Author Topic: Is there a _SCREENIMAGE method for Linux/Mac?  (Read 1956 times)

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Offline Dav

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Is there a _SCREENIMAGE method for Linux/Mac?
« on: February 22, 2021, 11:17:47 am »
Was wondering if there's a way to grab desktop image under Linux and Mac, like _SCREENIMAGE works under Windows.   As example, here's a screensaver thing that uses _SCREENIMAGE.  Works in Windows, but how would I do this under Linux or Mac?  If there's a way, I could add it to my code before posting it here.


- Dav

Code: QB64: [Select]
  2. 'DesktopWriter.bas
  3. 'Coded by Dav, FEB/2021
  5. back& = _SCREENIMAGE
  7. _SCREENMOVE -3, -30
  8. _PUTIMAGE (0, 0), back&
  11. x% = RND * _WIDTH: y% = _HEIGHT
  12. r& = RND * 155 + 100
  13. g& = RND * 155 + 100
  14. b& = RND * 155 + 100
  17.     c% = INT(RND * 2) - 1
  18.     IF c% = 0 THEN c% = 1
  19.     IF (INT(RND * 2) + 1) = 1 THEN
  20.         x% = x% + c%
  21.     ELSE
  22.         y% = y% + c%
  23.     END IF
  25.     ball x%, y%, 30, RND * r&, RND * g&, RND * b&, RND * 1
  27.     IF x% > _WIDTH OR x% < 0 OR y% > _HEIGHT OR y% < 0 THEN
  28.         x% = RND * _WIDTH: y% = RND * _HEIGHT
  29.         r& = RND * 155 + 100: g& = RND * 155 + 100: b& = RND * 155 + 100
  30.     END IF
  35. SUB ball (BallX, BallY, size, r&, g&, b&, a&)
  36.     FOR s = 1 TO size STEP 2
  37.         CIRCLE (BallX, BallY), s, _RGBA(r&, g&, b&, a&)
  38.         IF r& > 0 THEN r& = r& - 2
  39.         IF g& > 0 THEN g& = g& - 2
  40.         IF b& > 0 THEN b& = b& - 2
  41.     NEXT
« Last Edit: February 22, 2021, 11:21:16 am by Dav »

Offline bplus

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Re: Is there a _SCREENIMAGE method for Linux/Mac?
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2021, 11:24:17 am »
Maybe Pipecom a command to Linux to take a picture | or >>  filename, then _loadimage that file?