Author Topic: Funny Speed Typing Test  (Read 3739 times)

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Offline SierraKen

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Funny Speed Typing Test
« on: September 23, 2019, 04:34:48 pm »
I made this funny speed typing test only for fun today. As it says in the program, it is not exact because it calculates the time after each time you press Enter after each sentence. So the results are around that amount. It's too bad there's no way to make a program in BASIC that can stop a person typing a question from INPUT on a certain time, besides not using INPUT and using INKEY$. But using INKEY$ would have been a bit more difficult for me to figure out, especially when I have to make sure each sentence is typed correctly. I know there's a way, but like I said, I made this just for fun. :) It has enough sentences to type for even the world record holder of 212 words per minute. And there's a theme to it all, going to the zoo. lol Enjoy.

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _TITLE "Speed Typing Test"
  2. begin:
  3. _LIMIT 200
  4. PRINT "                            Speed Typing Test"
  5. PRINT "                               by  Ken G."
  6. PRINT "     This program will calculate how many words a minute you can type."
  7. PRINT "     This is not a professional test, only just for fun so do not use"
  8. PRINT "     this outcome on any college, job form or professional application."
  9. PRINT "     I will put sentences on the screen and you will type them out the"
  10. PRINT "     same way they are displayed. Press Enter after each sentence."
  11. PRINT "     You must type them all correctly or you will have to type it again."
  12. PRINT "     This program calculates time after you have pressed the Enter key for"
  13. PRINT "     each sentence, so it will not stop at exactly 60 seconds, only after"
  14. PRINT "     60 seconds have been calculated. Then it will display your results."
  15. INPUT "     Press Enter to start.", st$
  16. starttime = TIMER
  17. start:
  18.     _LIMIT 200
  19.     s = TIMER
  20.     seconds = s - starttime
  21.     IF seconds > 60 THEN GOTO done:
  23.     READ a$, amount
  24.     again:
  25.     PRINT a$
  27.     INPUT "->", you$
  28.     IF a$ <> you$ THEN GOTO again:
  29.     CLS
  30. done:
  31. _LIMIT 200
  32. PRINT "Your score is around: "; amount; " words per minute!"
  33. PRINT "Thank you for playing."
  34. INPUT "Again (Y/N)"; ag$
  35. IF LEFT$(ag$, 1) = "y" OR LEFT$(ag$, 1) = "Y" THEN RESTORE zoo: GOTO begin:
  36. zoo:
  37. DATA "The cat jumped off the tree.",6
  38. DATA "The zookeeper cleaned the lion's cage.",12
  39. DATA "The giraffe walked up to the tree and ate the leaves.",23
  40. DATA "The horse quit running around the track.",30
  41. DATA "We took a photograph of the yellow bird.",38
  42. DATA "Violet and Sally fed the elephant.",44
  43. DATA "The rhinoceros looked dangerous.",48
  44. DATA "Fifteen dogs chased two cats around the park.",56
  45. DATA "The popcorn cost $1.53 plus tax.",62
  46. DATA "The #1 attraction was the giant gorilla.",69
  47. DATA "10% of the money went to saving the dolphins.",78
  48. DATA "The aquarium had 100's of different fish.",85
  49. DATA "There was the goldfish and the guppy and the discus and the koi.",99
  50. DATA "They also had a butterfly exhibit with a set temperature.",109
  51. DATA "There was also the funny looking fake unicorn.",117
  52. DATA "An employee walked around in a Tarzan outfit saying he was King of the Jungle.",132
  53. DATA "We drank soda that day and even got ice cream cones.",143
  54. DATA "There were sure a lot of people there and but it wasn't too crowded.",157
  55. DATA "We heard about the zoo from an airplane overhead that carried a giant banner.",171
  56. DATA "It was located fifty-five miles from my house in a different city.",184
  57. DATA "Maybe someday we will go to Australia to see kangaroos and koala bears.",197
  58. DATA "The weather that day felt fantastic and sunny outside.",206
  59. DATA "If you typed all of this correctly then you beat the world record of 212 wpm!",222