Author Topic: I need help with this program, that creates random bytes and can encrypt a file.  (Read 4882 times)

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Offline Dragoncat

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DIM SHARED Pad1$(15), Pad2$(15), ToByte(63), ToB64(255), Mods(12)
COMMON SHARED L0, L1, L2, L3, ToB64(), L5, ToByte(), L7, Mods(), L9, L10$
COMMON SHARED L11$, L13$, I14, I15, I17, L20, Pad1$(), Pad2$(), L26$, L28$, I29
COMMON SHARED I34, L35, L36, L37$, I38, I39, L40!, I42, Modder2, L44, L45
COMMON SHARED L46, Modder, I50, L51$, L54
L0 = 0
L3 = 255
L1 = 1
L5 = 63
L7 = 12
Modder = 64
Modder2 = 256
120 FOR L2 = L0 TO L3 STEP L1
    130 ToB64(INT(L2)) = -1
140 NEXT
150 FOR L2 = L0 TO L5 STEP L1
    160 READ ToByte(INT(L2))
    170 ToB64(ToByte(INT(L2))) = INT(L2)
180 NEXT
190 FOR L2 = L0 TO L7 STEP L1
    200 READ Mods(INT(L2))
210 NEXT
220 L9 = L0
222 SHELL "dir *.* /w /p"
390 INPUT "enter file to encrypt/decrypt"; L26$
400 INPUT "enter name of output file"; L28$
INPUT "enter seed (password)"; L13$
I14 = LEN(L13$)
IF I15 <= 15 THEN GOTO set2max
L13$ = LEFT$(L13$, 15)
set2max: I17 = 15
FOR L2 = L0 TO 15 STEP L1
    PRINT "("; L2; ") ";
    Pad1$(INT(L2)) = LEFT$(L13$, 1)
    L13$ = RIGHT$(L13$, I17)
    Pad2$(INT(L2)) = Pad1$(INT(L2))
    I17 = I17 - 1
450 I34 = LOF(1)
REM 460 L35 =  'L35 apparently is not being used...
470 L36 = I34
480 GOTO 600
490 CALL Rndmiz
495 L40! = Grand!
peel& = 32
IF I34 < 32 THEN peel& = I34
510 L37$ = STRING$(peel&, 32)
520 GET #1, I39, L37$
strlen = LEN(L37$)
FOR sloc = 1 TO strlen
    CALL Rndmiz
    L40! = Grand!
    530 IR12 = INT(L40! / 256) '( # Top half of long integer # )
    540 IR14 = (INT(L40! * 256)) MOD 256
    IF sloc <= LEN(L37$) THEN
        bite$ = MID$(L37$, sloc, 1)
        550 I42 = ASC(bite$) XOR IR14
        560 L37$ = CHR$(I42 MOD Modder2)
    END IF
NEXT sloc
570 PUT #2, I39, L37$
580 IF I29 <> 1 THEN GOTO 600
590 PRINT L37$;
600 I39 = I39 + 1
610 I38 = I38 + 1
620 IF I39 <= L36 THEN GOTO 490
630 CLOSE #2
640 CLOSE #1
870 DATA 32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39
880 DATA 40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47
890 DATA 48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55
900 DATA 56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63
910 DATA 64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71
920 DATA 72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79
930 DATA 80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87
940 DATA 88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95
950 DATA 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,27,33,37,43
960 END

    L40! = 0!
    L54 = .015625
    FOR L2 = 13 TO 15 STEP L1
        L40! = (ASC((Pad1$(INT(L2)))) - 32) * L54 + L40!
        L54 = L54 / 64
    Grand! = L40!

SUB Rndmiz
    L45 = Mods(INT(L9))
    FOR L46 = 0 TO 3 STEP 1
        FOR L2 = 0 TO 15 STEP 1
            IF (L2 MOD 2) <> 0 THEN GOTO skp1
            L45 = (ASC((Pad1$(INT(L2)))) + -32) + L45
            skp1: IF (L2 MOD 2) <> 1 THEN GOTO skp2
            L45 = (-(ASC((Pad1$(INT(L2)))) - 95)) + L45
            skp2: IF L2 <= L0 THEN GOTO bland01
            Pad1$(INT(L2 - 1)) = Pad1$(INT(L2))
        bland01: NEXT
        I50 = L45 MOD Modder
        L51$ = CHR$(ToByte(I50))
        L9 = (L9 + L1) MOD 13

this does not seem to work in the latest version of  QB64 I get the message Invalid name on line 96 what is wrong??
There Removed (45 pad$...) on line 96 and the program works FINE!! feel free to copy it and try it out!! Ill be making som minor improvements to it eventually, like having it give you a list of available files, thus letting you more easily select a file etc...
« Last Edit: May 08, 2019, 12:13:41 pm by Dragoncat »

Marked as best answer by Dragoncat on May 08, 2019, 07:23:07 am

Offline bplus

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Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. SUB Rndmiz (45 pad1$)  ' <<<<<<<<<<<< look at this line???? (96)

Earlier in your program you Call Rndmiz without any arguments and it will compile if I remove (45 pad1$).

BTW code tags (to put your code in a code window) are here:
Code tag.PNG
« Last Edit: May 08, 2019, 11:22:06 am by bplus »

Offline Dragoncat

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Thanks a lot !!! It must have added that sometime later as some sort of a glitch that happened, program works fine now!!, give it a try..It does need the added functionality of letter the user look for and browse files and choose a file to encrypt / decrypt etc... but it is a fine start! thanks for fixing the problem , I would have never guessed that it was an argument thing like that, I wonder if the argument was needed for the program to work correctly or not, I will have to review my programs inner workings, flow chart it have tests done for randomness etc... lot of work still needs to be done, but thanks!!!, thanks a lot!!