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Here's another method without using SHELL. Just thought I'd throw it into the mix! Works for me in Windows 7. Download from https sites. Uses a built-in Windows Library function. - DavThis works perfect when running in QB64. However, when I use it with the InFORM add on for QB64, it does some crazy things and locks up my computer. It may just be my computer.Thanks for the code snippet.- KentCode: QB64: [Select]DECLARE DYNAMIC LIBRARY "urlmon" FUNCTION URLDownloadToFileA% (BYVAL pCaller AS LONG, szURL AS STRING, szFileName AS STRING, BYVAL dwReserved AS LONG, BYVAL lpfnCB AS LONG)END DECLARE url$ = ""urlfile$ = "forecast.txt" a% = URLDownloadToFileA%(0, url$, urlfile$, 0, 0) SLEEP 5 'pause to allow the download to complete IF a% = 0 THEN PRINT "Downloaded!"ELSE PRINT "NOT Downloaded!"END IF