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Offline johnno56

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Re: Linux install
« on: June 24, 2018, 07:19:02 pm »
I may not be able to offer much assistance, nor have the necessary skill understand the error messages, but this is my 'guess'...

I too have compiled qb64 on my Linux Mint machine. Like you, I too, already had g++ and freeglut installed. My first glance at your messages is telling me the installer cannot 'find' files and or directories. To confirm the existence of the files, from a 'Terminal'  submit the command 'locate freeglut' (no quotes) then 'locate g++'

If the commands confirm the existence of the files then I would suspect your VM of correctly establishing the pathways... This just a guess. The only difference between your installation and mine, is that, you are using a VM. My OS is based on Ubuntu as is yours. We both receive the same updates (unless you have chosen not to) each time the updates are issued..

I am also guessing that you maybe using either a desktop or laptop using Windows, and not wanting to 'install' a Linux based OS, you have opted to use a VM. (and there is nothing wrong with that...) I was going to ask, if you had another computer on which you could install Peppermint, to try the compilation on that machine. If that works then that would confirm the possibility that there maybe an issue with the VM.

I'm no tech or Linux gurru and I hope that I have not made things worse, but I know from experience when it comes to Linux, how little support there is compared to the other operating system that shall not be named...

I would be interested in knowing how your 'commands' worked.

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Offline johnno56

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Re: Linux install
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2018, 08:34:10 pm »
I am downloading Peppermint 9 as I type and will install on a spare disc then install g++ and freeglut. After that I will download and compile qb64. Hopefully that will tell me if there are any dependency issues or not. It's going to take a while to set everything up. I will report back as soon as I can.

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Offline johnno56

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Re: Linux install
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2018, 10:03:45 pm »
My first attempt to install Peppermint 9 failed miserably. The installation part was successful but the failure to removal of the temporary files caused the installation to fail. The second attempt failed due to corrupt files. I will install from a USB instead of a DVD. Hopefully the third time will be a charm... lol

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Offline johnno56

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Re: Linux install
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2018, 11:28:10 pm »
All done!

I successfully installed Peppermint 9 on a spare drive. (normal installation, no internet access)
Once installed went through the network to activate wifi. Nothing else installed. Out of the box.

Note: I left the qb64 unpacked directory in the Downloads folder - just for this procedure - but you can place where like.


1. Startup a terminal: menu > accessories > Terminal

Note: You may want to do all this from within the qb64 unpacked folder.
Navigate to your unpacked qb64 folder....

2. Enter the command: sudo apt-get update (you will need your password)

3. When done enter: sudo apt-get install build-essential (enter)
(this will install all the tools needed for building source code - including g++)

4. When done: sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev (enter)
(this will install development libraries and headers for freeglut)

5. When done:  ./ (enter)

That's it. If it compiles successfully then QB64 will startup.

Let me know how you go? I hope this helped.

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Offline johnno56

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Re: Linux install
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2018, 05:25:15 pm »
Ok. Should not be a problem. Go into your qb64 folder and "double-click" the file "qb64".

If qb64 executes, let me know, and I will put together some instructions to create a desktop launcher (similar to a windows shortcut).

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Offline johnno56

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Re: Linux install
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2018, 07:48:21 pm »
I apologize for the manner in which I gave instruction. I was unaware of your level of knowledge using Linux. It was not my intent to offend.

I do not believe that there is a problem, in and of itself, with the OS in regards to QB64 from what I can tell. I'm beginning to suspect a possible memory issue with the VM (guess). You mentioned "vbox". Oracle's Virtual Box? If that is the case then the memory issue goes out the window. Oracle has been pretty much reliable for years... So much for that theory... lol

Oh. As a process of elimination, have you tried installing the Windows version of QB64. I know it doesn't state that it's Win10 compatible but it maybe an option. Another option is to run the windows QB64 using Wine. If either, or both, methods work then that would rule out an OS problem. Just a thought... My guess is that you are using Linux for purposes other than QB64 and you have probably already thought of these methods... Without being personal, why are you wanting to use Linux, when you already have Windows? Just curious...

As I stated earlier, I am no tech or gurru, when it come to Linux... I'm grasping at straws here and probably making things worse... Unless you haven't done so already, may I suggest the Peppermint or the vbox Forums? I have run out of ideas...

Just as an offside question: Is your host Win10 machine 64 bit and your guest Peppermint 64 bit?  Reason I asked is, I naturally downloaded the 64 bit version of Peppermint, because my architecture is 64 bit... Just curious.

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Offline johnno56

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Re: Linux install
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2018, 01:15:28 am »
You are too kind. Thank you.

I think what has thrown me for a loop is that I have no experience with a VM. Well, if truth be told, I have only attempted to install a VM, and for me, too far over my head. Probably why I assumed a VM problem. Not being a Windows user since XP first came out (I think 2001), my experience with Micro$oft, is very limited. On a rare occasion, if I cannot find a Linux alternative, I will run the Windows program via Wine. Some programs run ok with minor 'glitches' - usually video, some fail to run at all. Majority will not even install.... but then I remember - no viruses! YES! Sorry. unwarranted emotional outburst...

Anyway whether you keep Peppermint or not, it's all experience, in the end. Let me know how you get on with Peppermint? - By the way, Peppermint has some really cool wallpapers... guess who copied then onto my machine? lol

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