Hi @ all,
in the last 2 days i've programmed a little game, out of fun... :D
Okay, it's poorly written, have no frametime-calculation, no loop performance optimization, no customize possibilities (e.g. keyassignment), no sounds and just ASCII graphics... but hey, it was fun to write it.
And here is the code. Nothing more resources are needed. Works with QB64 1.3
sourcecode deleted, please see EDITEDIT (sourcecode in post no 7)
Nevermind the REM{ and REM}. It's just for my Notepad++, so that I can fold and expand codesections.
Have Fun!
The post turns my postet code from screenwindow.width to screenwindow.WIDTH (Line 10)... but it should be okay.
Please download the sourcecodefile. In the embeded code, in this post, were a lot of ASCII symbols missing!