@TempodiBasic again an admirable amount of detail analysis but some of your changes strike me as odd too. For instance:
) = 0 THEN S
) = 40 ' user press Enter to use default value
I think it cruel and unusual punishment to redo all inputs if you make a mistake with one.
Oh wait, I confused line 1 in qb64 code and line 1 in GOTO code, you only go back to just after start of loop.
OK bad example, (mostly... ;)
I do like how you made half a dozen plus variables into one array, no, I love that!
OK what about this line:
SOUND 0, 0 ' this statement doesn't work
Why put it in when you know it doesn't work?
Oh well practice makes perfect.
B+ to both of you :)
Oh I just figured out SOS dahhh... cant see the forest for the trees. bplus getting old, no I never ran the dang code! ;-))