Hello bplus
Good night
Should I win the prize? Of course I will remember you bplus. You and Steve deserve it, for dedicating yourself to a newcomer like me. Just send the account number. :)
I am not trying to rewrite the data file.
I was trying to put in the only code, the two codes that you and Steve created for me.
The code that generates the combinations and the code that read the combinations.
In a single code, the two codes together into one.
With a Loop, more with the IF INKEY $ <> "" THEN END in the end for when I want to leave.
I ran the latter and it made a mistake on the line that is Seek
Yes having code that reads the file you just made is fine! But you can not skip making the file first before trying to read it. :-))
Your snapshot shows the last line to be the first record. If you input only 1 line in at the beginning, that is only 1 combination you had the code make. To show last 10 lines, you need to enter at least 10, at the beginning of program. It is no longer doing millions but exactly how many lines you want.
You are right, you never said anything about rewriting file. I slipped into that thinking having so much trouble working with Steve's Append method.
Steve, It is a valiant and intriguing attempt, it was not easy to go back to fool proof which apparently was not fool proof enough. ;-))
Good luck to us, Carlos! :)