Calendar has been updated and expanded once again.
We now find ALL of the following holidays, from the following lists:
41 Simple Calculations from Holiday.txt
01, ON, 01, New Years Day
01, ON, 07, Orthodox Christmas Day
01, ON, 13, Stephen Foster Memorial Day
01, ON, 14, Orthodox New Year
01, THIRD, Monday, Martin Luther King Day
02, ON, 01, National Freedom Day
02, ON, 01, Start of Black History Month
02, ON, 02, Groundhog
's Day 02, FIRST, Sunday, Super Bowl
02, ON, 12, Lincoln
's Birthday 02, ON, 14, Valentine
's Day 02, THIRD, Monday, President's Day
02, ON, 22, Washington
's Birthday 03, ON, 01, Start of Women
's History Month 03, SECOND, Sunday, Start of Daylight Saving's Time
03, ON, 17, Saint Patrick
's Day 03, ON, 29, National Vietnam War Vetern
's Day 04, ON, 01, April Fool
's Day 05, ON, 05, Cinco de Mayo
05, SECOND, Sunday, Mother's Day
05, LAST, Monday, Memorial Day
06, THIRD, Sunday, Father's Day
07, ON, 04, Independence Day
09, FIRST, Monday, Labor Day
09, ON, 25, Steve McNeill
's Birthday 10, SECOND, 02, Columbus Day
10, SECOND, 02, Thanksgiving Day (Canada)
11, ON, 01, All Saint
's Day 11, FIRST
, Sunday
, End of Daylight Saving
's Time 11, ON, 02, All Soul
's Day 11, ON, 11, Veteran
's Day 11, Fourth, Thursday, Thanksgiving
12, ON, 07, Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
12, ON, 24, Christmas Eve
12, ON, 25, Christmas Day
12, ON, 26, Boxing Day
) 12, ON, 31, New Year
's Eve
The date of the 4 seasons:
All of the Easter-related holidays, that I knew of. (If I missed one, simply speak up now and let me know.):
Good Friday
Holy Thursday
Palm Sunday
Lent Begins
Ash Wednesday
Shrove Tuesday
Election Day, US (First Tuesday after first Monday in November)
Friday the 13th, when it occurs.
Thanksgiving Related Days:
Black Friday
Cyber Monday
Each day we get:
Day Length
Moon Phase
And, of course, users can add and edit their own events into the calendar, to suit their own needs.
Updated version is available via my onedrive link here:!AknUrv8RXVYMkIMiwSDNKinhlbfuHg?e=ndJtkcLooks like I have quite a ways to go yet, to catch up to Ryster's calendar which calculates 58 things and generates a 21.1 mb EXE file. So far, I'm only calculating 61 things (not counting custom events), with an EXE which comes in at about 3 mb in size. I really wish he'd share his code with us, so I could see what I'm missing out on. ;)