Author Topic: Impossible to beat Tic-Tac-Toe Bot  (Read 7118 times)

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Offline Zeppelin

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Impossible to beat Tic-Tac-Toe Bot
« on: October 16, 2018, 04:00:53 am »
I got a bit bored and decided to type up a Tic-Tac-Toe bot that could not be beaten.
Give it a shot, try your luck.


P.s If you beat it let me know, either you've modified my code or there is a bug :)
* TICTACTOE BOT.bas (Filesize: 8.77 KB, Downloads: 362)
* TICTACTOE BOT.exe (Filesize: 1.42 MB, Downloads: 459)

Offline Zeppelin

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Re: Impossible to beat Tic-Tac-Toe Bot
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2018, 04:13:47 am »
Ok. I just realised that I forgot to make the bot actually try to win instead of just defend everything.
So Im gonna go fix that now.
You still can't win by the way.


Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: Impossible to beat Tic-Tac-Toe Bot
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2018, 05:03:43 pm »
Hi Zeppelin

I'm sorry but at the first time I got this (see picture attached) playing with your TicTacToeBot

So IMHO AI must be enpowered!
* TICTACTOEBOT_DEFEATED.jpg (Filesize: 206.04 KB, Dimensions: 1366x768, Views: 596)
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Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: Impossible to beat Tic-Tac-Toe Bot
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2018, 05:15:18 pm »
As feedback for debug I can post the sequence of choices

        first game                          second game
I     2  5  6  4      wins        I       2  5  7  6   4   wins
Bot  3  8  7                       Bot    9  8  3  1

Good Debug
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Offline bplus

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Re: Impossible to beat Tic-Tac-Toe Bot
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2018, 07:33:04 pm »
Hi TempodiBasic,

Let me know if you can beat this mouse version (don't have to use X's or O's, AI calls itself AI):
Code: QB64: [Select]
  1. _TITLE "Tic Tac Toe with AI"
  2. 'QB64 version 2017 1106/82 (the day before they switched to version 1.2)
  3. 'bplus 2018-01-23
  4. CONST xmax = 800
  5. CONST ymax = 600
  6. CONST redh& = &HFFFF0000
  7. CONST greenh& = &HFF00FF00
  8. CONST blueh& = &HFF0000FF
  10. SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(xmax, ymax, 32)
  11. _SCREENMOVE 360, 60
  13. DEFINT A-Z
  14. COMMON SHARED player$, AI$
  15. DIM SHARED board$(2, 2) 'store X and O here 3x3
  17.     COLOR greenh&: CLS
  18.     winner$ = "": count = 0: done = 0: ERASE board$
  20.     'get player's choice
  21.     INPUT "Player, enter symbol to use for your squares: (nothing quits) "; player$
  22.     IF player$ = "" THEN END
  23.     IF player$ = "AI" THEN AI$ = "#1 AI" ELSE AI$ = "AI"
  24.     IF LEN(player$) > 15 THEN player$ = LEFT$(player$, 15)
  26.     'who plays first
  27.     INPUT "And now please enter y for yes, if you want to go first: "; first$
  28.     IF first$ = "y" THEN turn$ = player$ ELSE turn$ = AI$
  30.     'prep, make grid according to size of longest participant string
  31.     IF LEN(player$) > LEN(AI$) THEN s = LEN(player$) ELSE s = LEN(AI$)
  32.     sq = 16 * (s + 2)
  33.     xoff = (xmax - 3 * sq) / 2
  34.     yoff = (ymax - 3 * sq) / 2
  36.     'make # grid once
  37.     CLS
  38.     FOR i = 1 TO 2
  39.         LINE (sq * i + xoff, yoff)-STEP(0, 3 * sq)
  40.         LINE (xoff, sq * i + yoff)-STEP(3 * sq, 0)
  41.     NEXT
  43.     'take turns filling out the board until a winner$ is found or board is out of spaces
  44.     DO
  45.         IF turn$ = AI$ THEN
  46.             rc = AIchoice
  47.             bx = rc MOD 3: by = INT(rc / 3)
  48.             board$(bx, by) = AI$
  49.             _DELAY 1 'let player think AI is thinking
  50.             COLOR blueh&
  51.             _PRINTSTRING (bx * sq + xoff + sq / 2 - _PRINTWIDTH(AI$) / 2, by * sq + yoff + sq / 2 - 8), AI$
  52.             count = count + 1
  53.             IF checkwin THEN winner$ = AI$
  54.             turn$ = player$
  55.         ELSE
  56.             'player's turn from mouse click
  58.             'this might NOT be too intuitive but proper mouse catching demands we wait for mouse button release
  59.             m = _MOUSEINPUT: mb = _MOUSEBUTTON(1): mx = _MOUSEX: my = _MOUSEY
  60.             IF mb THEN 'get last place mouse button was down
  61.                 mb = _MOUSEBUTTON(1): mx = _MOUSEX: my = _MOUSEY
  62.                 WHILE mb 'left button down, wait for mouse button release before doing anything as a "click"
  63.                     'this updates mx, my while waiting for button release
  64.                     m = _MOUSEINPUT: mb = _MOUSEBUTTON(1): mx = _MOUSEX: my = _MOUSEY
  65.                 WEND
  67.                 'board x and board y?
  68.                 ' board is offset by (xoff, yoff) = top left corner, so subtract these from mouse mx, my
  69.                 ' then divide by the size of the square (sq) to get the position in the board array
  70.                 ' check that position is inbounds of board array
  71.                 bx = INT((mx - xoff) / sq): by = INT((my - yoff) / sq)
  73.                 'now we have mouse pixels converted to board position of array
  74.                 IF bx >= 0 AND bx <= 2 AND by >= 0 AND by <= 2 THEN 'caught mouse in a box!
  75.                     IF board$(bx, by) <> "" THEN
  76.                         BEEP 'NO good! already clicked!
  77.                     ELSE
  78.                         'OK it all checks out, update the board array and the screen display
  79.                         COLOR redh&
  80.                         _PRINTSTRING (bx * sq + xoff + sq / 2 - _PRINTWIDTH(player$) / 2, by * sq + yoff + sq / 2 - 8), player$
  81.                         board$(bx, by) = player$
  82.                         count = count + 1
  83.                         IF checkwin THEN winner$ = player$
  84.                         turn$ = AI$
  85.                     END IF
  86.                 ELSE
  87.                     BEEP 'you are clicking out of bounds of board!
  88.                 END IF
  89.             END IF
  90.         END IF 'turn
  91.         IF winner$ <> "" THEN done = 1
  92.         IF done = 0 AND count >= 9 THEN done = -1
  93.     LOOP UNTIL done
  94.     COLOR greenh&
  95.     IF done = -1 THEN s$ = "Out of spaces." ELSE s$ = winner$ + " is the winner!"
  96.     _PRINTSTRING ((xmax - _PRINTWIDTH(s$)) / 2, 2 * _FONTHEIGHT), s$
  97.     s$ = "Wait 5 secs for next game..."
  98.     _PRINTSTRING ((xmax - _PRINTWIDTH(s$)) / 2, 4 * _FONTHEIGHT), s$
  99.     _DELAY 5
  101. FUNCTION checkwin
  102.     FOR i = 0 TO 2
  103.         IF (board$(0, i) = board$(1, i) AND board$(1, i) = board$(2, i)) AND (board$(2, i) <> "") THEN checkwin = 1: EXIT SUB
  104.     NEXT
  105.     FOR i = 0 TO 2
  106.         IF (board$(i, 0) = board$(i, 1) AND board$(i, 1) = board$(i, 2)) AND board$(i, 2) <> "" THEN checkwin = 1: EXIT SUB
  107.     NEXT
  108.     IF (board$(0, 0) = board$(1, 1) AND board$(1, 1) = board$(2, 2)) AND board$(2, 2) <> "" THEN checkwin = 1: EXIT SUB
  109.     IF (board$(0, 2) = board$(1, 1) AND board$(1, 1) = board$(2, 0)) AND board$(2, 0) <> "" THEN checkwin = 1
  111. FUNCTION AIchoice
  112.     'test all moves to win
  113.     FOR r = 0 TO 2
  114.         FOR c = 0 TO 2
  115.             IF board$(c, r) = "" THEN
  116.                 board$(c, r) = AI$
  117.                 IF checkwin THEN
  118.                     board$(c, r) = ""
  119.                     AIchoice = 3 * r + c
  120.                     EXIT FUNCTION
  121.                 ELSE
  122.                     board$(c, r) = ""
  123.                 END IF
  124.             END IF
  125.         NEXT
  126.     NEXT
  128.     'still here? then no winning moves for AI, how about for player$
  129.     FOR r = 0 TO 2
  130.         FOR c = 0 TO 2
  131.             IF board$(c, r) = "" THEN
  132.                 board$(c, r) = player$
  133.                 IF checkwin THEN
  134.                     board$(c, r) = ""
  135.                     AIchoice = 3 * r + c 'spoiler move!
  136.                     EXIT FUNCTION
  137.                 ELSE
  138.                     board$(c, r) = ""
  139.                 END IF
  140.             END IF
  141.         NEXT
  142.     NEXT
  144.     'still here? no winning moves, no spoilers then is middle sq available
  145.     IF board$(1, 1) = "" THEN AIchoice = 4: EXIT FUNCTION
  147.     'still here still? how about a corner office?
  148.     IF board$(0, 0) = "" THEN AIchoice = 0: EXIT FUNCTION
  149.     IF board$(2, 0) = "" THEN AIchoice = 2: EXIT FUNCTION
  150.     IF board$(0, 2) = "" THEN AIchoice = 6: EXIT FUNCTION
  151.     IF board$(2, 2) = "" THEN AIchoice = 8: EXIT FUNCTION
  153.     'still here??? one of these has to go!
  154.     IF board$(1, 0) = "" THEN AIchoice = 1: EXIT FUNCTION
  155.     IF board$(0, 1) = "" THEN AIchoice = 3: EXIT FUNCTION
  156.     IF board$(2, 1) = "" THEN AIchoice = 5: EXIT FUNCTION
  157.     IF board$(1, 2) = "" THEN AIchoice = 7: EXIT FUNCTION

Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: Impossible to beat Tic-Tac-Toe Bot
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2018, 02:54:52 pm »
Hi Bplus
Thanks to promote me to betatester....
I find your AI as stronge as to draw both starting for first both starting for second.
Moreover if user looses attention
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Offline bplus

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Re: Impossible to beat Tic-Tac-Toe Bot
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2018, 03:14:03 pm »
Hi Bplus
Thanks to promote me to betatester....
I find your AI as stronge as to draw both starting for first both starting for second.
Moreover if user looses attention

Thanks how much do I owe you?

Offline TempodiBasic

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Re: Impossible to beat Tic-Tac-Toe Bot
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2018, 07:24:49 pm »

as many ideas or suggestions you can pass to a QB64_friend that likes joke and programming
Programming isn't difficult, only it's  consuming time and coffee