I'm new to reporting bugs, this one is a baby knat. I see a bugs area here, I have no provision to post there, so someone FW this to the right location.
I'm using QB64 V1.2. I love it. I'm learning more commands, was looking at timer and delay
When you open HELP and go to TIMER, there is a sample program in it (these are so helpful, I copy these into the IDE and play with them all the time)
This one has a small problem:
PRINT "Hello";
Delay .5 'accuracy down to .05 seconds or 1/18th of a second in Qbasic
PRINT "World!";
LOOP UNTIL INKEY$ = CHR$(27) 'escape key exit
Delay is there without the leading _.
I figured it out for myself, but thought I'd mention it. No big deal.