Hmm... Not overly concerned about which rules to include, change or delete... I prefer 'simple'... ('cos I find 'difficult' hard to do... lol).
Yep! you bet, simple is easy to understand, usually logical and easy to remember. So it makes sense to choose simple over complex. If I have a philosophy, that might be it's core. Rule #1
Like: Player dealt two cards face up. Dealer One up. One down. If player busts, dealer wins, end of hand. Push is ok when there is a tie. The only 'problem' I see in waiting to see if the dealer busts as well, is that, if both bust then it's a 'tie' and this is an advantage to the player as there is no loss of chips. Game continues until Quit or broke. Oh. 'Chips' are fine by me...
OK, by Rule#1 AND everyone already knows this game as played:
If player busts, dealer wins, end of hand.
I am working my way through your game because it's relatively easy to follow and I refuse to try and untangle "lined and goto-ed' prehistoric basic code... lol. Well, maybe not quite so easy to follow, but WAY easier than the old code....
I was thinking more along the lines of how Battleships was controlled. Basically by mouse. Click on various valued 'chip' images to place a bet. Click on 'hit' to deal an extra card; Click on 'Stay" to switch to dealer. As always, esc or 'exit', to end the game.
I have just the thing for that, developed in Gin Rummy Variation Series (though so far only posted one game and found it faulty) it is an extremely simple way to do a "Menu" of buttons customized to the exact situation you're at in the game. I will start rewrite of that along with higher stake, round over with player bust and I have new idea about setting up an account, so after first time you are staked, you are really in hole 1000... well details can be worked out later, point is you have an account and can borrow up to 1000, so every time you start game and log in... you get drift I think. Getting into banking, I can think of a number of bells and whistles for that! ;-))
Possible extras: Intro screen; Menu to switch on/off stuff like ambient sound; Music; Highscores; Player name; Max bet... stuff like that...
The least I can do is to start sourcing assets... If I can't find public domain stuff I'll try to make it myself... lol I think I made a card game table some time ago... It's either floating around on this site or an old drive somewhere... If I can find it, perhaps we can use it, or use as an example of how 'not' to make a table... lol
Yeah! That's the asset magic I am talking about :)
Oh, I think we should maintain a better credit list for sources of images or sounds.
Oh yeah, and change chips UDT Type to _INTEGER64 so we can go sky high with the points/fake money/chips.
That's quite a Punch List already Johnno! :)