Hi all,
I just installed InForm for QB64, it's now available here:
https://www.qb64.org/inform/It lets you make buttons and text on forms kinda like Visual Basic. but now for QB64. :) I'm sure some of you have the beta version as well.
But my question is, I'm a very very newbie at using it and is there a commands page for it somewhere online? I saw they have some Wiki pages but it's very vague without much to go with except a couple of examples like the Tic-Tac-Toe and the fireworks demos, maybe 1 more. But see, I also only used Visual Basic a couple times and same with C language and other languages, so I don't know too much about this kind of command structure to implement into QB64. So far I've made 1 simple program that renames a button if you click it. I got that info from the Tic-Tac-Toe demo. But how do we know the rest of the commands, like for example renaming a different Caption from the click of a separate button? I couldn't find the right names to use in the SUB. I know what SUB to use, but have no idea on what to do inside it. I named the Caption HelloWorld and tried HelloWorld = True when I clicked to hide it in the InForm. I also tried other ways including not hiding it and just naming it. I would really love to learn all I can but I need a place to start out from. Thanks.