **********************
viewPic = 1
DIM cnt
, extras
, i
, j
, numBytes
, ew
, ex
, ey
, rmdr
, temp
- 1) = MID$("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", i
, 1)
PRINT "The input file: "; inFile$;
" has a file length of"; fileLen;
" bytes."
GET #1, , arr
() 'Load the file into arr() <--- unsigned byte array
lastQuad = ""
'If input file length is not evenly divisible by 3 then handle one of the
'remaining possibilities. Encode b64 characters into lastQuad string.
= _SHR(arr
- 1), 6) ex
= arr
- 1) AND 3 lastQuad = k(ew) + k(ex) + "=="
= _SHR(arr
- 2), 8) + arr
- 1) lastQuad = k(ew) + k(ex) + k(ey) + "="
'Calc a file length that is exactly divisible by 3
newLen = fileLen - extras
'PRINT "Divisible by 3 file length ="; newLen
'Calc how many complete lines of data to generate
numBytes = (newLen \ dataLine) * dataLine
'PRINT "There are"; numBytes \ dataLine; " lines of complete data statements"
'rmdr (remainder) tells how many bytes to encode on last line of data
rmdr = newLen - numBytes
'PRINT "There are"; rmdr; " remaining data bytes on the last line of output"
'This is the crunched b64 decoder. It runs, decodes, writes decoded file to disk,
'and as an option can also display an image file
ldr = "DIM SHARED k AS LONG:k=1:READ f$,s&,t&:OPEN f$ FOR BINARY AS #9:n&=s&\t&:n&=n&-((n&*t&)<s&):FOR c&=1 TO n&:READ d$:u(d$):NEXT"
'This is optional code to display an image after decoding and writing to disk
ldr = "SLEEP 1:SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(960,720,32):_TITLE f$:img& = _LOADIMAGE(f$):_SOURCE img&:_DEST 0:_PUTIMAGE:SLEEP"
ldr = "SYSTEM"
ldr = "SUB u(d$):r$=" + q + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" + q + ":" + "s$=" + q + q + ":v%=0:L%=LEN(d$):IF RIGHT$(d$,1)=" + q + "=" + q + "THEN v%=2"
ldr = "IF RIGHT$(d$,2)=" + q + "==" + q$ + "THEN v%=1"
ldr = "IF v%>0 THEN m%=L%-5 ELSE m%=L%-1"
ldr = "FOR i%=1 TO m% STEP 4:w%=INSTR(r$,MID$(d$,i%,1))-1:x%=INSTR(r$,MID$(d$,i%+1,1))-1:y%=INSTR(r$,MID$(d$,i%+2,1))-1:z%=INSTR(r$,MID$(d$,i%+3,1))-1"
ldr = "a~%%=(w%*4)+((x% AND 48)/16):b~%%=((x% AND 15)*16)+((y% AND 60)/4):c~%%=((y% AND 3)*64)+z%:PUT #9,k,a~%%:PUT #9,k+1,b~%%:PUT #9,k+2,c~%%:k=k+3:NEXT"
ldr = "IF v%>0 THEN"
ldr = "w%=INSTR(r$,MID$(d$,L%-3,1))-1:x%=INSTR(r$,MID$(d$,i%+1,1))-1:a=(w%*4)+((x% AND 48)/16):PUT #9,k,a~%%:k=k+1"
ldr = "IF v%=2 THEN:y%=INSTR(r$,MID$(d$,L%-1,1))-1:b=((x% AND 15)*16)+((y% AND 60)/4):PUT #9,k,b~%%:k=k+1"
ldr = "END IF:END SUB"
WRITE #2, inFile$
, fileLen
, dataLine
'Write all of the complete lines of data (dataLine) to the output file
cnt = 0
'Combine 3 single bytes into a 24 bit integer
= _SHL(arr
+ j
), 16) msb2
= _SHL(arr
+ j
+ 1), 8) lsb = arr(i + j + 2)
'store the 24 bit integers in byte3() array
byte3(cnt) = msb + msb2 + lsb
cnt = cnt + 1
enc = b64$(cnt - 1)
PRINT #2, "DATA " + q
+ enc
+ q
'Now write a partial line of data if necessary
'enc = ""
cnt = 0
= _SHL(arr
+ 1), 8) lsb = arr(j + 2)
'store the 24 bit integer in the byte3() array
byte3(cnt) = msb + msb2 + lsb
cnt = cnt + 1
enc = b64$(cnt - 1)
'Add last quad of b64 encoded characters to the final data line
PRINT #2, "DATA " + q
+ enc
+ lastQuad
+ q
PRINT "The Base64 encoded file: "; outFile$;
" has been written to disk." PRINT "Size of the Base64 encoded file "; outFile$;
" is";
" bytes" PRINT "Press a key to exit."
e$ = e$ + k(w%) + k(x%) + k(y%) + k(z%)
b64$ = e$