I may not be able to offer much assistance, nor have the necessary skill understand the error messages, but this is my 'guess'...
I too have compiled qb64 on my Linux Mint machine. Like you, I too, already had g++ and freeglut installed. My first glance at your messages is telling me the installer cannot 'find' files and or directories. To confirm the existence of the files, from a 'Terminal' submit the command 'locate freeglut' (no quotes) then 'locate g++'
If the commands confirm the existence of the files then I would suspect your VM of correctly establishing the pathways... This just a guess. The only difference between your installation and mine, is that, you are using a VM. My OS is based on Ubuntu as is yours. We both receive the same updates (unless you have chosen not to) each time the updates are issued..
I am also guessing that you maybe using either a desktop or laptop using Windows, and not wanting to 'install' a Linux based OS, you have opted to use a VM. (and there is nothing wrong with that...) I was going to ask, if you had another computer on which you could install Peppermint, to try the compilation on that machine. If that works then that would confirm the possibility that there maybe an issue with the VM.
I'm no tech or Linux gurru and I hope that I have not made things worse, but I know from experience when it comes to Linux, how little support there is compared to the other operating system that shall not be named...
I would be interested in knowing how your 'commands' worked.