Author Topic: A Two-Roads Problem  (Read 9717 times)

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Offline bplus

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Re: A Two-Roads Problem
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2020, 02:37:09 pm »
Why wouldn't it work with any spot on curve one and end anywhere on curve 2?  Unless you want to go from the same side to the same side?  In that case, you just build a third circle to connect the other two and you use it as a direction changer.

RE: Steve's reply #10 with 3 circles
Hey it works! There is no jump in slope, they are always matched at tangent points before changing curves PLUS you get from any point on the curve to any other without building a special road for any 2 points. Did anyone ask for the shortest curve?

I tried to fit a chunk of a parabola from one point to the other but couldn't get the numbers to fit, maybe a chunk of ellipse? Wasted 2 days ;(
« Last Edit: February 02, 2020, 02:42:01 pm by bplus »

Offline STxAxTIC

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Re: A Two-Roads Problem
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2020, 02:44:03 pm »
The shortest curve would be mostly straight with just a little curvature at each intersection point.

bplus: Matching just the slope is insufficient. You need to match the slope of the slope to experience no unjustified accelerations.
You're not done when it works, you're done when it's right.

Offline bplus

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Re: A Two-Roads Problem
« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2020, 04:16:34 pm »
Well how smooth is this?
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. CONST xmax = 600, ymax = 600
  2. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(xmax, ymax, 32)
  3. WINDOW (-10, 10)-(10, -10)
  4. TYPE XY
  5.     x AS SINGLE
  6.     y AS SINGLE
  8. REDIM arr(19) AS XY
  10. FOR x = -10 TO 10 STEP .1
  11.     IF x > -2.5 AND x <= -1.5 THEN 'collect points around jump from red
  12.         arr(i).x = x
  13.         arr(i).y = ya(x)
  14.         i = i + 1
  15.     END IF
  16.     IF x >= .5 AND x < 1.5 THEN 'collect points around jump to blue
  17.         arr(i).x = x
  18.         arr(i).y = yb(x)
  19.         i = i + 1
  20.     END IF
  21.     IF x > -10 THEN
  22.         LINE (x - 1, ya(x - 1))-STEP(1, ya(x) - ya(x - 1)), &HFFFF0000
  23.         LINE (x - 1, yb(x - 1))-STEP(1, yb(x) - yb(x - 1)), &HFF0000FF
  24.         'LINE (x - 1, soln(x - 1))-STEP(1, soln(x) - soln(x - 1)), &HFF00FF00 'test soln
  25.     END IF
  26. 'connect (-2,ya(-2)) with (1, yb(1))
  27. CIRCLE (-2, ya(-2)), .1: CIRCLE (1, yb(1)), .1
  28. PRINT "yadx(-2)  ="; yadx(-2); "  ybdx(1) ="; ybdx(1) '1 , .5
  29. LINE (-1, -1)-(-3, -3) 'slope over  -2, -2
  30. LINE (0, .75)-(2, 1.75) 'slope over 1, 1.25
  31. SMOOTH arr(), 200, 100
  32. FOR i = 0 TO 200
  33.     CIRCLE (arr(i).x, arr(i).y), .05, &HFF008800
  35. FUNCTION ya (x)
  36.     ya = -(x ^ 2) / 4 - 1
  38. FUNCTION yadx (x)
  39.     yadx = -x / 2
  41. FUNCTION yb (x)
  42.     yb = x ^ 2 / 4 + 1
  44. FUNCTION ybdx (x)
  45.     ybdx = x / 2
  47. FUNCTION soln (x) 'failed to eyeball in the right curve fit
  48.     soln = -((x - 4) ^ 2) / 12 + 2
  50. '======================= Feature SUB =======================================================================
  51. ' This code takes a dynamic points array and adds and modifies points to smooth out the data,
  52. ' to be used as Toolbox SUB. b+ 2020-01-24 adapted and modified from:
  53. ' Curve smoother by STxAxTIC
  54. SUB SMOOTH (arr() AS XY, targetPoints AS INTEGER, smoothIterations AS INTEGER)
  55.     'TYPE XY
  56.     '    x AS SINGLE
  57.     '    y AS SINGLE
  58.     'END TYPE
  59.     ' targetPoints is the number of points to be in finished smoothed out array
  60.     ' smoothIterations is number of times to try and round out corners
  62.     DIM rad2Max, kmax, k, numPoints, xfac, yfac, rad2, j
  63.     numPoints = UBOUND(arr)
  64.     REDIM _PRESERVE arr(0 TO targetPoints) AS XY
  65.     REDIM temp(0 TO targetPoints) AS XY
  66.     DO
  67.         '
  68.         ' Determine the pair of neighboring points that have the greatest separation of all pairs.
  69.         '
  70.         rad2Max = -1
  71.         kmax = -1
  72.         FOR k = 1 TO numPoints - 1
  73.             xfac = arr(k).x - arr(k + 1).x
  74.             yfac = arr(k).y - arr(k + 1).y
  75.             rad2 = xfac ^ 2 + yfac ^ 2
  76.             IF rad2 > rad2Max THEN
  77.                 kmax = k
  78.                 rad2Max = rad2
  79.             END IF
  80.         NEXT
  81.         '
  82.         ' Starting next to kmax, create a `gap' by shifting all other points by one index.
  83.         '
  84.         FOR j = numPoints TO kmax + 1 STEP -1
  85.             arr(j + 1).x = arr(j).x
  86.             arr(j + 1).y = arr(j).y
  87.         NEXT
  89.         '
  90.         ' Fill the gap with a new point whose position is determined by the average of its neighbors.
  91.         '
  92.         arr(kmax + 1).x = .5 * (arr(kmax).x + arr(kmax + 2).x)
  93.         arr(kmax + 1).y = .5 * (arr(kmax).y + arr(kmax + 2).y)
  95.         numPoints = numPoints + 1
  96.     LOOP UNTIL (numPoints = targetPoints)
  97.     '
  98.     ' At this stage, the curve still has all of its sharp edges. Use a `relaxation method' to smooth.
  99.     ' The new position of a point is equal to the average position of its neighboring points.
  100.     '
  101.     FOR j = 1 TO smoothIterations
  102.         FOR k = 2 TO numPoints - 1
  103.             temp(k).x = .5 * (arr(k - 1).x + arr(k + 1).x)
  104.             temp(k).y = .5 * (arr(k - 1).y + arr(k + 1).y)
  105.         NEXT
  106.         FOR k = 2 TO numPoints - 1
  107.             arr(k).x = temp(k).x
  108.             arr(k).y = temp(k).y
  109.         NEXT
  110.     NEXT

Smooth enough (qm)..PNG

Offline STxAxTIC

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Re: A Two-Roads Problem
« Reply #18 on: February 02, 2020, 04:21:29 pm »
This is why I love you bplus.

That's as close to a perfectly acceptable solution as you can get. I bet it overlays the one I provided perfectly. Bravo, sir. You always find a way!

And hey, where'd you get that smoothing code? I literally never saw that coming.



Here's your code with my solution plotted as well:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. CONST xmax = 600, ymax = 600
  2. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(xmax, ymax, 32)
  3. WINDOW (-10, 10)-(10, -10)
  4. TYPE XY
  5.     x AS SINGLE
  6.     y AS SINGLE
  8. REDIM arr(19) AS XY
  10. FOR x = -10 TO 10 STEP .1
  11.     IF x > -2.5 AND x <= -1.5 THEN 'collect points around jump from red
  12.         arr(i).x = x
  13.         arr(i).y = ya(x)
  14.         i = i + 1
  15.     END IF
  16.     IF x >= .5 AND x < 1.5 THEN 'collect points around jump to blue
  17.         arr(i).x = x
  18.         arr(i).y = yb(x)
  19.         i = i + 1
  20.     END IF
  21.     IF x > -10 THEN
  22.         LINE (x - 1, ya(x - 1))-STEP(1, ya(x) - ya(x - 1)), &HFFFF0000
  23.         LINE (x - 1, yb(x - 1))-STEP(1, yb(x) - yb(x - 1)), &HFF0000FF
  24.         LINE (x - 1, soln(x - 1))-STEP(1, soln(x) - soln(x - 1)), &HFF00FF00 'test soln
  25.     END IF
  26. 'connect (-2,ya(-2)) with (1, yb(1))
  27. CIRCLE (-2, ya(-2)), .1: CIRCLE (1, yb(1)), .1
  28. PRINT "yadx(-2)  ="; yadx(-2); "  ybdx(1) ="; ybdx(1) '1 , .5
  29. LINE (-1, -1)-(-3, -3) 'slope over  -2, -2
  30. LINE (0, .75)-(2, 1.75) 'slope over 1, 1.25
  31. SMOOTH arr(), 200, 100
  32. FOR i = 0 TO 200
  33.     CIRCLE (arr(i).x, arr(i).y), .05, &HFF008800
  35. FUNCTION ya (x)
  36.     ya = -(x ^ 2) / 4 - 1
  38. FUNCTION yadx (x)
  39.     yadx = -x / 2
  41. FUNCTION yb (x)
  42.     yb = x ^ 2 / 4 + 1
  44. FUNCTION ybdx (x)
  45.     ybdx = x / 2
  47. FUNCTION soln (x) 'failed to eyeball in the right curve fit
  48.     yc = 0.5123456790123457 + 1.1419753086419753 * x - 0.40895061728395077 * x ^ 2 - 0.12345679012345677 * x ^ 3 + 0.09413580246913578 * x ^ 4 + 0.03395061728395061 * x ^ 5
  49.     soln = yc
  51. '======================= Feature SUB =======================================================================
  52. ' This code takes a dynamic points array and adds and modifies points to smooth out the data,
  53. ' to be used as Toolbox SUB. b+ 2020-01-24 adapted and modified from:
  54. ' Curve smoother by STxAxTIC
  55. SUB SMOOTH (arr() AS XY, targetPoints AS INTEGER, smoothIterations AS INTEGER)
  56.     'TYPE XY
  57.     '    x AS SINGLE
  58.     '    y AS SINGLE
  59.     'END TYPE
  60.     ' targetPoints is the number of points to be in finished smoothed out array
  61.     ' smoothIterations is number of times to try and round out corners
  63.     DIM rad2Max, kmax, k, numPoints, xfac, yfac, rad2, j
  64.     numPoints = UBOUND(arr)
  65.     REDIM _PRESERVE arr(0 TO targetPoints) AS XY
  66.     REDIM temp(0 TO targetPoints) AS XY
  67.     DO
  68.         '
  69.         ' Determine the pair of neighboring points that have the greatest separation of all pairs.
  70.         '
  71.         rad2Max = -1
  72.         kmax = -1
  73.         FOR k = 1 TO numPoints - 1
  74.             xfac = arr(k).x - arr(k + 1).x
  75.             yfac = arr(k).y - arr(k + 1).y
  76.             rad2 = xfac ^ 2 + yfac ^ 2
  77.             IF rad2 > rad2Max THEN
  78.                 kmax = k
  79.                 rad2Max = rad2
  80.             END IF
  81.         NEXT
  82.         '
  83.         ' Starting next to kmax, create a `gap' by shifting all other points by one index.
  84.         '
  85.         FOR j = numPoints TO kmax + 1 STEP -1
  86.             arr(j + 1).x = arr(j).x
  87.             arr(j + 1).y = arr(j).y
  88.         NEXT
  90.         '
  91.         ' Fill the gap with a new point whose position is determined by the average of its neighbors.
  92.         '
  93.         arr(kmax + 1).x = .5 * (arr(kmax).x + arr(kmax + 2).x)
  94.         arr(kmax + 1).y = .5 * (arr(kmax).y + arr(kmax + 2).y)
  96.         numPoints = numPoints + 1
  97.     LOOP UNTIL (numPoints = targetPoints)
  98.     '
  99.     ' At this stage, the curve still has all of its sharp edges. Use a `relaxation method' to smooth.
  100.     ' The new position of a point is equal to the average position of its neighboring points.
  101.     '
  102.     FOR j = 1 TO smoothIterations
  103.         FOR k = 2 TO numPoints - 1
  104.             temp(k).x = .5 * (arr(k - 1).x + arr(k + 1).x)
  105.             temp(k).y = .5 * (arr(k - 1).y + arr(k + 1).y)
  106.         NEXT
  107.         FOR k = 2 TO numPoints - 1
  108.             arr(k).x = temp(k).x
  109.             arr(k).y = temp(k).y
  110.         NEXT
  111.     NEXT
« Last Edit: February 02, 2020, 04:25:52 pm by STxAxTIC »
You're not done when it works, you're done when it's right.

Offline bplus

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Re: A Two-Roads Problem
« Reply #19 on: February 02, 2020, 04:36:38 pm »
LOL STxAxTIC, how could you not like your own work?

I made a close up or zoom in:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. CONST xmax = 600, ymax = 600
  2. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(xmax, ymax, 32)
  3. WINDOW (-3, 3)-(3, -3)
  4. TYPE XY
  5.     x AS SINGLE
  6.     y AS SINGLE
  7. REDIM arr(19) AS XY
  8. FOR x = -3 TO 3 STEP .1
  9.     IF x > -2.5 AND x <= -1.5 THEN 'collect points around jump from red
  10.         arr(i).x = x
  11.         arr(i).y = ya(x)
  12.         i = i + 1
  13.     END IF
  14.     IF x >= .5 AND x < 1.5 THEN 'collect points around jump to blue
  15.         arr(i).x = x
  16.         arr(i).y = yb(x)
  17.         i = i + 1
  18.     END IF
  19.     IF x > -3 THEN
  20.         LINE (x - .1, ya(x - .1))-(x, ya(x)), &HFFFF0000
  21.         LINE (x - .1, yb(x - .1))-(x, yb(x)), &HFF0000FF
  22.     END IF
  23. 'connect (-2,ya(-2)) with (1, yb(1))
  24. CIRCLE (-2, ya(-2)), .1: CIRCLE (1, yb(1)), .1
  25. PRINT "yadx(-2)  ="; yadx(-2); "  ybdx(1) ="; ybdx(1) '1 , .5
  26. LINE (-1, -1)-(-3, -3) 'slope over  -2, -2
  27. LINE (0, .75)-(2, 1.75) 'slope over 1, 1.25
  28. SMOOTH arr(), 200, 100
  29. FOR i = 1 TO 200
  30.     LINE (arr(i - 1).x, arr(i - 1).y)-(arr(i).x, arr(i).y), &HFFFFFF00
  32. FUNCTION ya (x)
  33.     ya = -(x ^ 2) / 4 - 1
  35. FUNCTION yadx (x)
  36.     yadx = -x / 2
  38. FUNCTION yb (x)
  39.     yb = x ^ 2 / 4 + 1
  41. FUNCTION ybdx (x)
  42.     ybdx = x / 2
  44. FUNCTION soln (x) 'failed to eyeball in the right curve fit
  45.     soln = -((x - 4) ^ 2) / 12 + 2
  47. '======================= Feature SUB =======================================================================
  48. ' This code takes a dynamic points array and adds and modifies points to smooth out the data,
  49. ' to be used as Toolbox SUB. b+ 2020-01-24 adapted and modified from:
  50. ' Curve smoother by STxAxTIC
  51. SUB SMOOTH (arr() AS XY, targetPoints AS INTEGER, smoothIterations AS INTEGER)
  52.     'TYPE XY
  53.     '    x AS SINGLE
  54.     '    y AS SINGLE
  55.     'END TYPE
  56.     ' targetPoints is the number of points to be in finished smoothed out array
  57.     ' smoothIterations is number of times to try and round out corners
  59.     DIM rad2Max, kmax, k, numPoints, xfac, yfac, rad2, j
  60.     numPoints = UBOUND(arr)
  61.     REDIM _PRESERVE arr(0 TO targetPoints) AS XY
  62.     REDIM temp(0 TO targetPoints) AS XY
  63.     DO
  64.         '
  65.         ' Determine the pair of neighboring points that have the greatest separation of all pairs.
  66.         '
  67.         rad2Max = -1
  68.         kmax = -1
  69.         FOR k = 1 TO numPoints - 1
  70.             xfac = arr(k).x - arr(k + 1).x
  71.             yfac = arr(k).y - arr(k + 1).y
  72.             rad2 = xfac ^ 2 + yfac ^ 2
  73.             IF rad2 > rad2Max THEN
  74.                 kmax = k
  75.                 rad2Max = rad2
  76.             END IF
  77.         NEXT
  78.         '
  79.         ' Starting next to kmax, create a `gap' by shifting all other points by one index.
  80.         '
  81.         FOR j = numPoints TO kmax + 1 STEP -1
  82.             arr(j + 1).x = arr(j).x
  83.             arr(j + 1).y = arr(j).y
  84.         NEXT
  86.         '
  87.         ' Fill the gap with a new point whose position is determined by the average of its neighbors.
  88.         '
  89.         arr(kmax + 1).x = .5 * (arr(kmax).x + arr(kmax + 2).x)
  90.         arr(kmax + 1).y = .5 * (arr(kmax).y + arr(kmax + 2).y)
  92.         numPoints = numPoints + 1
  93.     LOOP UNTIL (numPoints = targetPoints)
  94.     '
  95.     ' At this stage, the curve still has all of its sharp edges. Use a `relaxation method' to smooth.
  96.     ' The new position of a point is equal to the average position of its neighboring points.
  97.     '
  98.     FOR j = 1 TO smoothIterations
  99.         FOR k = 2 TO numPoints - 1
  100.             temp(k).x = .5 * (arr(k - 1).x + arr(k + 1).x)
  101.             temp(k).y = .5 * (arr(k - 1).y + arr(k + 1).y)
  102.         NEXT
  103.         FOR k = 2 TO numPoints - 1
  104.             arr(k).x = temp(k).x
  105.             arr(k).y = temp(k).y
  106.         NEXT
  107.     NEXT

Offline STxAxTIC

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Re: A Two-Roads Problem
« Reply #20 on: February 07, 2020, 12:52:14 am »
Alright, sorry this took so long - here is the long awaited (by nobody by now I bet) solution to the two-roads problem. It brushes over calculus and linear algebra without apology. Scroll to the end for a picture.

Ah, and my numerical solution came from sxript code:

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. include(`../test/linalg.txt'):
  3. let(q1,-2):
  4. let(f0,-2):
  5. let(f1,1):
  6. let(f2,-1/2):
  8. let(q2,1):
  9. let(g0,5/4):
  10. let(g1,1/2):
  11. let(g2,1/2):
  13. let(d,
  14.   <
  15.   <1,[q1],[q1]^2,[q1]^3,[q1]^4,[q1]^5,    [f0]>,
  16.   <1,[q2],[q2]^2,[q2]^3,[q2]^4,[q2]^5,    [g0]>,
  17.   <0,1,2*[q1],3*[q1]^2,4*[q1]^3,5*[q1]^4, [f1]>,
  18.   <0,1,2*[q2],3*[q2]^2,4*[q2]^3,5*[q2]^4, [g1]>,
  19.   <0,0,2,3*2*[q1],4*3*[q1]^2,5*4*[q1]^3,  [f2]/2>,
  20.   <0,0,2,3*2*[q2],4*3*[q2]^2,5*4*[q2]^3,  [g2]/2>
  21.   >
  22. ):
  24. let(r,syslinsolve([d])):
  26. print_let(r,smooth(<for(<k,1,len([r]),1>,{elem(elem([r],[k]),len([r])+1),})>)) ,\n:
  28. func(f6,{for(<k,1,6,1>,{elem([r],[k])*[x]^([k]-1)})}):
  30. print_plot(f6,[q1]-1,[q2]+1,.1,60,40,1)
* TwoRoads.pdf (Filesize: 112.61 KB, Downloads: 236)
You're not done when it works, you're done when it's right.

Offline SMcNeill

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Re: A Two-Roads Problem
« Reply #21 on: February 07, 2020, 01:03:15 am »
Syntax error on Line 1.  Your QB64 code is broken. — A github collection of all things Steve!

Offline STxAxTIC

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Re: A Two-Roads Problem
« Reply #22 on: February 07, 2020, 01:23:36 am »
Alright, let me make it fair for the QB64-minded.

I did this in QB64 by the following steps.

1) Create a sub-language strong enough to do math. That project is here:

2) Compile Sxript.exe from Sxript.bas as I have done, and then drag+drop the NON QB64 SOURCE CODE, BUT CODE FOR A QB64 PROGRAM NONETHELESS onto Sxript.exe:




  <1,[q1],[q1]^2,[q1]^3,[q1]^4,[q1]^5,    [f0]>,
  <1,[q2],[q2]^2,[q2]^3,[q2]^4,[q2]^5,    [g0]>,
  <0,1,2*[q1],3*[q1]^2,4*[q1]^3,5*[q1]^4, [f1]>,
  <0,1,2*[q2],3*[q2]^2,4*[q2]^3,5*[q2]^4, [g1]>,
  <0,0,2,3*2*[q1],4*3*[q1]^2,5*4*[q1]^3,  [f2]/2>,
  <0,0,2,3*2*[q2],4*3*[q2]^2,5*4*[q2]^3,  [g2]/2>


print_let(r,smooth(<for(<k,1,len([r]),1>,{elem(elem([r],[k]),len([r])+1),})>)) ,\n:

  • ^([k]-1)})}):

print_plot(f6,[q1]-1,[q2]+1,.1,60,40,1) generate the screenshot below. Contains the answer and an ASCII plot. Have a nice morning.

Edit: I can actually see the quote box did some autoformatting that garbled my function, but for the sake of not triggering anyone again, I'll leave it as a quote and you can scroll back up to the function.

* ss.png (Filesize: 43.95 KB, Dimensions: 984x713, Views: 292)
« Last Edit: February 07, 2020, 01:31:06 am by STxAxTIC »
You're not done when it works, you're done when it's right.

Marked as best answer by STxAxTIC on February 07, 2020, 03:30:57 pm

Offline _vince

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Re: A Two-Roads Problem
« Reply #23 on: February 07, 2020, 04:06:27 pm »
Code: [Select]
defsng a-z

const sw = 800
const sh = 600
declare SUB ccircle (x1, y1, r, col)
declare SUB cline (x1, y1, x2, y2, col)
declare FUNCTION yc (x)
declare FUNCTION yb (x)
declare FUNCTION ya (x)
CALL cline(0, 0, sw / 2, 0, 7)
CALL cline(0, 0, -sw / 2, 0, 7)
CALL cline(0, 0, 0, sh / 2, 7)
CALL cline(0, 0, 0, -sh / 2, 7)
zoom = 75

CALL ccircle(-2 * zoom, ya(-2) * zoom, 10, 14)
CALL ccircle(1 * zoom, yb(1) * zoom, 10, 15)
FOR x = -2.5 TO 2 STEP .01
    CALL ccircle(x * zoom, ya(x) * zoom, 1, 14)
    CALL ccircle(x * zoom, yb(x) * zoom, 1, 15)
    'CALL ccircle(x * zoom, yc(x) * zoom, 1, 5)
    a = -2/27
    b = -7/36
    c = 10/9
    d = 11/27
    y = a*x*x*x + b*x*x + c*x + d
    pset (x*zoom + sw/2, sh/2 - y*zoom)
    ya = -x ^ 2 / 4 - 1
    yb = x ^ 2 / 4 + 1
    yc = x ' What should this be in order to smoothly join each curve?
SUB cline (x1, y1, x2, y2, col)
    LINE (sw / 2 + x1, -y1 + sh / 2)-(sw / 2 + x2, -y2 + sh / 2), col
SUB ccircle (x1, y1, r, col)
    CIRCLE (sw / 2 + x1, -y1 + sh / 2), r, col

Offline STxAxTIC

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Re: A Two-Roads Problem
« Reply #24 on: February 07, 2020, 08:30:47 pm »
Yes! This ^ is excellent. Best answer goes to _vince. If you aren't satisfied by a lack of explanation of why this answer is so good, see Two Roads.pdf above and imagine chopping the series at the O(3) term instead of O(5).
« Last Edit: February 07, 2020, 08:35:16 pm by STxAxTIC »
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Re: A Two-Roads Problem
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2020, 09:28:17 pm »
So the boys were talking about MS paint in Discord and I got thinking about the one feature in PAINT that is a little mathy - and that's the auto-curve-drawing button. Thinking about how it acted, I had kindof a Eureka moment and realize it solves a spline calculation, which is exactly the solution to this problem. Check out the screenshot. I made the bold line using 3 clicks in paint, which solves the problem graphically. Try it yourself and you can kindof see what the math is doing.
* ss.png (Filesize: 52.62 KB, Dimensions: 806x614, Views: 293)
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Re: A Two-Roads Problem
« Reply #26 on: February 27, 2020, 07:59:19 pm »
I think the MS paint is a simple cubic bezier curve.

Here is an interactive n-order bezier curve based on the iterative definition: You can change "STEP 0.01" on line 70ish to something smaller for a finer curve

Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. deflng a-z
  2. const sw = 800
  3. const sh = 600
  4. pi = 4*atn(1)
  5. declare sub circlef(x, y, r, c)
  7. n = 8
  8. dim x(n), y(n)
  10. x(0) = 0: y(0) = -200
  11. x(1) = -130: y(1) = -130
  12. x(2) = -200: y(2) = 0
  13. x(3) = -30: y(3) = 30
  14. x(4) = 0: y(4) = 200
  15. x(5) = 230: y(5) = 230
  16. x(6) = 200: y(6) = 0
  17. x(7) = 130: y(7) = -30
  18. 'x(n) = x(0)
  19. 'y(n) = y(0)
  21. 'for i=0 to n-1
  22. '       x(i) = 200*cos(2*pi*i/n)
  23. '       y(i) = 200*sin(2*pi*i/n)
  24. 'next
  26. 'screenres sw, sh, 32
  27. screen _newimage(sw, sh, 32)
  28. redraw = -1
  29. drag = 0
  30.         'm = getmouse(mx, my, mw, mb)
  31.         do
  32.                 mx = _mousex
  33.                 my = _mousey
  34.                 mb = -_mousebutton(1)
  35.         loop while _mouseinput
  37.         if drag then
  38.                 if mb = 1 then
  39.                         x(ii) = mx - sw/2
  40.                         y(ii) = sh/2 - my
  41.                 else
  42.                         drag = 0
  43.                 end if
  44.         else
  45.                 dmin = 1e10
  46.                 for i=0 to n - 1
  47.                         dx = (mx - sw/2) - x(i)
  48.                         dy = (sh/2 - my) - y(i)
  49.                         d = (dx*dx + dy*dy)
  50.                         if d < dmin then
  51.                                 dmin = d
  52.                                 ii = i
  53.                         end if
  54.                 next
  56.                 if mb = 1 then
  57.                         omx = mx
  58.                         omy = my
  59.                         drag = -1
  60.                 end if
  61.         end if
  64.         redraw = -1
  66.         if redraw then
  67.                 'screenlock
  68.                 line (0,0)-(sw,sh),_rgb(0,0,0),bf
  69.                 locate 1,1: ? m, mx, my, mw, mb
  73.                 dim t as double, bx as double, by as double
  74.                 pset (sw/2 + x(0), sh/2 - y(0)), _rgb(0,255,0)
  75.                 for t=0 to 1 step 0.01
  76.                         bx = 0
  77.                         by = 0
  79.                         for i=0 to n-1
  80.                                 bin = 1
  81.                                 for j=1 to i
  82.                                         bin = bin*(n - j)/j
  83.                                 next
  85.                                 bx = bx + bin*((1 - t)^(n - 1 - i))*(t^i)*x(i)
  86.                                 by = by + bin*((1 - t)^(n - 1 - i))*(t^i)*y(i)
  87.                         next
  89.                         line -(sw/2 + bx, sh/2 - by), _rgb(0,255,0)
  90.                 next
  95.                 'x(n) = x(0)
  96.                 'y(n) = y(0)
  97.                 x0 = sw/2 + x(0)
  98.                 y0 = sh/2 - y(0)
  99.                 circlef x0, y0, 8, _rgb(55,55,55)
  100.                 for i=1 to n-1
  101.                         x1 = sw/2 + x(i)
  102.                         y1 = sh/2 - y(i)
  103.                         line (x0, y0)-(x1, y1), _rgb(55,55,55)
  104.                         'line -(sw/2 + cx, sh/2 - cy)
  105.                         circlef x1, y1, 8, _rgb(55,55,55)
  106.                         x0 = x1
  107.                         y0 = y1
  108.                 next
  109.                 circlef sw/2 + x(ii), sh/2 - y(ii), 8, _rgb(255,0,0)
  111.                 'screenunlock
  112.                 'screensync
  114.                 redraw = 0
  116.                 _display
  117.         end if
  120. sub circlef(x, y, r, c)
  121.         x0 = r
  122.         y0 = 0
  123.         e = -r
  125.         do while y0 < x0
  126.                 if e <=0 then
  127.                         y0 = y0 + 1
  128.                         line (x - x0, y + y0)-(x + x0, y + y0), c, bf
  129.                         line (x - x0, y - y0)-(x + x0, y - y0), c, bf
  130.                         e = e + 2*y0
  131.                 else
  132.                         line (x - y0, y - x0)-(x + y0, y - x0), c, bf
  133.                         line (x - y0, y + x0)-(x + y0, y + x0), c, bf
  134.                         x0 = x0 - 1
  135.                         e = e - 2*x0
  136.                 end if
  137.         loop
  138.         line (x - r, y)-(x + r, y), c, bf

I might program in the ability to interactively add more points, I'll edit this post if so


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Re: A Two-Roads Problem
« Reply #27 on: February 27, 2020, 08:07:18 pm »
Here is an interactive n-order bezier curve based on the iterative definition:

Wow, _vince.

Offline _vince

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Re: A Two-Roads Problem
« Reply #28 on: February 27, 2020, 11:02:44 pm »
Thanks, Fil

Nice thinking Steve, but theres a problem with that proposed curve in that it isnt smooth. In a car driving analogy, note that the steering wheel would have to jerk *instantly* when you transition from the line to the circle. A real road/car would forbid an instant jump like that, so you need to enter/exit the circle more gradually than a brutal tangent line. This is especially evident for smaller circles but true for all circles. That doesnt mean a part of the solution cant be line-like or circle-like though.

Said another way, you want a curve to join at the points, yes. You also want the slope of the curve to match the slope of the road where it joins, check. Here's the subtle part: the slope of the slope of the curve must also match the slope of the slope of the road at the intersection points. This guarantees a jerk-free transition.
Funny you trying to say derivative without saying derivative and giving away the solution (to who?). The fact that there isn't a closed expression for G means physics math will remain junk math.

Offline STxAxTIC

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Re: A Two-Roads Problem
« Reply #29 on: February 28, 2020, 05:38:02 am »
The fact that there isn't a closed expression for G means physics math will remain junk math.

Wait what?
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