@bplus so how bad do you need the names again?
It's more about the convenience of creating a descriptive array and reducing the number of Dim statements. I have 50 files, each with data items ranging from 300 to 3000 approx items. The arrays could be preDimmed as :
DimMov4Event1( 1 to LengthofRecord)
Dim Mov10Event1(1 to LengthofRecord)
Dim Mov4Event2(1 to LengthofRecord)
etc up to Dim Mov4Event50(1 to LengthofRecord) and Dim Mov10Event50(1 to LengthofRecord)
A lot of dimming and event then I'd setting aside memory for arrays which may not be used from one run of the program to another. I'd like to be able to just input the Event file to use and the moving average factor for comparison.
I'm not sure what Split1000 is and you are correct about the difficulty about converting a string to it's numeric value..."Dim Mov4Event1" is expecting Numeric Values whereas the way I have been trying to do it forces me to create String arrays. All the data is stored as a numeric.
Appears the old tried and true method of creating one all purpose Dynamic Array (or two) and just force it work with multiple calls to varying data is the best way forward.