I'm not sure if this is me, QB64, Zenity, pipecom, or a mixture of all.
I took an example from the Zenity documentation, and it is presenting me with garbage. Here is the code from the documentation, my QB64 code, and a screen print of what I am getting.
I originally had all the parameters in, but I removed the "--title" and the ">> addr.csv" and reordered it the same way as the code given to me by Spriggs, with no changes in my results.
The commented out part works fine (It is Spriggs code that was provided).
From Zenity Documentation (just the portion of the BASH script that is the call to Zenity):
zenity --forms --title="Add Friend" \
--text="Enter information about your friend." \
--separator="," \
--add-entry="First Name" \
--add-entry="Family Name" \
--add-entry="Email" \
--add-calendar="Birthday" >> addr.csv
, dates
, other
, form
, birthday
, firstname
, lastname
'form = pipecom_lite("zenity --forms --add-entry=" + CHR$(34) + "Email" + CHR$(34) + _
' " --add-calendar=" + CHR$(34) + "Pick date" + CHR$(34) + _
' " --text=" + CHR$(34) + "This is a form made in zenity" + CHR$(34) + _
' " --add-entry=" + CHR$(34) + "Ultimate Haxxor" + CHR$(34) _
' )
form = pipecom_lite( _
"zenity --forms --add-entry=" + CHR$(34) + "First Name" + CHR$(34) + _
"--add-calendar=" + CHR$(34) + "Birthday" + CHR$(34) + _
"--text=" + CHR$(34) + "Enter information about your friend." + CHR$(34) + _
"--add-entry=" + CHR$(34) + "Last Name" + CHR$(34) + _
"--add-entry=" + CHR$(34) + "Email" + CHR$(34) _
'email = MID$(form, 1, INSTR(form, "|") - 1)
'PRINT email
'form = MID$(form, INSTR(form, "|") + 1)
'dates = MID$(form, 1, INSTR(form, "|") - 1)
'PRINT dates
'other = MID$(form, INSTR(form, "|") + 1)
'PRINT other
Here is the run results:
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