I bet Steve is getting
mighty tired of these menu titles, but since we are on the subject of menus...
So in time, I will reinvent one of my many wheels again, and much like the mouse routine, that this routine uses, I will have a universal menu routine. The next stage is to put the horizontal menu in. Ah, did I mention how much I love that edit post feature restored? I think I did.
So if this goes well, all that would be needed is for the user to decide on a couple of options, like the box around the vertical menu, and then just fill in as many of the menu$() arrays. Skip every-other one to space the entries. Of course, it will get more complicated. Scrolling menu for more than the height of the program window will allow, etc.
Anyway, I'd just thought I'd post what I have so far. I wish I was more comfortable with _PRINTSTRING. It would be fun to be working on a graphics clone.
EDIT: Added the horizontal menu option.