I vaguely recall something like that in TI and/or Atari Basic, and I just looked it up in the MS Quick Baisc manual (a different text from the Qbasic one I referenced in my preceding post). You could, as luke stated, the third parameter to change the border around the window of the program. The manual did not give a range, but I would imagine it would be 0 to either 7 or 15. In the MS Quick Basic text, it shows this as a SCREEN 0 only "feature" as luke pointed out. My guess is I tried it once, and was so NOT impressed, I never bothered to code anything with it, and I would not care to see QB64 support it, anytime soon. As of now, I agree with luke, that QB64 just ignores it.
Oh, Quick Basic COLOR in SCREEN 1 is listed as 2 parameters. The first is the foreground, but get this, the second is the palette. SCREEN 1? :D :D :D