Author Topic: Bit Packing For Compression  (Read 3322 times)

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Offline SMcNeill

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Bit Packing For Compression
« on: August 08, 2019, 04:57:21 pm »
Another oldie which I found on my drive; this one is an example of how to pack bits to compress data.

Code: [Select]
x$ = "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only."
PRINT "****************************************"
PRINT "Original:"; LEN(x$)
x$ = CrunchText(x$)
PRINT "Crunched: "; LEN(x$)
x$ = RestoreText(x$)
PRINT "Original:"; LEN(x$)
PRINT "****************************************"

FUNCTION RestoreText$ (text$)
    OriginalSize = CVL(LEFT$(text$, 4))
    Indexcount = ASC(text$, 5) 'The size of our index
    DIM index(Indexcount) AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE
    FOR BitSize = 1 TO 7 'find the number of bits to best store our information
        IF 2 ^ BitSize >= Indexcount THEN EXIT FOR

    FOR i = 1 TO Indexcount
        index(i) = ASC(text$, i + 5) 'Our Index contents rebuilt

    DIM m AS _MEM
    temp$ = MID$(text$, i + 5)

    MakeBitArray m, 1, LEN(temp$) * 8 + 32 ' 388
    _MEMPUT m, m.OFFSET, temp$
    out$ = "": i = 0: Byte = 0

        Byte = Byte + 1
        o = 0
        FOR k = 1 TO BitSize
            i = i + 1
            z = GetBitArray(m, i)
            IF z THEN
                o = o + 2 ^ (k - 1)
            END IF
        IF o = 0 THEN out$ = out$ + CHR$(index(Indexcount)) ELSE out$ = out$ + CHR$(index(o))
    LOOP UNTIL Byte >= OriginalSize
    RestoreText = out$

FUNCTION CrunchText$ (text$)
    'First count the letters used in the text to build an index
    FOR i = 0 TO 255
        IF INSTR(text$, CHR$(i)) THEN
            IndexCount = IndexCount + 1
            REDIM _PRESERVE Index(IndexCount) AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE
            Index(IndexCount) = i 'Our Index of used letters
        END IF

    FOR BitSize = 1 TO 7 'find the number of bits to best store our information
        IF 2 ^ BitSize >= IndexCount THEN EXIT FOR
    Index(0) = IndexCount 'Store the number of bits.
    PackedSize = _CEIL(LEN(text$) / 8 * BitSize)

    DIM m AS _MEM
    MakeBitArray m, 1, LEN(text$) * BitSize

    FOR i = 1 TO LEN(text$)
        work = ASC(text$, i) 'get the letter we're on.
        FOR j = 1 TO IndexCount
            IF work = Index(j) THEN
                FOR k = 1 TO BitSize
                    IF j AND 2 ^ (k - 1) THEN
                        SetBitArray m, (i - 1) * BitSize + k, 1
                    END IF
            END IF

    DIM n AS _MEM
    n = _MEM(Index())
    index$ = SPACE$(n.SIZE)
    _MEMGET n, n.OFFSET, index$
    _MEMFREE n
    tempcrunch$ = SPACE$(m.SIZE)
    _MEMGET m, m.OFFSET, tempcrunch$
    _MEMFREE m
    CrunchText = MKL$(LEN(text$)) + index$ + tempcrunch$

SUB MakeBitArray (m AS _MEM, StartElement AS LONG, EndElement AS LONG)
    Size = EndElement - StartElement + 1
    MemSize = (Size + 7) \ 8 + 4 'Allow for padding if needed.
    m = _MEMNEW(MemSize)
    _MEMPUT m, m.OFFSET, StartElement 'We track what the starting element value is so we can use it later.
    ResetBitArray m

SUB SetBitArray (m AS _MEM, Element AS LONG, Value AS _BYTE)
    IF Value <> 0 THEN Value = 1
    DIM StartElement AS LONG
    DIM UnpackedByte(0 TO 7) AS _UNSIGNED _BIT

    _MEMGET m, m.OFFSET, StartElement
    o = m.OFFSET + 4 'The start of our actual data

    WorkElement = Element - StartElement
    BytePosition = WorkElement \ 8: BitPosition = WorkElement MOD 8
    _MEMGET m, o + BytePosition, b

    FOR i = 0 TO 7
        IF b AND 2 ^ i THEN UnpackedByte(i) = 1 'Get the old values of our packed data
    UnpackedByte(BitPosition) = Value
    b = 0
    FOR i = 0 TO 7
        IF UnpackedByte(i) THEN b = b + 2 ^ i
    _MEMPUT m, o + BytePosition, b

FUNCTION GetBitArray~` (m AS _MEM, Element AS LONG)
    DIM StartElement AS LONG
    DIM UnpackedByte(0 TO 7) AS _UNSIGNED _BIT

    _MEMGET m, m.OFFSET, StartElement
    o = m.OFFSET + 4 'The start of our actual data

    WorkElement = Element - StartElement
    BytePosition = WorkElement \ 8: BitPosition = WorkElement MOD 8
    _MEMGET m, o + BytePosition, b

    IF b AND 2 ^ BitPosition THEN GetBitArray = 1 'Get the old values of our packed data

SUB ResetBitArray (m AS _MEM)
    _MEMFILL m, m.OFFSET + 4, m.SIZE - 4, 0 AS _UNSIGNED _BYTE

Note that this takes 613 bytes and crunches them down to 423 packed bytes for us...

How does it do it?

It counts an index of the number of letters we use and stores them.  In most cases, we don't use the extended ASCII set in writing, so normal US English writing seldom ever has characters larger than ASC(128) in it. 

If we're only using 128 characters, then we can represent them in 7 bits, without needing the 8th one.  If we're storing a long line of text, then we can use that extra byte to pack 8 letters worth of information into 7 bytes.  (12.5% size reduction)

If we're only using 64 characters (say a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and a comma and period), then we can represent those characters in 6 bits, without needing the 8th one.  If we're storing a long line of text, then we can use that extra byte to pack 8 letters worth of information into 6 bytes. (25% size reduction)

If we're only using 32 characters (say A-Z a some basic punctuation characters), then we can represent those characters in 5 bits, without needing the 8th one.  If we're storing a long line of text, then we can use that extra byte to pack 8 letters worth of information into 5 bytes. (37.5% size reduction)

That's basically what we're  doing with this old code here: Crunching a long string of text into a compacted version of itself.  I thought somebody out there might find it interesting, so I tossed it up here to share. 

Enjoy! — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline Petr

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Re: Bit Packing For Compression
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2019, 05:34:06 am »
Hi, I understand the principle of function. As you write - you have a string that fits in 7 bits, so you save 1 bit per byte, so that with a compressed string of 8 bytes, you get 1 byte. Then, if the original length was 8 bytes (and each byte had a free 1 bit), the new string has 7 bytes. (100/8) * 7 ---> new size is 87.5 percent original size, space saving 12.5 percent. I saw something like this when I was writing a bitmap recording program in 16/4/2 colors. This works on a similar principle, where each pixel is written in bits, so for example, for a two-color bitmap (not just black and white, since this bitmap also has palette information), each byte contains 4 pixel color information.
I used a slow but easy to understand method of decomposing a byte into bits, an example that is somewhere in Wikipedia. Your example is particularly clear to people who have already worked with MEM, it will certainly not be clear to beginners.

Thank you for this program!