So I have a rom dump of the dialog from Phantasy Star.
problem is its in a bizarre format that needs cleaned up.
which I guess I could always do manually but theres 1857 lines of this stuff and that would take an absurd amount of time. I was hoping to write some code that would "re-write" the lines for me to save time, but I'm not sure just how to approach this.
he is a sample of what I need to work with,
.db "I", Dialogue_Apostrophe, "M SUELO. I ", Word_Know, Dialogue_NewLine
.db "HOW ", Word_You_Must, " FEEL,", Dialogue_NewPage
.db "DEAR,NO ", Word_One, " CAN", Dialogue_NewLine
.db "STOP ", Word_You, Word_From, Dialogue_NewPage
.db "DOING WHAT ", Word_You, Dialogue_NewLine
.db Word_Know, " ", Word_You_Must, " DO.", Dialogue_NewPage
.db "BUT IF ", Word_You, "SHOULD", Dialogue_NewLine
.db "EVER BE WOUNDED", Dialogue_NewPage
.db "IN BATTLE,COME", Dialogue_NewLine
.db Word_Here, " TO ", Word_Rest, ".", Dialogue_Terminator65
I don't need to worry about the NewLine, NewPage stuff just everything else. Just not sure how to get started, was wondering if anybody else here had any nifty ideas. otherwise I'll have to attack this by just manually doing all the conversion.