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Offline bplus

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Re: Letter Memory
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2019, 02:01:59 pm »
Here is a much more challenging Letter Memory Game.

The letters are paired off such that when one letter is revealed you must reveal the paired letter, it takes a little longer to process :)

Code: QB64: [Select]
  2. _TITLE "Match Paired Letters Memory Game" '  by bplus started 2019-07-23
  3. 'this is a variation of Letter Memory Game Remake (July 2019)
  5. 'Listed in lines below the board are letters pairs to be matched.
  6. 'Click 2 boxes to reveal potential match, if so the boxes remain revealed.
  7. 'The object is to quickly get all the boxes revealed exposing full alphabet.
  9. TYPE XYtype
  10.     X AS INTEGER
  11.     Y AS INTEGER
  13. TYPE LetterBox
  14.     XY AS XYtype
  15.     Reveal AS INTEGER ' 0, -1 revealed when matched, stay revealed
  16.     Letter AS STRING '  letter to match
  18. CONST xmax = 800, ymax = 300, boxSize = 50 'screen stuff
  19. CONST xoffLetter = (boxSize - 8) / 2, yoffLetter = (boxSize - 16) / 2 ' for letters in box
  20. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(xmax, ymax, 32)
  21. _SCREENMOVE 360, 60
  22. REDIM SHARED LB(1 TO 1) AS LetterBox, nBoxes 'so setup can set values to these globals
  23. REDIM SHARED shuffle(1 TO 1) AS STRING 'container of letter pairs to shuffle and distrbute before each round
  24. DIM SHARED nRevealed
  25. DIM i, s$, b1Index, b2Index, tStart!, clickCnt
  26. setUpGame
  27.     tStart! = TIMER(.001)
  28.     initRound
  29.     CLS
  30.     updateScreen
  31.     DO
  32.         i = getBoxIndex
  33.         IF i THEN 'reveals, click counts only count if they are revealing
  34.             IF b1Index = 0 THEN 'first reveal box
  35.                 IF LB(i).Reveal <> -1 THEN b1Index = i: LB(i).Reveal = -1: clickCnt = clickCnt + 1
  36.             ELSE '2nd reveal box
  37.                 IF LB(i).Reveal <> -1 THEN b2Index = i: LB(i).Reveal = -1: clickCnt = clickCnt + 1
  38.             END IF
  39.             updateScreen
  40.         END IF
  41.         IF b2Index <> 0 THEN 'check pair, if they are a matched pair leave them revealed
  42.             IF ABS(ASC(LB(b1Index).Letter) - ASC(LB(b2Index).Letter)) <> 13 THEN 'no match
  43.                 _DELAY 1
  44.                 LB(b1Index).Reveal = 0: LB(b2Index).Reveal = 0
  45.                 nRevealed = nRevealed - 2 'when complete = number of squares then done
  46.                 updateScreen
  47.             END IF
  48.             b1Index = 0: b2Index = 0 'clear box clicks
  49.         END IF
  50.         _LIMIT 60
  51.     LOOP UNTIL nRevealed = nBoxes
  52.     COLOR &HFFDDDDDD, &HFF000000
  53.     s$ = "Completed in" + STR$(INT(TIMER(.001) - tStart!)) + " secs and" + STR$(clickCnt) + " clicks."
  54.     LOCATE 3, (xmax / 8 - LEN(s$)) / 2: PRINT s$
  55.     _DELAY 7
  57. FUNCTION getBoxIndex
  58.     DIM m, mx, my, mb, i
  59.     mb = _MOUSEBUTTON(1) '            left button down
  60.     IF mb THEN '                      get last place mouse button was down
  61.         WHILE mb '                    wait for mouse button release as a "click"
  62.             m = _MOUSEINPUT: mb = _MOUSEBUTTON(1): mx = _MOUSEX: my = _MOUSEY
  63.         WEND
  64.         FOR i = 1 TO nBoxes '         now find which box was clicked
  65.             IF mx > LB(i).XY.X AND mx < LB(i).XY.X + boxSize THEN
  66.                 IF my > LB(i).XY.Y AND my < LB(i).XY.Y + boxSize THEN
  67.                     getBoxIndex = i: EXIT FUNCTION
  68.                 END IF
  69.             END IF
  70.         NEXT
  71.     END IF
  73. SUB updateScreen
  74.     DIM i
  75.     COLOR &HFFAAAAFF, &HFF000000
  76.     LOCATE 15, 12: PRINT "Letter Pairs to Match:  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M"
  77.     LOCATE 16, 12: PRINT "                 with:  N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z"
  78.     nRevealed = 0 '              (shared) detect how many boxes are revealed
  79.     FOR i = 1 TO nBoxes
  80.         LINE (LB(i).XY.X, LB(i).XY.Y)-STEP(boxSize, boxSize), &HFFFF0000, BF
  81.         IF LB(i).Reveal = -1 THEN
  82.             COLOR &HFFDDDDDD, &HFFFF0000
  83.             _PRINTSTRING (LB(i).XY.X + xoffLetter, LB(i).XY.Y + yoffLetter), LB(i).Letter
  84.             nRevealed = nRevealed + 1
  85.         END IF
  86.     NEXT
  88. SUB initRound 'reassign letters and hide them all
  89.     DIM i, r
  90.     FOR i = nBoxes TO 2 STEP -1 ' shuffle stuff in array
  91.         r = INT(i * RND) + 1
  92.         SWAP shuffle(i), shuffle(r)
  93.     NEXT
  94.     FOR i = 1 TO nBoxes '       reset or reassign values
  95.         LB(i).Letter = shuffle(i): LB(i).Reveal = 0
  96.     NEXT
  98. SUB setUpGame
  99.     DIM i, x, y '(                main) CONST xmax = 800, ymax = 300, boxSize = 50
  100.     CONST xBoxes = 13, yBoxes = 2 '          Board N x M  boxes across, boxes down
  101.     nBoxes = xBoxes * yBoxes '               Total boxes (shared)
  102.     REDIM LB(1 TO nBoxes) AS LetterBox '     ready to rec data (shared)
  103.     'CONST boxSize = 50                '     Screen drawing topleft box locations
  104.     CONST spacer = 5 '                       for XY calc
  105.     CONST xoffset = INT((xmax - boxSize * xBoxes - spacer * (xBoxes - 1)) / 2)
  106.     CONST yoffset = INT((ymax - boxSize * yBoxes - spacer * (yBoxes - 1)) / 2)
  107.     CONST sq = boxSize + spacer '            for XY calc
  108.     FOR y = 1 TO yBoxes '                    set screen XY locations for all boxes
  109.         FOR x = 1 TO xBoxes
  110.             i = i + 1
  111.             LB(i).XY.X = xoffset + (x - 1) * sq
  112.             LB(i).XY.Y = yoffset + (y - 1) * sq
  113.         NEXT
  114.     NEXT
  115.     REDIM shuffle(1 TO nBoxes) AS STRING ' load shuffle array for shuffling later (shared)
  117.     FOR i = 1 TO nBoxes
  118.         shuffle(i) = MID$(letters, i, 1)
  119.     NEXT

« Last Edit: July 23, 2019, 02:04:25 pm by bplus »

Offline Petr

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Re: Letter Memory
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2019, 02:29:24 pm »
Cool idea, very good!

Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: Letter Memory
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2019, 04:37:07 pm »
yep it is a harder level of pair!
I find more difficult also the couple of boxes and not the previouse square scheme.
Programming isn't difficult, only it's  consuming time and coffee

Offline bplus

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Re: Letter Memory
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2019, 05:44:52 pm »
Well I am glad I am cooling you guys off this summer :D


Offline Ashish

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Re: Letter Memory
« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2019, 03:32:09 am »
Good Job. I played this for half an hour but I never get less than 200 sec...
if (Me.success) {Me.improve()} else {Me.tryAgain()}

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Offline bplus

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Re: Letter Memory
« Reply #20 on: July 24, 2019, 03:01:33 pm »
Good Job. I played this for half an hour but I never get less than 200 sec...

Hi Ashish,

Today I had my first below 200, it gets a little easier once you start to remember pairs automatically and mainly focus on remembering where letters are, trying not to waste time remembering the matching letter because you can look that up at bottom of screen.

Of course it doesn't hurt either to use the code to create and test Button tools for your toolbox.

Here I have the game rewritten with my first set of button tools:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  2. _TITLE "Button Memory Game" '  by bplus started 2019-07-24
  3. 'This is a generalization of "Match Paired Letters Memory Game" by bplus started 2019-07-23
  5. ' The goal here is 2 Fold:
  6. '   Broaden the Memory Game seires to more than letters,
  7. '   And develop some potential button library procedures.
  8. ' 1. Button Type
  9. ' 2. Button Draw
  10. ' 3. Buttons Layout  'setup a whole keypad of buttons, assuming base 1 for first index
  11. ' 4. ButtonIndexClicked  'get the button index clicked, assuming base 1 for first index
  13. '1. Button Type common to all buttons
  14. TYPE ButtonType
  15.     X AS INTEGER
  16.     Y AS INTEGER
  17.     W AS INTEGER
  18.     H AS INTEGER
  19.     FC AS _UNSIGNED LONG 'fore color is the color of anything printed
  20.     BC AS _UNSIGNED LONG 'back color  is the color of button
  21.     L AS STRING 'label
  22.     IMG AS LONG 'image handle
  23.     O AS INTEGER 'O stands for On or Off reveal string/img of button function or keep hidden
  25. CONST xmax = 800, ymax = 300, boxSize = 50, sbc = &HFF005500, sfc = &HFFAAAADD 'screen stuff
  26. CONST xoffLetter = (boxSize - 8) / 2, yoffLetter = (boxSize - 16) / 2 ' for letters in box
  27. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(xmax, ymax, 32)
  28. _SCREENMOVE 360, 60
  29. REDIM SHARED Btn(1 TO 1) AS ButtonType, nBtns 'so setup can set values to these globals
  30. REDIM SHARED shuffle(1 TO 1) AS STRING 'container of letter pairs to shuffle and distrbute before each round
  31. DIM SHARED nRevealed
  32. DIM i, s$, b1Index, b2Index, tStart!, clickCnt
  34. COLOR sfc, sbc: CLS
  35. setUpGame
  36.     tStart! = TIMER(.001)
  37.     initRound
  38.     updateScreen
  39.     DO
  40.         i = ButtonIndexClicked
  41.         IF i THEN 'reveals, click counts only count if they are revealing
  42.             IF b1Index = 0 THEN 'first reveal box
  43.                 IF Btn(i).O <> -1 THEN b1Index = i: Btn(i).O = -1: clickCnt = clickCnt + 1
  44.             ELSE '2nd reveal box
  45.                 IF Btn(i).O <> -1 THEN b2Index = i: Btn(i).O = -1: clickCnt = clickCnt + 1
  46.             END IF
  47.             updateScreen
  48.         END IF
  49.         IF b2Index <> 0 THEN 'check pair, if they are a matched pair leave them revealed
  50.             IF ABS(ASC(Btn(b1Index).L) - ASC(Btn(b2Index).L)) <> 13 THEN 'no match
  51.                 _DELAY 1
  52.                 Btn(b1Index).O = 0: Btn(b2Index).O = 0
  53.                 nRevealed = nRevealed - 2 'when complete = number of squares then done
  54.                 updateScreen
  55.             END IF
  56.             b1Index = 0: b2Index = 0 'clear box clicks
  57.         END IF
  58.         _LIMIT 60
  59.     LOOP UNTIL nRevealed = nBtns
  60.     s$ = "Completed in" + STR$(INT(TIMER(.001) - tStart!)) + " secs and" + STR$(clickCnt) + " clicks."
  61.     LOCATE 3, (xmax / 8 - LEN(s$)) / 2: PRINT s$
  62.     _DELAY 7
  64. SUB updateScreen
  65.     DIM i
  66.     LOCATE 15, 12: PRINT "Letter Pairs to Match:  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M"
  67.     LOCATE 16, 12: PRINT "                 with:  N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z"
  68.     nRevealed = 0 '              (shared) detect how many boxes are revealed
  69.     FOR i = 1 TO nBtns
  70.         DrawButton (i)
  71.         IF Btn(i).O THEN nRevealed = nRevealed + 1
  72.     NEXT
  74. SUB initRound 'reassign letters and hide them all
  75.     DIM i, r
  76.     FOR i = nBtns TO 2 STEP -1 ' shuffle stuff in array
  77.         r = INT(i * RND) + 1
  78.         SWAP shuffle(i), shuffle(r)
  79.     NEXT
  80.     FOR i = 1 TO nBtns '       reset or reassign values
  81.         Btn(i).L = shuffle(i): Btn(i).O = 0
  82.     NEXT
  84. SUB setUpGame
  85.     DIM i '(main) CONST xmax = 800, ymax = 300, boxSize = 50
  87.     CONST xBoxes = 13, yBoxes = 2 '          Board N x M  boxes across, boxes down
  88.     'CONST boxSize = 10                '     Screen drawing topleft box locations
  89.     CONST spacer = 10 '                       for XY calc
  90.     LayoutButtons 0, 0, xmax, ymax, boxSize, boxSize, xBoxes, yBoxes, spacer, &HFFFFCCAA, &HFF000088
  91.     REDIM shuffle(1 TO nBtns) AS STRING ' load shuffle array for shuffling later (shared)
  93.     FOR i = 1 TO nBtns
  94.         shuffle(i) = MID$(letters, i, 1)
  95.     NEXT
  97. '2. Button draw for the index of an array Btn() of ButtonType's, assuming standard default font
  98. SUB DrawButton (index AS INTEGER)
  99.     DIM dc AS _UNSIGNED LONG, dbc AS _UNSIGNED LONG, ox, oy, s$
  100.     LINE (Btn(index).X, Btn(index).Y)-STEP(Btn(index).W, Btn(index).H), &HFF000000, BF
  101.     LINE (Btn(index).X, Btn(index).Y)-STEP(Btn(index).W - 3, Btn(index).H - 3), &HFFFFFFFF, BF
  102.     LINE (Btn(index).X + 1, Btn(index).Y + 1)-STEP(Btn(index).W - 3, Btn(index).H - 3), Btn(index).BC, BF
  103.     IF Btn(index).O THEN
  104.         IF 8 * LEN(Btn(index).L) > Btn(index).W - 4 THEN 'string is too long for button
  105.             s$ = MID$(Btn(index).L, 1, INT((Btn(index).W - 4) / 8)) 'fit part of string into button
  106.             ox = 2
  107.         ELSE
  108.             s$ = Btn(index).L: ox = (Btn(index).W - 8 * LEN(Btn(index).L)) \ 2
  109.         END IF
  110.         oy = (Btn(index).H - 16) \ 2
  111.         COLOR &HFF000000, &H0
  112.         _PRINTSTRING (Btn(index).X + ox - 1, Btn(index).Y + oy - 1), s$
  113.         COLOR Btn(index).FC
  114.         _PRINTSTRING (Btn(index).X + ox, Btn(index).Y + oy), s$
  115.         COLOR dc, dbc
  116.     END IF
  118. ' 3. Layout buttons
  119. ' this sub will setup button locations for shared Btn() as ButtonType with first button index = 1
  120. ' also shared is nBtns whic will set/reset here
  121. SUB LayoutButtons (areaX AS INTEGER, areaY AS INTEGER, areaW AS INTEGER, areaH AS INTEGER, btnW, btnH,_
  122.     BtnsAcross, BtnsDown, spacer, Fore as _unsigned long, Back as _unsigned long)
  123.     DIM xoffset, yoffset, xx, yy, xSide, ySide, i
  124.     nBtns = BtnsAcross * BtnsDown '               Total btns (shared) in main declares section
  125.     REDIM Btn(1 TO nBtns) AS ButtonType '     ready to rec data (shared) in main declares section
  126.     xoffset = INT((areaW - btnW * BtnsAcross - spacer * (BtnsAcross - 1)) / 2) + areaX
  127.     yoffset = INT((areaH - btnH * BtnsDown - spacer * (BtnsDown - 1)) / 2) + areaY
  128.     xSide = btnW + spacer: ySide = btnH + spacer
  129.     FOR yy = 1 TO BtnsDown '                    set screen XY locations for all boxes
  130.         FOR xx = 1 TO BtnsAcross
  131.             i = i + 1
  132.             Btn(i).X = xoffset + (xx - 1) * xSide
  133.             Btn(i).Y = yoffset + (yy - 1) * ySide
  134.             Btn(i).W = btnW
  135.             Btn(i).H = btnH
  136.             Btn(i).FC = Fore
  137.             Btn(i).BC = Back
  138.         NEXT
  139.     NEXT
  141. '4. Button Index Clicked
  142. FUNCTION ButtonIndexClicked
  143.     DIM m, mx, my, mb, i
  144.     mb = _MOUSEBUTTON(1) '            left button down
  145.     IF mb THEN '                      get last place mouse button was down
  146.         WHILE mb '                    wait for mouse button release as a "click"
  147.             m = _MOUSEINPUT: mb = _MOUSEBUTTON(1): mx = _MOUSEX: my = _MOUSEY
  148.         WEND
  149.         FOR i = 1 TO nBtns '         now find which box was clicked
  150.             IF mx > Btn(i).X AND mx < Btn(i).X + Btn(i).W THEN
  151.                 IF my > Btn(i).Y AND my < Btn(i).Y + Btn(i).H THEN
  152.                     ButtonIndexClicked = i: EXIT FUNCTION
  153.                 END IF
  154.             END IF
  155.         NEXT
  156.     END IF

I really like how easy it is to get the button that was clicked with this code. I also have button layout almost completely automatic on AI with this new set. As you can see I plan to include images for buttons.

Offline bplus

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Re: Letter Memory
« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2019, 07:22:23 pm »
Relatively easy to modify for a Word Matching Game. Here I used QB64 Keywords, symbols and other associated with Basic for 5 X 6 board of matches to make.

Because the matches make more sense, the game plays faster <200 secs for more pairs:
Code: QB64: [Select]
  2. _TITLE "Word Memory Game" '  by bplus started 2019-07-24
  3. 'This is to extend Memory Series to words and test further Button tools.
  4. 'Along with testing button tools there is an experiment here to see if 2 word pairs that make sense
  5. 'are easier to remember than match A with N and Z with M..., rather arbitrary pairings we did in last game.
  7. REM +inder: Button Memory Game
  8. ' The goal here is 2 Fold:
  9. '   Broaden the Memory Game series to more than letters,
  10. '   And develop some potential button library procedures.
  11. ' 1. Button Type
  12. ' 2. Button Draw
  13. ' 3. Buttons Layout  'setup a whole keypad of buttons, assuming base 1 for first index
  14. ' 4. ButtonIndexClicked  'get the button index clicked, assuming base 1 for first index
  16. ' ============== Instructions: ========================================================
  17. 'This game uses QB64 keywords or symbols that have complementary word or symbol.
  18. 'Some are obvious no brainers like WHILE is paired with WEND, ( with ) and IF with THEN.
  19. 'Some might might not occur to you, eg I have DIM and AS matched up, see data statements below.
  22. '1. Button Type common to all buttons
  23. TYPE ButtonType
  24.     X AS INTEGER
  25.     Y AS INTEGER
  26.     W AS INTEGER
  27.     H AS INTEGER
  28.     FC AS _UNSIGNED LONG 'fore color is the color of anything printed
  29.     BC AS _UNSIGNED LONG 'back color  is the color of button
  30.     L AS STRING 'label
  31.     IMG AS LONG 'image handle
  32.     O AS INTEGER 'O stands for On or Off reveal string/img of button function or keep hidden
  34. CONST xmax = 800, ymax = 500, sbc = &HFF005500, sfc = &HFFAAAADD 'screen stuff
  35. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(xmax, ymax, 32)
  36. _SCREENMOVE 360, 60
  37. REDIM SHARED Btn(1 TO 1) AS ButtonType, nBtns 'so setup can set values to these globals
  38. REDIM SHARED shuffle(1 TO 1) AS STRING 'container of strings from data
  39. DIM SHARED nRevealed
  40. DIM i, s$, b1Index, b2Index, tStart!, clickCnt
  42. COLOR sfc, sbc: CLS
  43. setUpGame
  44.     tStart! = TIMER(.001)
  45.     initRound
  46.     updateScreen
  47.     DO
  48.         i = ButtonIndexClicked
  49.         IF i THEN 'reveals, click counts only count if they are revealing
  50.             IF b1Index = 0 THEN 'first reveal box
  51.                 IF Btn(i).O <> -1 THEN b1Index = i: Btn(i).O = -1: clickCnt = clickCnt + 1
  52.             ELSE '2nd reveal box
  53.                 IF Btn(i).O <> -1 THEN b2Index = i: Btn(i).O = -1: clickCnt = clickCnt + 1
  54.             END IF
  55.             updateScreen
  56.         END IF
  57.         IF b2Index <> 0 THEN 'check pair, if they are a matched pair leave them revealed
  58.             IF Match(Btn(b1Index).L, Btn(b2Index).L) = 0 THEN 'no match
  59.                 _DELAY 1
  60.                 Btn(b1Index).O = 0: Btn(b2Index).O = 0
  61.                 nRevealed = nRevealed - 2 'when complete = number of squares then done
  62.                 updateScreen
  63.             END IF
  64.             b1Index = 0: b2Index = 0 'clear box clicks
  65.         END IF
  66.         _LIMIT 60
  67.     LOOP UNTIL nRevealed = nBtns
  68.     s$ = "Completed in" + STR$(INT(TIMER(.001) - tStart!)) + " secs and" + STR$(clickCnt) + " clicks."
  69.     LOCATE 3, (xmax / 8 - LEN(s$)) / 2: PRINT s$
  70.     _DELAY 7
  72. matchData:
  76. FUNCTION Match (s1$, s2$)
  77.     DIM i, pair$
  78.     RESTORE matchData
  79.     FOR i = 1 TO 15
  80.         READ pair$:
  81.         IF leftOf$(pair$, " ") = s1$ THEN
  82.             IF rightOf$(pair$, " ") = s2$ THEN Match = -1: EXIT FUNCTION
  83.         ELSE
  84.             IF leftOf$(pair$, " ") = s2$ THEN
  85.                 IF rightOf$(pair$, " ") = s1$ THEN Match = -1: EXIT FUNCTION
  86.             END IF
  87.         END IF
  88.     NEXT
  90. SUB updateScreen
  91.     DIM i
  92.     CLS: nRevealed = 0 '              (shared) detect how many boxes are revealed
  93.     FOR i = 1 TO nBtns
  94.         DrawButton (i)
  95.         IF Btn(i).O THEN nRevealed = nRevealed + 1
  96.     NEXT
  98. SUB initRound 'reassign letters and hide them all
  99.     DIM i, r
  100.     FOR i = nBtns TO 2 STEP -1 ' shuffle stuff in array
  101.         r = INT(i * RND) + 1
  102.         SWAP shuffle(i), shuffle(r)
  103.     NEXT
  104.     FOR i = 1 TO nBtns '       reset or reassign values
  105.         Btn(i).L = shuffle(i): Btn(i).O = 0
  106.     NEXT
  108. SUB setUpGame
  109.     DIM i, pair$ '(main) CONST xmax = 800, ymax = 300, boxSize = 50
  110.     CONST xBtns = 5, yBtns = 6 ' Board N x M  across, down
  111.     CONST spacer = 10 ' space between buttons VVVV sets SHARED nBtns needed in lines after call
  112.     LayoutButtons 0, 0, xmax, ymax, 100, 50, xBtns, yBtns, spacer, &HFFAAAAFF, &HFF000088
  113.     REDIM shuffle(1 TO nBtns) AS STRING ' load shuffle array for shuffling later (SHARED)
  114.     FOR i = 1 TO nBtns STEP 2 'load shuffle with words/symbol pairs
  115.         READ pair$
  116.         shuffle(i) = leftOf$(pair$, " "): shuffle(i + 1) = rightOf$(pair$, " ")
  117.     NEXT
  119. '2. Button draw for the index of an array Btn() of ButtonType's, assuming standard default font
  120. SUB DrawButton (index AS INTEGER)
  121.     DIM dc AS _UNSIGNED LONG, dbc AS _UNSIGNED LONG, ox, oy, s$
  122.     LINE (Btn(index).X, Btn(index).Y)-STEP(Btn(index).W, Btn(index).H), &HFF000000, BF
  123.     LINE (Btn(index).X, Btn(index).Y)-STEP(Btn(index).W - 3, Btn(index).H - 3), &HFFFFFFFF, BF
  124.     LINE (Btn(index).X + 1, Btn(index).Y + 1)-STEP(Btn(index).W - 3, Btn(index).H - 3), Btn(index).BC, BF
  125.     IF Btn(index).O THEN
  126.         IF 8 * LEN(Btn(index).L) > Btn(index).W - 4 THEN 'string is too long for button
  127.             s$ = MID$(Btn(index).L, 1, INT((Btn(index).W - 4) / 8)) 'fit part of string into button
  128.             ox = 2
  129.         ELSE
  130.             s$ = Btn(index).L: ox = (Btn(index).W - 8 * LEN(Btn(index).L)) \ 2
  131.         END IF
  132.         oy = (Btn(index).H - 16) \ 2
  133.         COLOR &HFF000000, &H0
  134.         _PRINTSTRING (Btn(index).X + ox - 1, Btn(index).Y + oy - 1), s$
  135.         COLOR Btn(index).FC
  136.         _PRINTSTRING (Btn(index).X + ox, Btn(index).Y + oy), s$
  137.         COLOR dc, dbc
  138.     END IF
  140. ' 3. Layout buttons
  141. ' this sub will setup button locations for shared Btn() as ButtonType with first button index = 1
  142. ' also shared is nBtns whic will set/reset here
  143. SUB LayoutButtons (areaX AS INTEGER, areaY AS INTEGER, areaW AS INTEGER, areaH AS INTEGER, btnW, btnH,_
  144.     BtnsAcross, BtnsDown, spacer, Fore AS _UNSIGNED LONG, Back AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
  145.     DIM xoffset, yoffset, xx, yy, xSide, ySide, i
  146.     nBtns = BtnsAcross * BtnsDown '               Total btns (shared) in main declares section
  147.     REDIM Btn(1 TO nBtns) AS ButtonType '     ready to rec data (shared) in main declares section
  148.     xoffset = INT((areaW - btnW * BtnsAcross - spacer * (BtnsAcross - 1)) / 2) + areaX
  149.     yoffset = INT((areaH - btnH * BtnsDown - spacer * (BtnsDown - 1)) / 2) + areaY
  150.     xSide = btnW + spacer: ySide = btnH + spacer
  151.     FOR yy = 1 TO BtnsDown '                    set screen XY locations for all boxes
  152.         FOR xx = 1 TO BtnsAcross
  153.             i = i + 1
  154.             Btn(i).X = xoffset + (xx - 1) * xSide
  155.             Btn(i).Y = yoffset + (yy - 1) * ySide
  156.             Btn(i).W = btnW
  157.             Btn(i).H = btnH
  158.             Btn(i).FC = Fore
  159.             Btn(i).BC = Back
  160.         NEXT
  161.     NEXT
  163. '4. Button Index Clicked
  164. FUNCTION ButtonIndexClicked
  165.     DIM m, mx, my, mb, i
  166.     mb = _MOUSEBUTTON(1) '            left button down
  167.     IF mb THEN '                      get last place mouse button was down
  168.         WHILE mb '                    wait for mouse button release as a "click"
  169.             m = _MOUSEINPUT: mb = _MOUSEBUTTON(1): mx = _MOUSEX: my = _MOUSEY
  170.         WEND
  171.         FOR i = 1 TO nBtns '         now find which box was clicked
  172.             IF mx > Btn(i).X AND mx < Btn(i).X + Btn(i).W THEN
  173.                 IF my > Btn(i).Y AND my < Btn(i).Y + Btn(i).H THEN
  174.                     ButtonIndexClicked = i: EXIT FUNCTION
  175.                 END IF
  176.             END IF
  177.         NEXT
  178.     END IF
  180. 'old tools from toolbox
  181. FUNCTION leftOf$ (source$, of$)
  182.     IF INSTR(source$, of$) > 0 THEN leftOf$ = MID$(source$, 1, INSTR(source$, of$) - 1)
  184. FUNCTION rightOf$ (source$, of$)
  185.     IF INSTR(source$, of$) > 0 THEN rightOf$ = MID$(source$, INSTR(source$, of$) + LEN(of$))

Word Memory Game.PNG

Offline bplus

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Re: Letter Memory
« Reply #22 on: July 24, 2019, 10:26:40 pm »
And now Johnno some Akkadian images, Akkadian replaced Sumerian writing with a more uniform and abstract cuneiform.

This is a simple match up of images but Akkadian makes it fun because they all sort of look the same, at first :-))

Code: QB64: [Select]
  2. _TITLE "Image Memory Game" '  by bplus started 2019-07-24
  3. 'This is to extend Memory Series to images and test further Button tools.
  5. ' A VERY BIG THANKS to Steve McNeill !
  6. ' for sharing code to save an image section to a .png file.
  7. ' I was working from a sheet of 40 figures that would not
  8. ' align to any one center and rectangle size. I ended up having to
  9. ' take snapshots of the sections to load the images file by file.
  11. REM +inder: Button Memory Game
  12. ' The goal here is 2 Fold:
  13. '   Broaden the Memory Game series to more than letters,
  14. '   And develop some potential button library procedures.
  15. ' 1. Button Type
  16. ' 2. Button Draw
  17. ' 3. Buttons Layout  'setup a whole keypad of buttons, assuming base 1 for first index
  18. ' 4. ButtonIndexClicked  'get the button index clicked, assuming base 1 for first index
  20. ' ============== Instructions: ========================================================
  21. ' This game uses images from the Akkadian language. Just keep clicking to match up the
  22. ' images until all the buttons have been exposed.
  24. '1. Button Type common to all buttons
  25. TYPE ButtonType
  26.     X AS INTEGER
  27.     Y AS INTEGER
  28.     W AS INTEGER
  29.     H AS INTEGER
  30.     FC AS _UNSIGNED LONG 'fore color is the color of anything printed
  31.     BC AS _UNSIGNED LONG 'back color  is the color of button
  32.     L AS STRING 'label
  33.     IMG AS LONG 'image handle
  34.     O AS INTEGER 'O stands for On or Off reveal string/img of button function or keep hidden
  36. CONST xmax = 800, ymax = 600, sbc = &HFF005500, sfc = &HFFAAAADD 'screen stuff
  37. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(xmax, ymax, 32)
  38. _SCREENMOVE 360, 60
  39. REDIM SHARED Btn(1 TO 1) AS ButtonType, nBtns 'so setup can set values to these globals
  40. REDIM SHARED shuffle(1 TO 1) AS LONG 'container of strings from data
  41. DIM SHARED nRevealed
  42. DIM i, s$, b1Index, b2Index, tStart!, clickCnt
  44. COLOR sfc, sbc: CLS
  45. setUpGame
  46.     tStart! = TIMER(.001)
  47.     initRound
  48.     updateScreen
  49.     DO
  50.         i = ButtonIndexClicked
  51.         IF i THEN 'reveals, click counts only count if they are revealing
  52.             IF b1Index = 0 THEN 'first reveal box
  53.                 IF Btn(i).O <> -1 THEN b1Index = i: Btn(i).O = -1: clickCnt = clickCnt + 1
  54.             ELSE '2nd reveal box
  55.                 IF Btn(i).O <> -1 THEN b2Index = i: Btn(i).O = -1: clickCnt = clickCnt + 1
  56.             END IF
  57.             updateScreen
  58.         END IF
  59.         IF b2Index <> 0 THEN 'check pair, if they are a matched pair leave them revealed
  60.             IF Btn(b1Index).IMG <> Btn(b2Index).IMG THEN 'no match
  61.                 _DELAY 1
  62.                 Btn(b1Index).O = 0: Btn(b2Index).O = 0
  63.                 nRevealed = nRevealed - 2 'when complete = number of squares then done
  64.                 updateScreen
  65.             END IF
  66.             b1Index = 0: b2Index = 0 'clear box clicks
  67.         END IF
  68.         _LIMIT 60
  69.     LOOP UNTIL nRevealed = nBtns
  70.     s$ = "Completed in" + STR$(INT(TIMER(.001) - tStart!)) + " secs and" + STR$(clickCnt) + " clicks."
  71.     LOCATE 3, (xmax / 8 - LEN(s$)) / 2: PRINT s$
  72.     _DELAY 10
  74. SUB updateScreen
  75.     DIM i
  76.     CLS: nRevealed = 0 '              (shared) detect how many boxes are revealed
  77.     FOR i = 1 TO nBtns
  78.         DrawButton (i)
  79.         IF Btn(i).O THEN nRevealed = nRevealed + 1
  80.     NEXT
  82. SUB initRound 'reassign letters and hide them all
  83.     DIM i, r
  84.     FOR i = nBtns TO 2 STEP -1 ' shuffle stuff in array
  85.         r = INT(i * RND) + 1
  86.         SWAP shuffle(i), shuffle(r)
  87.     NEXT
  88.     FOR i = 1 TO nBtns '       reset or reassign values
  89.         Btn(i).IMG = shuffle(i): Btn(i).O = 0
  90.     NEXT
  92. SUB setUpGame
  93.     DIM i, ak& '(main) CONST xmax = 800, ymax = 600
  94.     CONST xBtns = 6, yBtns = 4 ' Board N x M  across, down
  95.     CONST spacer = 10 ' space between buttons VVVV sets SHARED nBtns needed in lines after call
  96.     LayoutButtons 0, 0, xmax, ymax, 100, 70, xBtns, yBtns, spacer, &HFFAAAAFF, &HFFFF8844
  97.     REDIM shuffle(1 TO nBtns) AS LONG ' load shuffle array for shuffling later (SHARED)
  98.     FOR i = 1 TO nBtns STEP 2 'load shuffle with words/symbol pairs
  99.         ak& = _LOADIMAGE("akk" + _TRIM$(STR$((i + 1) / 2)) + ".png")
  100.         IF ak& >= -1 THEN 'failed to get image(s)
  101.             CLS
  102.             PRINT "Failed to load image * akk" + _TRIM$(STR$((i + 1) / 2)) + ".png *, Sorry Goodbye!"
  103.             _DISPLAY
  104.             _DELAY 7
  105.             SYSTEM
  106.         END IF
  107.         shuffle(i) = ak&
  108.         shuffle(i + 1) = ak&
  109.     NEXT
  111. '2. Button draw for the index of an array Btn() of ButtonType's, assuming standard default font
  112. SUB DrawButton (index AS INTEGER)
  113.     DIM dc AS _UNSIGNED LONG, dbc AS _UNSIGNED LONG, ox, oy, s$
  114.     LINE (Btn(index).X, Btn(index).Y)-STEP(Btn(index).W, Btn(index).H), &HFF000000, BF
  115.     LINE (Btn(index).X, Btn(index).Y)-STEP(Btn(index).W - 3, Btn(index).H - 3), &HFFFFFFFF, BF
  116.     LINE (Btn(index).X + 1, Btn(index).Y + 1)-STEP(Btn(index).W - 3, Btn(index).H - 3), Btn(index).BC, BF
  117.     IF Btn(index).O THEN
  118.         IF Btn(index).IMG THEN
  119.             _PUTIMAGE (Btn(index).X + 8, Btn(index).Y + 8)-STEP(Btn(index).W - 17, Btn(index).H - 17), Btn(index).IMG, 0
  120.         END IF
  121.         IF 8 * LEN(Btn(index).L) > Btn(index).W - 4 THEN 'string is too long for button
  122.             s$ = MID$(Btn(index).L, 1, INT((Btn(index).W - 4) / 8)) 'fit part of string into button
  123.             ox = 2
  124.         ELSE
  125.             s$ = Btn(index).L: ox = (Btn(index).W - 8 * LEN(Btn(index).L)) \ 2
  126.         END IF
  127.         oy = (Btn(index).H - 16) \ 2
  128.         COLOR &HFF000000, &H0
  129.         _PRINTSTRING (Btn(index).X + ox - 1, Btn(index).Y + oy - 1), s$
  130.         COLOR Btn(index).FC
  131.         _PRINTSTRING (Btn(index).X + ox, Btn(index).Y + oy), s$
  132.         COLOR dc, dbc
  133.     END IF
  135. ' 3. Layout buttons
  136. ' this sub will setup button locations for shared Btn() as ButtonType with first button index = 1
  137. ' also shared is nBtns whic will set/reset here
  138. SUB LayoutButtons (areaX AS INTEGER, areaY AS INTEGER, areaW AS INTEGER, areaH AS INTEGER, btnW, btnH,_
  139.     BtnsAcross, BtnsDown, spacer, Fore AS _UNSIGNED LONG, Back AS _UNSIGNED LONG)
  140.     DIM xoffset, yoffset, xx, yy, xSide, ySide, i
  141.     nBtns = BtnsAcross * BtnsDown '               Total btns (shared) in main declares section
  142.     REDIM Btn(1 TO nBtns) AS ButtonType '     ready to rec data (shared) in main declares section
  143.     xoffset = INT((areaW - btnW * BtnsAcross - spacer * (BtnsAcross - 1)) / 2) + areaX
  144.     yoffset = INT((areaH - btnH * BtnsDown - spacer * (BtnsDown - 1)) / 2) + areaY
  145.     xSide = btnW + spacer: ySide = btnH + spacer
  146.     FOR yy = 1 TO BtnsDown '                    set screen XY locations for all boxes
  147.         FOR xx = 1 TO BtnsAcross
  148.             i = i + 1
  149.             Btn(i).X = xoffset + (xx - 1) * xSide
  150.             Btn(i).Y = yoffset + (yy - 1) * ySide
  151.             Btn(i).W = btnW
  152.             Btn(i).H = btnH
  153.             Btn(i).FC = Fore
  154.             Btn(i).BC = Back
  155.         NEXT
  156.     NEXT
  158. '4. Button Index Clicked
  159. FUNCTION ButtonIndexClicked
  160.     DIM m, mx, my, mb, i
  161.     mb = _MOUSEBUTTON(1) '            left button down
  162.     IF mb THEN '                      get last place mouse button was down
  163.         WHILE mb '                    wait for mouse button release as a "click"
  164.             m = _MOUSEINPUT: mb = _MOUSEBUTTON(1): mx = _MOUSEX: my = _MOUSEY
  165.         WEND
  166.         FOR i = 1 TO nBtns '         now find which box was clicked
  167.             IF mx > Btn(i).X AND mx < Btn(i).X + Btn(i).W THEN
  168.                 IF my > Btn(i).Y AND my < Btn(i).Y + Btn(i).H THEN
  169.                     ButtonIndexClicked = i: EXIT FUNCTION
  170.                 END IF
  171.             END IF
  172.         NEXT
  173.     END IF

Image Memory Game.PNG

oops! I just noticed something in screen shot. :(

EDIT: yeah the images needed frames, so they still looked like buttons too.

Image Memory Game.PNG

* Akkadian Image Memory (Filesize: 29.18 KB, Downloads: 130)
« Last Edit: July 24, 2019, 10:49:14 pm by bplus »