'This is a replacement for the _RGB function. It works for upto 8-bit
'(256 colors) images only and needs a valid image. It can limit the
'number of pens to search and uses a better color matching algorithm.
= _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32) 'A 32 bit screents
= _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 256) 'A 256 color screen, which is only used so I can get the standard 256 color paletter from it.
CONST ConvertToStandard256Palette
= -1 'Change to 0 and you can see that we preseve the second pass's ' color information perfectly.
' If the CONST is set, then we convert our colors on the screen
' to as close of a match as possible, while preserving the standard
' QB64 256-color palette.
= 1 TO 100 '100 random colors 'if we want to use the standard 256 color screen palette, we can do so as below
ELSE 'we can go with completely random colors with the following instead: FOR i
= 1 TO 100 '100 random colors PRINT "This is the original screen, pass"; j
SLEEP 'show the original screen
t = Image32To256(ws)
'show the standard 256 image screen with the image converted over ' this keeps us from having to learn or use any new/unique palettes the image may have
' but, it does cause us to lose details and hues.
PRINT "This is the 256-color screen, pass"; j
= _LOADIMAGE("C:\QB64 Repo\Steve64\Beautiful_colorful_bird_wallpaper01.jpg", 32)_SCREENMOVE 0, 0 'move the screen to use as much of the screen as possible, since it's so damn huge! PRINT "This is the original 32-bit screen." SLEEP 'to show the 32-bit image of the colorful bird I found
t = Image32To256(l)
'show the 256 image screen with the image converted over PRINT "This is the converted 256 color screen." 'And we're done. You should now be seeing a pretty little 256 color version of the bird
AS LONG 'number of times it appears DO 'get the palette and number of colors used _MEMGET m
(0), m
+ o
, t
'Get the colors from the original screen FOR i
= 0 TO colors
'check to see if they're in the existing palette we're making Pal(colors) = t
colors = colors + 1 'increment the index for the new color found
IF colors
> 255 THEN 'no need to check any further; it's not a normal QB64 256 color image Image32To256 = RemapImageFS(image&, I256)
EXIT FUNCTION 'and we're done, with 100% image compatability saved o = o + 4
' we might be working with a standard qb64 256 color screen
' check for that first
colors = colors - 1 'back up one, as we found our limit and aren't needing to set another
= 0 TO colors
'comparing palette against QB64 256 color palette t = Pal(i)
THEN 'it's not a standard QB64 256 color palette, but it's still less than 256 total colors. IF ConvertToStandard256Palette
THEN TI256 = RemapImageFS(image&, I256)
I256 = TI256 'replace with the new image
(1) = _MEMIMAGE(I256
) 'and point the mem block to the new image 'If we didn't change the palette above, we should work 100% with qb64's internal 256 color palette
o = 0
DO 'Get the colors, put them to a 256 color screen, as is _MEMGET m
(0), m
+ o
+ 3, a
(0), m
+ o
+ 2, r
(0), m
+ o
+ 1, g
(0), m
+ o
+ 0, b
o = o + 4
Image32To256 = I256
RemapImageFS& = -1 'so far return invalid handle
shan& = ohan& 'avoid side effect on given argument
'--- check/adjust source image & get new 8-bit image ---
shan& = than&
than& = -1 'avoid freeing below
'--- Floyd-Steinberg error distribution arrays ---
= _NEWIMAGE(swid%
, 2, 32) 'these are missused as LONG arrays, ghan&
= _NEWIMAGE(swid%
, 2, 32) 'with CHECKING:OFF this is much faster bhan&
= _NEWIMAGE(swid%
, 2, 32) 'than real QB64 arrays '--- curr/next row offsets (for distribution array access) ---
cro% = 0: nro% = swid% * 4 'will be swapped after each pixel row
'--- the matrix values are extended by 16384 to avoid slow floating ---
'--- point ops and to allow for integer storage in the above arrays ---
'--- also it's a power of 2, which may be optimized into a bitshift ---
seven% = (7 / 16) * 16384 'X+1,Y+0 error fraction
three% = (3 / 16) * 16384 'X-1,Y+1 error fraction
five% = (5 / 16) * 16384 'X+0,Y+1 error fraction
one% = (1 / 16) * 16384 'X+1,Y+1 error fraction
'--- if all is good, then start remapping ---
'--- for speed we do direct memory access ---
'--- iterate through pixels ---
'--- curr/prev/next pixel offsets ---
cpo% = x% * 4: ppo% = cpo% - 4: npo% = cpo% + 4
'--- get pixel ARGB value from source ---
'--- add distributed error, shrink by 16384, clear error ---
'--- current pixel X+0, Y+0 (= cro% (current row offset)) ---
poff% = cro% + cpo% 'pre-calc full pixel offset
= ((srgb~&
AND &HFF0000~&
) \
65536) + (_MEMGET(rbuf
, roff%&
+ poff%
, LONG) \
16384) 'red sg%
= ((srgb~&
AND &HFF00~&
) \
256) + (_MEMGET(gbuf
, goff%&
+ poff%
, LONG) \
16384) 'green sb%
= (srgb~&
) + (_MEMGET(bbuf
, boff%&
+ poff%
, LONG) \
16384) 'blue _MEMPUT rbuf
, roff%&
+ poff%
, 0 AS LONG 'clearing each single pixel error using _MEMPUT _MEMPUT gbuf
, goff%&
+ poff%
, 0 AS LONG 'turns out even faster than clearing the entire _MEMPUT bbuf
, boff%&
+ poff%
, 0 AS LONG 'pixel row using _MEMFILL at the end of the loop '--- find nearest color ---
= _RGBA32(sr%
, sg%
, sb%
, 0) 'used for fast value clipping + channel merge IF fsNearCol%
) > 0 THEN npen% = fsNearCol%(crgb~&) - 1 'already known
npen% = FindColor&(sr%, sg%, sb%, nhan&, 24, 255 - guiReservedPens%) 'not known, find one
fsNearCol%(crgb~&) = npen% + 1 'save for later use
'--- put colormapped pixel to dest ---
'--- Floyd-Steinberg error distribution ---
'--- You may comment this block out, to see the
'--- result without applied FS matrix.
'--- get dest palette RGB value, calc error to clipped source ---
= ((crgb~&
AND &HFF0000~&
) - (nrgb~&
AND &HFF0000~&
)) \
65536 eg%
= ((crgb~&
AND &HFF00~&
) - (nrgb~&
AND &HFF00~&
)) \
256 eb%
= (crgb~&
) - (nrgb~&
) '--- distribute error according to FS matrix ---
'--- X-1, Y+1 (= nro% (next row offset)) ---
poff% = nro% + ppo% 'pre-calc full pixel offset
'--- X+0, Y+1 (= nro% (next row offset)) ---
poff% = nro% + cpo% 'pre-calc full pixel offset
'--- X+1, Y+0 (= cro% (current row offset)) ---
poff% = cro% + npo% 'pre-calc full pixel offset
'--- X+1, Y+1 (= nro% (next row offset)) ---
poff% = nro% + npo% 'pre-calc full pixel offset
'--- End of FS ----------------------------
noff%& = noff%& + 1 'next dest pixel
soff%& = soff%& + 4 'next source pixel
tmp% = cro%: cro% = nro%: nro% = tmp% 'exchange distribution array row offsets
'--- memory cleanup ---
'--- set result ---
RemapImageFS& = nhan&
nhan& = -1 'avoid freeing below
'--- remapping done or error, cleanup remains ---