Good night, Steve.
Not wanting to be Inconvenient, could you exemplify how do I end part of the sequence and start over again where She stopped? Let's say I want to populate the temp.txt file with Intervals without it losing its order.
I mean, insert 1 million today, then 2 million more, until you reach 50 million.
It is very important to me.
PRINT "Calculating..."
OPEN "temp.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #1
FOR num1 = 1 TO 55
LOCATE 5, 3: PRINT num1,
FOR num2 = num1 + 1 TO 56
LOCATE 5, 5: PRINT num2,
FOR num3 = num2 + 1 TO 57
LOCATE 5, 7: PRINT num3,
FOR num4 = num3 + 1 TO 58
LOCATE 5, 9: PRINT num4,
FOR num5 = num4 + 1 TO 59
LOCATE 5, 11: PRINT num5,
FOR num6 = num5 + 1 TO 60
LOCATE 5, 13: PRINT num6
s$ = LTRIM$(STR$(num1)) + ","
IF num1 < 10 THEN s$ = "0" + s$
IF num2 < 10 THEN s$ = s$ + "0"
s$ = s$ + LTRIM$(STR$(num2)) + ","
IF num3 < 10 THEN s$ = s$ + "0"
s$ = s$ + LTRIM$(STR$(num3)) + ","
IF num4 < 10 THEN s$ = s$ + "0"
s$ = s$ + LTRIM$(STR$(num4)) + ","
IF num5 < 10 THEN s$ = s$ + "0"
s$ = s$ + LTRIM$(STR$(num5)) + ","
IF num6 < 10 THEN s$ = s$ + "0"
s$ = s$ + LTRIM$(STR$(num6))
PRINT #1, s$