Hey bplus, for the next few days imma off of my usual comp so I want to work on something different since I don't have my full codes with Me on my laptop. Is there a way to do text that scrolls off the screen lime star wars or text that scrolls like the rpg games? If possible don't give me a full answer code done just the methods and explanation to see if I can figure it out myself through actual processes. I learn faster trying to solve it ;) thanks I'm looking through Google on my phone but Google is a mess for qb64 tutorials idk why
Not right off hand, that angle on z axis calls for 3D handling. Maybe Steve or Fellippe know some trick or Ashish with GL.
Nice Challenge!
I don’t think you’d actually need to worry with the z-axis. Draw a line of text on a non-visible screen, and then use MAPTRIANGLE to copy the image of it to a new area where the top is smaller than the bottom. It should imitate the effect, I’d think.
From a line of text in an area like:
| |
To an area shaped like:
/ \
Then scale size down as the text scrolls up the screen to fade into the distance.
Yes that might work. That might work with just one go with MapTriangle.
Did I forget Petr? No, I save the best for last. :)