Thanks Novarseg. I am going to play with your suggestions. It hadn't occurred to me that Seek(??) may not be needed, just a comma and a value.
I'm not using Random or Binary in this adventure, sticking strictly with Sequential. Consequently using "Input #" rather than Get.
Moving forward Sequentially, after an INPUT, it seemed I needed a -4 to move the pointer backward to position it at the byte that began the INPUT, thus the -4 in the seek for the next record. But the next record (again going forward in a sequential file) begins 4 bytes away from the record just INPUT, thus the +4. So SEEK(1)-4+4 appeared to work more often than naught. I haven't tried a Seek(1)+0 but I did try a simple Seek(1) to move to the next INPUT and ran into some inputted zero values. Perhaps just the comma and number of bytes to move forward, as you suggested, would work better.
Going backward appears to be quite different. Steve pointed some instances where the sequential record could carry more than 4 bytes which I though all sequential records, using integers, where strictly bound to that value. After Steve pointed this out I began from the Length of File value going backward byte by byte. Where going forward using 4 bytes per record, seemed to get me to the end of the file successfully, going backward it turns out the size of value being stored was needed. So, from the last byte in a sequential file, if the value stored is 10 to 99, or 100 to 999, or 1000 to 9999, then the bytes change. For example, if the last value stored is Record # 501 with a value of 2345, it takes a -6 to move to the beginning of that last record, then a further -6 to get to the 2nd last record.
If the say Record 385 contains the value of 625, then after inputting that value, to get back to the beginning of Record 385 is -5, then a further -5 to get to the beginning of Record 384. Values of 99 or less are back to the -4.
As the famous Rosanna Rosannadanna would says "Anyways, it's always something"