': This program uses
': InForm - GUI library for QB64 - Beta version 7
': Fellippe Heitor, 2016-2018 - fellippe@qb64.org - @fellippeheitor
': https://github.com/FellippeHeitor/InForm
': Controls' IDs: ------------------------------------------------------------------
'>> The controls in the list below may have been added or renamed,
'>> and previously existing controls may have been deleted since
'>> this program's structure was first generated.
'>> Make sure to check your code in the events SUBs so that
'>> you can take your recent edits into consideration.
': ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
': External modules: ---------------------------------------------------------------
': Event procedures: ---------------------------------------------------------------
'!!! Ought to be able to set these in UIEditor
Control(BodyDataFR).Disabled = True
Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Disabled = True
DispCalc` = True
SetFrameRate Thirty%%
SUB __UI_BeforeUpdateDisplay
'This event occurs at approximately 30 frames per second.
'You can change the update frequency by calling SetFrameRate DesiredRate%
'!!! Temp
NoBodiesLess1% = 11
DIM GlobalArray#
, 3) GlobalArray#(0, 3) = 1
GlobalArray#(1, 3) = 2
GlobalArray#(0, 0) = 5
'Use local array from global to display only >0 mass bodies in z-dimension order
DIM LocalArray!
, 2)
NoVisible% = 0
= 0 TO NoBodiesLess1%
IF GlobalArray#
, 3) <> 0 THEN LocalArray!(NoVisible%, M%%) = GlobalArray#(N%, M%%) '!!! Or whatever index value is correct
NoVisible% = NoVisible% + 1
'FOR N% = 0 TO NoVisible% - 1
' PRINT #1, N%, LocalArray!(N%, 0)
'PRINT #1, ""
'Now order visible bodies
'To order based upon z-dimension
'!!! NB Here, x- is out of screen, y- is left to right, z_ is botton to top (old coordinate system)
' dblA#() is the array used here, not in the calculations routine
Jump% = 1 'fio To order based upon x-distance: this doesn't seem to slowdown calculation too much.
<= NoVisible%
- 1: Jump%
= Jump%
* 2:
WEND 'Have to do this every time as collisions change NoBodiesLess1%
Jump% = (Jump% - 1) \ 2
Finis` = False
Finis` = True
FOR Upper%
= 0 TO NoVisible%
- 1 - Jump%
Lower% = Upper% + Jump%
'IF dblA#(intKeep%(Upper%, 3), 1) > dblA#(intKeep%(Lower%, 3), 1) THEN
' SWAP intKeep%(Upper%, 3), intKeep%(Lower%, 3)
' Finis` = False
IF LocalArray!
, 1) > LocalArray!
, 1) THEN SWAP LocalArray!
, 1), LocalArray!
, 1) Finis` = False
BeginDraw PictureBox1 'Replace PictureBox1 with the actual ID of the desired PictureBox
'Drawing code goes here
CLS '!!! Need this if image is (software)
'_DISPLAYORDER _HARDWARE '!!! This doesn't work
IF Caption
) = "Cause" THEN '_MAPTRIANGLE (0, 0)-(260, 0)-(0, 253), Earth& TO(200, 200, -400)-(460, 0, -400)-(200, 453, -400) '261x254
'!!! _MAPTRIANGLE(3D) doesn't work in InForm
EndDraw PictureBox1
'!!! Not enough bodies to carry on
'!!! Or do we do this assessment elsewhere?
'If you set __UI_UnloadSignal = False here you can
'cancel the user's request to close.
CASE GravitationSimulation
IF Caption
) = "Cause" THEN Caption(CauseBT) = "Effect"
Control(SimulationTypeFR).Hidden = False
Control(SimulationTypeFR).Disabled = False
Caption(CauseBT) = "Cause"
Control(SimulationTypeFR).Hidden = True
Control(SimulationTypeFR).Disabled = True
'!!! And other Frames
DoCalc` = True
A# = 2E24 * (3.6 ^ 5)
'PRINT #1, Control(SolarSystemRB).Value
'PRINT #1, Control(BodyManualRB).Value
'PRINT #1, Control(GravitationalCollapseRB).Value
'PRINT #1, Control(LoadFromFileRB).Value
'PRINT #1, Control(DemonstrationRB).Value
'Hidden/NotHidden 11-Body, GravitationalCollapse Input Forms
IF Control
= True
THEN Control(BodyDataFR).Hidden = False
Control(BodyDataFR).Disabled = False
Control(BodyDataFR).Hidden = True
Control(BodyDataFR).Disabled = True
IF Control
= True
THEN Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Hidden = False
Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Disabled = False
Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Hidden = True
Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Disabled = True
IF Control
= True
THEN Control(BodyDataFR).Hidden = False
Control(BodyDataFR).Disabled = False
Control(BodyDataFR).Hidden = True
Control(BodyDataFR).Disabled = True
IF Control
= True
THEN Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Hidden = False
Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Disabled = False
Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Hidden = True
Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Disabled = True
CASE GravitationalCollapseRB
IF Control
= True
THEN Control(BodyDataFR).Hidden = False
Control(BodyDataFR).Disabled = False
Control(BodyDataFR).Hidden = True
Control(BodyDataFR).Disabled = True
IF Control
= True
THEN Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Hidden = False
Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Disabled = False
Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Hidden = True
Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Disabled = True
IF Control
= True
THEN Control(BodyDataFR).Hidden = False
Control(BodyDataFR).Disabled = False
Control(BodyDataFR).Hidden = True
Control(BodyDataFR).Disabled = True
IF Control
= True
THEN Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Hidden = False
Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Disabled = False
Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Hidden = True
Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Disabled = True
IF Control
= True
THEN Control(BodyDataFR).Hidden = False
Control(BodyDataFR).Disabled = False
Control(BodyDataFR).Hidden = True
Control(BodyDataFR).Disabled = True
IF Control
= True
THEN Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Hidden = False
Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Disabled = False
Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Hidden = True
Control(GravitationalCollapseFR).Disabled = True
CASE GravitationSimulation
CASE GravitationSimulation
'This event occurs right before a control loses focus.
'To prevent a control from losing focus, set __UI_KeepFocus = True below.
CASE GravitationSimulation
CASE GravitationSimulation
'When this event is fired, __UI_KeyHit will contain the code of the key hit.
'You can change it and even cancel it by making it = 0
CASE GravitationalCollapseRB