' above variables are used for the reading and writing of each character of info
' in each line of the ascii screens that are read into an array.
DIM SHARED lnumber
AS STRING ' used as a variable for the line number of the ascii screen DIM SHARED file
AS STRING ' used as a variable for the filename entered in the program DIM answer
AS STRING ' used as a variable for the answer to a question DIM SHARED asciidisp
AS STRING ' ascii display variable used as the ascii display path DIM SHARED ansidisp
AS STRING ' ansi display variable used as the ansi path and filename DIM SHARED syndisp
AS STRING 'Syncronet display variabe used as the Syncronet display path DIM SHARED asciimenu
AS STRING 'ascii menu variable used as the ascii menu path for input DIM SHARED wc8menu
AS STRING 'Winserver 8 variable used as the wc8 menu bbs path for output DIM SHARED pcbmenu
AS STRING 'PC Board variable used as the PcB BBS menu display for output DIM SHARED synmenu
AS STRING 'Syncronet variable used as the Syncronet Menu Display for output
'above variables are all string variables that are used for storing different information that in the
'Wildcat, Winserver, Ascii, and Ansi screens that are either read in , or written out to different filenames
'in my program. The *120, or *16 etc are just string lenghths.
AS STRING ' file1 is the ascii input file for the displays or menus that either other people or I create DIM SHARED file2
AS STRING ' file2 is the ansi file created by he program from the ascii file above DIM SHARED file3
AS STRING ' file3 is the Wildcator WInserver .BBS file that is created when the user selects wc8 DIM SHARED file4
AS STRING ' file4 is the PCBoard .BBS file created when the user selects pcb as a display DIM SHARED file5
AS STRING ' file5 is reserved for Synchronet BBS when the user selects syncronet as a display DIM SHARED file6
AS STRING ' file6 is reserved for Mystic BBS in the user selects mystic as a display DIM SHARED file7
AS STRING ' file7 is reserved for the prompt files that follow any menu in any BBS
'ALL of the above are actual filenames without the drive letter and path for my program.
' general settings
' start program
GOSUB enteryourbackground
' Start of actual program , continues until ended
'Start of menu selection decisions by the program
file1 = file + ".txt"
file2 = file + ".ans" ' adds file extension to each type of file
file3 = file + ".bbs"
file4 = file + ".bbs"
file5 = file + ".txt"
file6 = file + ".txt"
file7 = file + "a.txt"
asciidisp = "c:\display\bbsdispascii\" + file1
ansidisp = "c:\display\bbsdispansi\" + file2
wc8disp = "c:\display\bbsdispwildcat\" + file3
pcbdisp = "c:\display\bbsdisppcb\" + file4 ' all path, drive and filename variables
syndisp = "c:\display\bbsdispsyncro\" + file5
mysdisp = "c:\display\bbsdispmystic\" + file6
asciimenu = "c:\display\bbsmenuascii\" + file1
ansimenu = "c:\display\bbsmenuansi\" + file2 ' for various screen ouputs
wc8menu = "c:\display\bbsmenuWildcat\" + file3
pcbmenu = "c:\display\bbsmenupcb\" + file4
synmenu = "c:\display\bbsmenusyncro\" + file5
mysmenu = "C:\display\bbsmenumystic\" + file6
asciipromptmenu = "c:\display\bbsmenuascii\" + file7
contlne = 0
contlne = 0
END IF ' end of menu selection decisions by the program. ' Clear screen
' Set background to black
' clear screen
PRINT #2, "@0" + "0@" + "@CLS@" ' set background to black
' clear screen
' set background to black
' clear screen
' set background to black
' clear screen
' set background to black
= MID$(lnumber
, i
, 1) ' Calculates the ascii value of every character in the line specialcharacters3
x = g1
y = t1
PRINT #2, backgroundcoloransi
+ foregroundcoloransi
+ b;
x = g2
y = t2
PRINT #2, backgroundcoloransi
+ foregroundcoloransi
+ b;
x = g
y = t
PRINT #2, backgroundcoloransi
+ foregroundcoloransi
+ b;
x = g1
y = t1
PRINT #2, backgroundcolorbbs
+ foregroundcolorbbs
+ b;
x = g2
y = t2
PRINT #2, backgroundcolorbbs
+ foregroundcolorbbs
+ b;
x = g
y = t
PRINT #2, backgroundcolorbbs
+ foregroundcolorbbs
+ b;
x = g1
y = t1
PRINT #2, backgroundcolorpcb
+ foregroundcolorpcb
+ b;
x = g2
y = t2
PRINT #2, backgroundcolorpcb
+ foregroundcolorpcb
+ b;
x = g
y = t
PRINT #2, backgroundcolorpcb
+ foregroundcolorpcb
+ b;
x = g1
y = t1
PRINT #2, backgroundcolorsynchro
+ foregroundcolorsynchro
+ b;
x = g2
y = t2
PRINT #2, backgroundcolorsynchro
+ foregroundcolorsynchro
+ b;
x = g
y = t
PRINT #2, backgroundcolorsynchro
+ foregroundcolorsynchro
+ b;
x = g1
y = t1
PRINT #2, backgroundcolormystic
+ foregroundcolormystic
+ b;
x = g2
y = t2
PRINT #2, backgroundcolormystic
+ foregroundcolormystic
+ b;
x = g
y = t
PRINT #2, backgroundcolormystic
+ foregroundcolormystic
+ b;
PRINT " Create another screen ? [Defaults to [Y]es : " finish
contlne = 0
' specialcharacters2:
PRINT "Most likely there was a filename that you entered" PRINT "That did not exist or you have not created the" PRINT "prompt file for the Menu item desired. Or you picked" PRINT "a Menu filename and selected a display output instead " PRINT "a Menu display, the difference is that Menu output " PRINT "files have a prompt file, display files do not. " PRINT "Your File "; file1;
" Has Not Been Found .... Please Try Again." PRINT "Press any key to try again......" WaitAKey
PRINT "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" PRINT "% BBS Screen Creator Written By Russ Campbell %" PRINT "% Beta Version 13 Release Candidate RC2 %" PRINT "% This is a beta release, not everything is working yet %" PRINT "% With fully customisable color sets added to the program. %" PRINT "% Press any key to continue............. %" PRINT "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%"
PRINT "BBS Menu Color Scheme Creator Version 13 Final Version RC1" PRINT "Written by Russ Campbell Updated September 14 2020" PRINT "First of all design your menus in straight text no colors, etc" PRINT "Do not put any background colors in either as the program will" PRINT "Do that for you automatically. Use the following convention" PRINT "that is laid out in the next display." PRINT "This program will then take your plain text menu and turn it into" PRINT "a random colored display, methods will be taken to ensure that" PRINT "the backgound and text colors do not print the same colors" PRINT "Take a look and see what you think, it will of course write" PRINT "out your menus in .BBS and .ANS formats, kind of a neat feature." PRINT "Don't like what you get? Then run the program again and again" PRINT "until you get what you like as a menu screen." PRINT "This is a complicated program, you don't have to use boxes" PRINT "but for now that is the only shape that my program will" PRINT "accept. I will print an example of a menu on the screen so" PRINT "that you know exactly how to use my program with a text drawing." PRINT "Press any key to continue..."
PRINT " ^-------------------------------------------------+" PRINT " ! Main Message Menu !" PRINT " *-------------------&-----------------------------=" PRINT " *-------------------#-----------------------------=" PRINT " ! [C] Check Your Mail [S] Scan Messages !" PRINT " ! [E] Enter New Message [J] Join Conference !" PRINT " ! [F] FILE MENU [U] Update Settings !" PRINT " ! [G] Goodbye [H] Help Level !" PRINT " ! [Q] Quit to Main Menu [?] Command Help !" PRINT " ! [R] Read Messages !" PRINT " ~-------------------------------------------------%" PRINT "Pay special attention to the symbols on each corner" PRINT "They are all different, one for each corner, to work" PRINT "properly with my program , they must be right. The " PRINT "rest of the characters also must be right except for" PRINT "whats in the menu. You can see the other characters" PRINT "that I use lines and connectors, the program turns" PRINT "into nice corners and borders, for double corners " PRINT "and borders, well , you can figure that one out." PRINT "Press any key to continue..."
' this is a local variable visible only in this block of code
PRINT "Do you wish to have multi colors randomly chosen for everything" PRINT "or user set colors for the entire area that makes up all of the " PRINT "the menus. This can all be used in either displays or menus" PRINT "Choose [T]est Program [L]oad Color Patterns or [C]reate new Color Patterns" PRINT "Choose [X] to exit program" IF answer
= "C" THEN inputscreen1
IF answer
= "T" THEN inputscreen
PRINT "Do you wish to use pre-selected colors or use your own sets " PRINT "Of color selections: (10) color schemes can be customised."
PRINT "This section is for entering your own color schemes , it is " PRINT "for selecting either Preselected or your own colors." PRINT "If you want random colors, choose [Y]es as your answer." PRINT "However if you want to enter your own colors , then enter" PRINT " N as your choice of color selection" PRINT "Do you wish to use random colors? [Y]es or [N]o [Defaults to [N]o " IF answer$
= "Y" THEN inputscreen
PRINT "This section will either load or create a new user data file with all used" PRINT "variables saved in a filename that you entered. It will give you the option" PRINT "of loading a saved file or creating a totally new filename. You do not have" PRINT "to write over any existing files, and the program will be fool proof." PRINT "[L]oad or [C]reate User Data file or [X]xit Program" IF database$
= "C" THEN combos
IF database$
= "X" THEN finish
PRINT "My program is now finished and I" PRINT "am looking for suggestions on ways" PRINT "To improve it. The program has been" PRINT "tested with Winserver 8.0 but has" PRINT "not been tested with any other BBS" PRINT "programs at this moment." PRINT "By now you will have noticed custom" PRINT "Color sets, if you have not tried " PRINT "this out , then give it a try." PRINT "The option to load and save and create" PRINT "data sets is now here , if you have not" PRINT "tried this feature out then give it a try." PRINT "Program written by Russ Campbell" PRINT "For more information on how I" PRINT "wrote this program, contact me" PRINT "on Facebook at many of the groups" PRINT "I am in , or email me at" PRINT "rcamp48@rogers.com" PRINT "Thank you for using BBS Menu Color Scheme Creator 13 RC3"
IF x
= 0 THEN backgroundcoloransi
= code0b
IF x
= 1 THEN backgroundcoloransi
= code1b
IF x
= 2 THEN backgroundcoloransi
= code2b
IF x
= 3 THEN backgroundcoloransi
= code3b
IF x
= 4 THEN backgroundcoloransi
= code4b
IF x
= 5 THEN backgroundcoloransi
= code5b
IF x
= 6 THEN backgroundcoloransi
= code6b
IF x
= 7 THEN backgroundcoloransi
= code7b
IF y
= 0 THEN foregroundcoloransi
= code0f
IF y
= 1 THEN foregroundcoloransi
= code1f
IF y
= 2 THEN foregroundcoloransi
= code2f
IF y
= 3 THEN foregroundcoloransi
= code3f
IF y
= 4 THEN foregroundcoloransi
= code4f
IF y
= 5 THEN foregroundcoloransi
= code5f
IF y
= 6 THEN foregroundcoloransi
= code6f
IF y
= 7 THEN foregroundcoloransi
= code7f
IF x
= 0 THEN backgroundcolorbbs
= "@0" IF x
= 1 THEN backgroundcolorbbs
= "@1" IF x
= 2 THEN backgroundcolorbbs
= "@2" IF x
= 3 THEN backgroundcolorbbs
= "@3" IF x
= 4 THEN backgroundcolorbbs
= "@4" IF x
= 5 THEN backgroundcolorbbs
= "@5" IF x
= 6 THEN backgroundcolorbbs
= "@6" IF x
= 7 THEN backgroundcolorbbs
= "@7" IF x
= 8 THEN backgroundcolorbbs
= "@8" IF x
= 9 THEN backgroundcolorbbs
= "@9" IF x
= 10 THEN backgroundcolorbbs
= "[member=427]A[/member]" IF x
= 11 THEN backgroundcolorbbs
= "@B" IF x
= 12 THEN backgroundcolorbbs
= "@C" IF x
= 13 THEN backgroundcolorbbs
= "@D" IF x
= 14 THEN backgroundcolorbbs
= "@E" IF x
= 15 THEN backgroundcolorbbs
= "@F" IF y
= 0 THEN foregroundcolorbbs
= "0@" IF y
= 1 THEN foregroundcolorbbs
= "1@" IF y
= 2 THEN foregroundcolorbbs
= "2@" IF y
= 3 THEN foregroundcolorbbs
= "3@" IF y
= 4 THEN foregroundcolorbbs
= "4@" IF y
= 5 THEN foregroundcolorbbs
= "5@" IF y
= 6 THEN foregroundcolorbbs
= "6@" IF y
= 7 THEN foregroundcolorbbs
= "7@" IF y
= 8 THEN foregroundcolorbbs
= "8@" IF y
= 9 THEN foregroundcolorbbs
= "9@" IF y
= 10 THEN foregroundcolorbbs
= "A@" IF y
= 11 THEN foregroundcolorbbs
= "B@" IF y
= 12 THEN foregroundcolorbbs
= "C@" IF y
= 13 THEN foregroundcolorbbs
= "D@" IF y
= 14 THEN foregroundcolorbbs
= "E@" IF y
= 15 THEN foregroundcolorbbs
= "F@" IF x
= 0 THEN backgroundcolorpcb$
= "@X0" IF x
= 1 THEN backgroundcolorpcb$
= "@X1" IF x
= 2 THEN backgroundcolorpcb$
= "@X2" IF x
= 3 THEN backgroundcolorpcb$
= "@X3" IF x
= 4 THEN backgroundcolorpcb$
= "@X4" IF x
= 5 THEN backgroundcolorpcb$
= "@X5" IF x
= 6 THEN backgroundcolorpcb$
= "@X6" IF x
= 7 THEN backgroundcolorpcb$
= "@X7" IF x
= 8 THEN backgroundcolorpcb$
= "@X8" IF x
= 9 THEN backgroundcolorpcb$
= "@X9" IF x
= 10 THEN backgroundcolorpcb$
= "@XA" IF x
= 11 THEN backgroundcolorpcb$
= "@XB" IF x
= 12 THEN backgroundcolorpcb$
= "@XC" IF x
= 13 THEN backgroundcolorpcb$
= "@XD" IF x
= 14 THEN backgroundcolorpcb$
= "@XE" IF x
= 15 THEN backgroundcolorpcb$
= "@XF" IF y
= 0 THEN foregroundcolorpcb$
= "0@" IF y
= 1 THEN foregroundcolorpcb$
= "1@" IF y
= 2 THEN foregroundcolorpcb$
= "2@" IF y
= 3 THEN foregroundcolorpcb$
= "3@" IF y
= 4 THEN foregroundcolorpcb$
= "4@" IF y
= 5 THEN foregroundcolorpcb$
= "5@" IF y
= 6 THEN foregroundcolorpcb$
= "6@" IF y
= 7 THEN foregroundcolorpcb$
= "7@" IF y
= 8 THEN foregroundcolorpcb$
= "8@" IF y
= 9 THEN foregroundcolorpcb$
= "9@" IF y
= 10 THEN foregroundcolorpcb$
= "A@" IF y
= 11 THEN foregroundcolorpcb$
= "B@" IF y
= 12 THEN foregroundcolorpcb$
= "C@" IF y
= 13 THEN foregroundcolorpcb$
= "D@" IF y
= 14 THEN foregroundcolorpcb$
= "E@" IF y
= 15 THEN foregroundcolorpcb$
= "F@" IF x
= 0 THEN backgroundcolorsyncro$
= CHR$(1) + "0" IF x
= 1 THEN backgroundcolorsyncro$
= CHR$(1) + "1" IF x
= 2 THEN backgroundcolorsyncro$
= CHR$(1) + "2" IF x
= 3 THEN backgroundcolorsyncro$
= CHR$(1) + "3" IF x
= 4 THEN backgroundcolorsyncro$
= CHR$(1) + "4" IF x
= 5 THEN backgroundcolorsyncro$
= CHR$(1) + "5" IF x
= 6 THEN backgroundcolorsyncro$
= CHR$(1) + "6" IF x
= 7 THEN backgroundcolorsyncro$
= CHR$(1) + "7" IF y
= 0 THEN foregroundcolorsyncro$
= "k" IF y
= 1 THEN foregroundcolorsyncro$
= "b" IF y
= 2 THEN foregroundcolorsyncro$
= "g" IF y
= 3 THEN foregroundcolorsyncro$
= "c" IF y
= 4 THEN foregroundcolorsyncro$
= "r" IF y
= 5 THEN foregroundcolorsyncro$
= "m" IF y
= 6 THEN foregroundcolorsyncro$
= "y" IF y
= 7 THEN foregroundcolorsyncro$
= "w" IF x
= 0 THEN backgroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "16" IF x
= 1 THEN backgroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "17" IF x
= 2 THEN backgroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "18" IF x
= 3 THEN backgroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "19" IF x
= 4 THEN backgroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "20" IF x
= 5 THEN backgroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "21" IF x
= 6 THEN backgroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "22" IF x
= 7 THEN backgroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "23" IF x
= 8 THEN backgroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "24" IF x
= 9 THEN backgroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "25" IF x
= 10 THEN backgroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "26" IF x
= 11 THEN backgroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "27" IF x
= 12 THEN backgroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "28" IF x
= 13 THEN backgroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "29" IF x
= 14 THEN backgroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "30" IF x
= 15 THEN backgroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "31" IF y
= 0 THEN foregroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "00" IF y
= 1 THEN foregroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "01" IF y
= 2 THEN foregroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "02" IF y
= 3 THEN foregroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "03" IF y
= 4 THEN foregroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "04" IF y
= 5 THEN foregroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "05" IF y
= 6 THEN foregroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "06" IF y
= 7 THEN foregroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "07" IF y
= 8 THEN foregroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "08" IF y
= 9 THEN foregroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "09" IF y
= 10 THEN foregroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "10" IF y
= 11 THEN foregroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "11" IF y
= 12 THEN foregroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "12" IF y
= 13 THEN foregroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "13" IF y
= 14 THEN foregroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "14" IF y
= 15 THEN foregroundcolormystic$
= CHR$(254) + "15"
PRINT "Do you wish to load a configuration file for later on [Y] or [N] : " IF answer$
= "N" THEN inputscreen1
filename$ = "c:\display\data\" + file$
PRINT "Loading data..........." INPUT #4, usercolorentry_g1
INPUT #4, usercolorentry_t1
INPUT #4, usercolorentry_g2
INPUT #4, usercolorentry_t2
INPUT #4, color1background
INPUT #4, color1foreground
INPUT #4, color2background
INPUT #4, color2foreground
INPUT #4, color3background
INPUT #4, color3foreground
INPUT #4, color4background
INPUT #4, color4foreground
INPUT #4, color5background
INPUT #4, color5foreground
INPUT #4, color6background
INPUT #4, color6foreground
INPUT #4, color7background
INPUT #4, color7foreground
INPUT #4, color8background
INPUT #4, color8foreground
PRINT "This is what you get for colors [Is it still acceptable] [Y] or [N] : "
COLOR usercolorentry_t1
, usercolorentry_g1
PRINT "[------------------------------------------------------]" COLOR color1foreground
, color1background
PRINT "[This is line 1 of 8 printed to see what it looks like.]" COLOR usercolorentry_t1
, usercolorentry_g1
PRINT "[------------------------------------------------------]" COLOR color2foreground
, color2background
PRINT "[This is line 2 of 8 printed to see what it looks like.]" COLOR usercolorentry_t1
, usercolorentry_g1
PRINT "[------------------------------------------------------]" COLOR color3foreground
, color3background
PRINT "[This is line 3 of 8 printed to see what it looks like.]" COLOR usercolorentry_t1
, usercolorentry_g1
PRINT "[------------------------------------------------------]" COLOR color4foreground
, color4background
PRINT "[This is line 4 of 8 printed to see what it looks like.]" COLOR usercolorentry_t1
, usercolorentry_g1
PRINT "[------------------------------------------------------]" COLOR color5foreground
, color5background
PRINT "[This is line 5 of 8 printed to see what it looks like.]" COLOR usercolorentry_t1
, usercolorentry_g1
PRINT "[------------------------------------------------------]" COLOR color6foreground
, color6background
PRINT "[This is line 6 of 8 printed to see what it looks like.]" COLOR usercolorentry_t1
, usercolorentry_g1
PRINT "[------------------------------------------------------]" COLOR color7foreground
, color7background
PRINT "[This is line 7 of 8 printed to see what it looks like.]" COLOR usercolorentry_t1
, usercolorentry_g1
PRINT "[------------------------------------------------------]" COLOR color8foreground
, color8background
PRINT "[This is line 8 of 8 printed to see what it looks like.]" COLOR usercolorentry_t1
, usercolorentry_g1
PRINT "[------------------------------------------------------]"
PRINT "Acceptable ???? [Y]es or [N]o : " IF answer$
= "N" THEN inputscreen1
g1 = 3
t1 = 6
colorchanges = 1
g2 = 6
t2 = 7
colorchanges = 1
g = 4
t = 7
colorchanges = 1
g = 4
t = 7
colorchanges = 0
INPUT "Color # 1 Background [From 0 to 7] : ", color1background
INPUT "Color # 1 Foreground [From 0 to 15] : ", color1foreground
COLOR color1foreground
, color1background
PRINT "Is This acceptable [Y]es or [N]o : "
PRINT "Please enter the color of your Background " PRINT "Black is color code 0 " PRINT "Blue is color code 1 " PRINT "Green is color code 2 " ' ask for and show the various colors of PRINT "Cyan is color code 3 " ' background codes. PRINT "Red is color code 4 " PRINT "Magenta is color code 5 " PRINT "Brown is color code 6 " PRINT "White is color code 7 " IF display
= "syn" OR display
= "ansi" THEN PRINT "Don't worry, the program will translate from decimal to hex for this." PRINT "Make your Background selection from [0] to [7] for Syncronet and Ansi." PRINT "And [0] to [15] for everything else" PRINT "Black is color code 8 " PRINT "Blue is color code 9 " PRINT "Green is color code 10" PRINT "Cyan is color code 11" PRINT "Red is color code 12" PRINT "Magenta is color code 13" PRINT "Yellow is color code 14" PRINT "White is color code 15"
PRINT "Do you wish to save a configuration file for later on [Y] or [N] : " IF answer$
= "N" THEN inputscreen
PRINT "Enter Data for program." filename$
= "c:\display\data\" + files$
PRINT "Saving data............" PRINT #4, usercolorentry_g1
PRINT #4, usercolorentry_g1
PRINT #4, usercolorentry_g2
PRINT #4, usercolorentry_g2
PRINT #4, color1background
PRINT #4, color1foreground
PRINT #4, color2background
PRINT #4, color2foreground
PRINT #4, color3background
PRINT #4, color3foreground
PRINT #4, color4background
PRINT #4, color4foreground
PRINT #4, color5background
PRINT #4, color5foreground
PRINT #4, color6background
PRINT #4, color6foreground
PRINT #4, color7background
PRINT #4, color7foreground
PRINT #4, color8background
PRINT #4, color8foreground
' back1
INPUT "Outside Lines Background [From 0 to 7] : ", usercolorentry_g1
INPUT "Outside Lines Foreground [From 0 to 15] : ", usercolorentry_t1
COLOR usercolorentry_t1
, usercolorentry_g1
PRINT "Is This acceptable [Y]es or [N]o : " ' back2
INPUT "Brackets Background [From 0 to 7] : ", usercolorentry_g2
INPUT "Brackets Foreground [From 0 to 15] : ", usercolorentry_t2
COLOR usercolorentry_t2
, usercolorentry_g2
COLOR usercolorentry_t2
, usercolorentry_g2
PRINT "Is This acceptable [Y]es or [N]o : "
INPUT "Color # 2 Background [From 0 to 7] : ", color2background
INPUT "Color # 2 Foreground [From 0 to 15] : ", color2foreground
COLOR color2foreground
, color2background
PRINT "Is This acceptable [Y]es or [N]o : "
INPUT "Color # 8 Background [From 0 to 7] : ", color8background
INPUT "Color # 8 Foreground [From 0 to 15] : ", color8foreground
COLOR color8foreground
, color8background
PRINT "Is This acceptable [Y]es or [N]o : "
INPUT "Color # 7 Background [From 0 to 7] : ", color7background
INPUT "Color # 7 Foreground [From 0 to 15] : ", color7foreground
COLOR color7foreground
, color7background
PRINT "Is This acceptable [Y]es or [N]o : "
PRINT "Output display [A] Any Ansi BBS [B] Wildcat 5-8 BBS [C] PCboard BBS " PRINT "Output Display [D] Synchronet BBS [E] Mystic BBS : " 'which BBS display the user wants displaychoice$
= UCASE$(displaychoice$
) IF displaychoice$
= "A" THEN display
= "ansi": Menu
IF displaychoice$
= "B" THEN display
= "wc8": Menu
' select display coding by what the user types in IF displaychoice$
= "C" THEN display
= "pcb": Menu
IF displaychoice$
= "D" THEN display
= "synchro": Menu
IF displaychoice$
= "E" THEN display
= "mystic": Menu
INPUT "Color # 3 Background [From 0 to 7] : ", color3background
INPUT "Color # 3 Foreground [From 0 to 15] : ", color3foreground
COLOR color3foreground
, color3background
PRINT "Is This acceptable [Y]es or [N]o : "
INPUT "Color # 4 Background [From 0 to 7] : ", color4background
INPUT "Color # 4 Foreground [From 0 to 15] : ", color4foreground
COLOR color4foreground
, color4background
PRINT "Is This acceptable [Y]es or [N]o : "
INPUT "Color # 5 Background [From 0 to 7] : ", color5background
INPUT "Color # 5 Foreground [From 0 to 15] : ", color5foreground
COLOR color5foreground
, color5background
PRINT "Is This acceptable [Y]es or [N]o : "
INPUT "Color # 6 Background [From 0 to 7] : ", color6background
INPUT "Color # 6 Foreground [From 0 to 15] : ", color6foreground
COLOR color6foreground
, color6background
PRINT "Is This acceptable [Y]es or [N]o : "
PRINT "Demo files that are available are: " PRINT "In the Menu selector" PRINT " inet5 inet6 inet9" PRINT " msg1 msg5 msg6 msg9" PRINT " main1 main5 main6 main9" PRINT " file1 file5 file6 file9" PRINT " sysop8 sysop9" ' display demo files that are available PRINT "In the Disp selector" PRINT "More are coming soon. Custom files are up to you to upload and then use" PRINT "Filename : [Do not put in the extender ]" INPUT " [Enter defaults to main5 ] : ", file
' ask user for filename ' IF file = "a" OR file = "A" THEN GOTO inputscreen
' IF file = "b" OR file = "B" THEN GOTO inputscreen
' IF file = "c" OR file = "C" THEN GOTO inputscreen
' IF file = "d" OR file = "D" THEN GOTO inputscreen
' IF file = "e" OR file = "E" THEN GOTO inputscreen
INPUT "Filename [Please no extenders I will put them in ] : ", filename$
filename$ = "c:\display\data\" + filename$ + ".txt"
PRINT "Please enter 8 different color combinations for the display , be creative : " PRINT "the program will pick randomly from those colors or will use them 1 at a time," PRINT "depending on what you choose, either you will use the colors one at a time or " PRINT "you will use the same colors randomly. This can be fun to do and interesting." PRINT "depending on what you choose." PRINT "Press any key...." WaitAKey
flag$ = "Y1"
flag$ = "Y2"
flag$ = "Y3"
b = lineconnector
b = connector1
b = connector2
b = connector3
b = connector4
b = verticalline
horizontalines = "double": verticalines$ = "double"
= CHR$(187) ' corner character for new corners of new box output connector2
= CHR$(185) 'various connectors for lines in boxes
= CHR$(205) ' Horizontal line character for new box output horizontalines = "double": verticalines = "single"
= CHR$(184) ' corner character for new corners of new box output connector2
= CHR$(181) 'various connectors for lines in boxes lineconnector
= CHR$(205) ' Horizontal line character for new box output horizontalines = "single": verticalines = "double"
= CHR$(183) ' corner character for new corners of new box output connector2
= CHR$(182) 'various connectors for lines in boxes lineconnector
= CHR$(196) ' Horizontal line character for new box output
horizontalines = "single": verticalines = "single"
= CHR$(191) ' corner character for new corners of new box output connector2
= CHR$(180) 'various connectors for lines in boxes lineconnector
= CHR$(196) ' Horizontal line character for new box output
PRINT "[M]enu file or [D]isplay file : " answer
= UCASE$(answer
) ' ask the user what type of display they want, display file menuchoice = answer ' or menu file , gives two choices
' fileit:
IF menuchoice
= "D" THEN ' default file for display files file = "goodbye"
ELSEIF menuchoice
= "M" THEN ' default file for menu files file = "main5"