'> Merged with Zom-B's smart $include merger 0.51
' Best viewed with 120 or more columns
'# Math Library V1.0 (include)
'# By Zom-B
CONST sqrt2
= 1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537695 ' Knuth01 CONST sqrt3
= 1.73205080756887729352744634150587236694280525381038 ' Knuth02 CONST sqrt5
= 2.23606797749978969640917366873127623544061835961153 ' Knuth03 CONST sqrt10
= 3.16227766016837933199889354443271853371955513932522 ' Knuth04 CONST cubert2
= 1.25992104989487316476721060727822835057025146470151 ' Knuth05 CONST cubert3
= 1.44224957030740838232163831078010958839186925349935 ' Knuth06 CONST q2pow025
= 1.18920711500272106671749997056047591529297209246382 ' Knuth07 CONST phi
= 1.61803398874989484820458683436563811772030917980576 ' Knuth08 CONST log2
= 0.69314718055994530941723212145817656807550013436026 ' Knuth09 CONST log3
= 1.09861228866810969139524523692252570464749055782275 ' Knuth10 CONST log10
= 2.30258509299404568401799145468436420760110148862877 ' Knuth11 CONST logpi
= 1.14472988584940017414342735135305871164729481291531 ' Knuth12 CONST logphi
= 0.48121182505960344749775891342436842313518433438566 ' Knuth13 CONST q1log2
= 1.44269504088896340735992468100189213742664595415299 ' Knuth14 CONST q1log10
= 0.43429448190325182765112891891660508229439700580367 ' Knuth15 CONST q1logphi
= 2.07808692123502753760132260611779576774219226778328 ' Knuth16 CONST pi
= 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511 ' Knuth17 CONST deg2rad
= 0.01745329251994329576923690768488612713442871888542 ' Knuth18 CONST q1pi
= 0.31830988618379067153776752674502872406891929148091 ' Knuth19 CONST pisqr
= 9.86960440108935861883449099987615113531369940724079 ' Knuth20 CONST gamma05
= 1.7724538509055160272981674833411451827975494561224 ' Knuth21 CONST gamma033
= 2.6789385347077476336556929409746776441286893779573 ' Knuth22 CONST gamma067
= 1.3541179394264004169452880281545137855193272660568 ' Knuth23 CONST e
= 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369996 ' Knuth24 CONST q1e
= 0.36787944117144232159552377016146086744581113103177 ' Knuth25 CONST esqr
= 7.38905609893065022723042746057500781318031557055185 ' Knuth26 CONST eulergamma
= 0.57721566490153286060651209008240243104215933593992 ' Knuth27 CONST expeulergamma
= 1.7810724179901979852365041031071795491696452143034 ' Knuth28 CONST exppi025
= 2.19328005073801545655976965927873822346163764199427 ' Knuth29 CONST sin1
= 0.84147098480789650665250232163029899962256306079837 ' Knuth30 CONST cos1
= 0.54030230586813971740093660744297660373231042061792 ' Knuth31 CONST zeta3
= 1.2020569031595942853997381615114499907649862923405 ' Knuth32 CONST nloglog2
= 0.36651292058166432701243915823266946945426344783711 ' Knuth33
CONST logr10
= 0.43429448190325182765112891891660508229439700580367 CONST logr2
= 1.44269504088896340735992468100189213742664595415299 CONST pi05
= 1.57079632679489661923132169163975144209858469968755 CONST pi2
= 6.28318530717958647692528676655900576839433879875021 CONST q05log10
= 0.21714724095162591382556445945830254114719850290183 CONST q05log2
= 0.72134752044448170367996234050094606871332297707649 CONST q05pi
= 0.15915494309189533576888376337251436203445964574046 CONST q13
= 0.33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 CONST q16
= 0.16666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666667 CONST q2pi
= 0.63661977236758134307553505349005744813783858296183 CONST q2sqrt5
= 0.89442719099991587856366946749251049417624734384461 CONST rad2deg
= 57.2957795130823208767981548141051703324054724665643 CONST sqrt02
= 0.44721359549995793928183473374625524708812367192231 CONST sqrt05
= 0.70710678118654752440084436210484903928483593768847 CONST sqrt075
= 0.86602540378443864676372317075293618347140262690519 CONST y2q112
= 1.05946309435929526456182529494634170077920431749419 ' Chromatic base
'# Vector math library v0.1 (include part)
'# By Zom-B
'# Screen mode selector v1.0 (include)
'# By Zom-B
'# Ray Tracer (Beta version)
'# By Zom-B
'Speed required with these variables, so not using TYPEs here
DIM SHARED positionX
(7), positionY
(7), positionZ
(7) ' Object position DIM SHARED size
(7) ' Radius (in case of a sphere) DIM SHARED colorR!
(7), colorG!
(7), colorB!
(7), colorA!
(7) ' RGBA color DIM SHARED specular!
(7), highlight!
(7) ' Phong parameters DIM SHARED reflection!
(7) ' Ray reflection amount DIM SHARED textures
, bumpmap
' image handle
(4), lightY
(4), lightZ
(4) ' Light position DIM SHARED lightR!
(4), lightG!
(4), lightB!
(4) ' Light color
DATA "!~#!~#!~#!-#(.69AEGFC@5.224;DJMORQND:)(*$!:#'#$!e#+.+1WX\_`ab\MCOZ!/baaQ5&!)#'<;CB=,&!&#$06,8@6/$!%#&&##$8NL" DATA ":1%!P#-=@@D25CGHIKJYZ]A)=^b`!0b]:!+#$0M?80!.#*-6.!&#%#%#/6?VR=6)!*#'%!B#,DDID?>>/LLPRINQE,!%#$#'F!.bZ0!;#=P=" DATA "-%$'$%)7GV^!)bA/)&6.##-BL/0+!,#/!'#$/80)&!'#$)5NA\]^]W3EQZ,[]baaN>0!&#J_!+bZ2!%#$$!+#$/3-!)#8V*##+R]PUV\!/ba" DATA "bb8CBN[XRF26/!(#(=*##&B`!'b_YQPYaaVVMTVVX]YJY]YFMaZ_!%b9$##/Q!(b]TJ6$!-#%>V`ba`UJ<),2;<DCSTL[`O]!%ba!:baSTVT" DATA "[XOOWT06OZ!.b_PNa!+b`WH._a]aOP%#&[!%baP@%##1@CF&!*#Dab\Mba\FFLQ`!*b\_!Gb##*--VS!1baa^ab_`abN0?E.=8GVT'!%#1_bb" DATA "<!(#8=/##&!%#$9RbbN=Ya^aV\!,baY]`!@b^!%b]G##$#CUab`WXGKQ^!)b__a]!%abA!&#%ObZ3.,!&#-@I!0#&#/aa`b=6TLUQ[a!,b!%a" DATA "!9ba^]Xa:)RNGF1!*#+AJ>!&#$@Y!+baZbb^=.##%Cbb^][)!4#2T+##9>Q^,3Q`!%b_!EbO*##$$1U\(!+#),3+!*#6Qa_a!&ba_abb`bbU" DATA "G,Taab``U8!2#/LJK$#-ZO;>T!>babTa!'babbN1'!&#L`=#&!&#')'%&!-#$)L`baa!*b_!%bGa`baabaX-!1#;?KaGJ!@babbabZ\!-bT$" DATA "!%#;6!&#&#'!4#*FYaa!)b`bQZ!'b[L7,PI%!2#9DZ!Rb[<*!%#'!=#+a!,bYPAU[!&b_@4(2)!2#%N!&b^!'bZMZWbbaW!@b^/5#'&!?#/a" DATA "!-bYPQVXb_84-!4#)C@PbMEER=[bb`-$(.Sb`(T!*b`!4b\R.(Q;%!@#,a!-baa^`bY9%!6#-!%bA($:2N3aNWJW[KPbbG3!9b]``X)##08!C#" DATA "N!1ba1!2#$!'#/[aP&*,3.;$B>D!%abbabM-!9b[7?U##)K2!C#)X!0bW&!9#4KJ`bbX!&#+('19!?bU&,Q.HQI$!E#K]!-bD!:#5a!(bQ:$" DATA "HA/)/M!@b@$%J-$!G#*B^!&b`GJ<8Q/!7#$%(N!+b]!&b`a!&bL`!:bC##%!J#;=_!%bA!J5!7#+Z!2b=!&bW:KV!7bX&#'!L#:0]bb6!&#" DATA "4BU,!6#I!3bLB!&b]\E(',\!2bU>3%!<#'*!3#Dbb@#-L)79Q4/!4#%a!4b5]!'b])##/V!&b_A?!&b`FL-#%!?#(!3#(H``HYX!%#/)E3,$" DATA "!/#$##V!4bJ5!&b\2!&#(!%bU(##G!%bV1-##*6!R#';;^ZM8$!(#(!.#*#&_!5b?YbZ=!)#TbP'!%#0<!%bK!%#6;!U#&7\8##$4-$#%!1#" DATA "a!6bJ3)'&!(#:bC!%#&'.PWbZ!%#)A5!V#5E31[^^QU:!1#2^!5b\[b+!*#ZF!%#$#,A)S-##&+9>!W#(0N!(b>0!0#8]!%bZX!1bJ!)#%#&" DATA "E&!%#'$G-! $3Q##$!V#F!*bQ!0#*;/0#&@W!.b[)!)#%%!(#&L?U$%%C_0!?#$!<#1a!+bG!6#J!)b`!%bS*!3#0[_,/Wb_/2*4!1#%!C#" DATA "(!%#P!-bS4'!3#Q!(baB_bW&!5#=bR0`bK@<'*6F35$#%%!*#$!F#T!0bI+!1#)\!'b^bba-!6#$Da/05-=B%0+<Mb]C$,+!N#A!1bL!2#B!'b" DATA "Xbba(!8#8EH:!&'$)/,\b\C.#0)!M#X!/ba7!2#3!'b`b^b3!;#&-5-6$(%%&U,?2%#'+!*#%!C#7!/bA!3#8!)bXb?$#;!<#'&U_K#R,##%" DATA "!&#$!1#$!:#$Ia_!,b/!3#R!+b;)EY!;#1W`bbW4^T!)#.!%#)!,#$!=#1!-b)!3#Qa!(b]3#:bF!;#R!*b.!(#$$##0!I#`!+bJ!4#/a!(b" DATA "F##@b2#%%!5#,M^!+b`:!?*!L#(!*bJ1$!5#X!(bE##A\!9#L!.bY*!Q#/!)bT!8#K!'bO!&#%!9#J!/bC!Q#=!)b:!8#(_!%ba0!>#/!/b" DATA "C!Q#@!(bF!:#Hbb^6!@#]bbM=4I!'b^/!Q#R!&b^:!;#*3*$!@#$=0'!&#?[bb`D!)#/&!H#*a!%b]C!g#-NP@)!)#%Q1!G#/_b_K&!j#1:!*#" DATA "=C##%!E#1^bZ*!k#'1!(#)K>!I#Cbb;!t#8;!J#Wb`3!Q#-!n#G_W##0*!P#$!l#%AO5$!*#'&!~#!H#(!~#!;#$##%!(#%!~#!8#)8;'!W#" DATA "&!f#+>\O!G#&/EH3&!)#5?@:>[NLA7BD52;ONCDA92/!'#$$!F#$!'#.@>`bM%!5#+,)*+-41-'+8CD1GWa!(b_ZH8BY!9bTNOA8&!B#$6BA" DATA "30.%#'4E`!%bM!0#.6DX^a!,babb`!,b^_!Cb^W7!0#'/37>DIQZVUPOIB>K!'b`X`!(bL*!,#)IT!@b]`!BbaK2&!%#21!%./7?JHTa!Bb_" DATA "RG:7?;:GT`!db_;DDC?7!~b!=ba_!Uba!%baa!hbaabaa!%b`^!%bab]a`ba!?b_a!qba\_!~b!Ib"
"Ray Tracer (Beta version)"
scrn& = selectScreenMode&(4, 32)
'texture&(1) = _LOADIMAGE("d:\0synced\software\qb64\wTex.png", 32)
'texture&(2) = _LOADIMAGE("d:\0synced\software\qb64\wBump.png", 32)
'texture&(3) = _LOADIMAGE("d:\0synced\software\qb64\fTex.png", 32)
'texture&(4) = _LOADIMAGE("d:\0synced\software\qb64\fBump.png", 32)
'SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(640, 480, 32)
maxX% = sizeX% - 1
maxY% = sizeY% - 1
halfX% = sizeX% \ 2
halfY% = sizeY% \ 2
cameraPrepare 150, -250, 200, 0, 0, 66, 0, 0, 1, 60, maxX% / maxY%
'cameraPrepare 0, 0, 400, 0, 0, 132, 0, -1, 0, 45, maxX% / maxY%
'FOR i% = 0 TO 360 STEP 30
' x = 100 * COS(i% * _deg2rad)
' y = 100 * SIN(i% * _deg2rad)
' cameraPrepare x, y, 400, 0, 0, 200, 0, 0, 1, 60, maxX% / maxY%
renderProgressive 256, 4
CIRCLE (maxX% \
2, maxY% \
2), 3, _RGB32(255, 255, 255), , , 1 'NEXT
SUB cameraPrepare
, posY
, posZ
, lookAtX
, lookAtY
, lookAtZ
, upX
, upY
, upZ
, fov
, aspect
) camPos.x = posX
camPos.y = posY
camPos.z = posZ
camDir.x = lookAtX - posX
camDir.y = lookAtY - posY
camDir.z = lookAtZ - posZ
vectorNormalize camDir
'PRINT camDir.x, camDir.y, camDir.z
camUp.x = upX
camUp.y = upY
camUp.z = upZ
'vectorNormalize camUp
'PRINT camUp.x, camUp.y, camUp.z
'Right vec
vectorCross camUp, camDir, camRight
vectorNormalize camRight
'PRINT camRight.x, camRight.y, camRight.z
vectorCross camDir, camRight, camUp
vectorNormalize camUp
'PRINT camUp.x, camUp.y, camUp.z
= TAN(fov
* (_PI / 360)) * 0.75scaleX = scaleY * aspect
vectorScale camRight, scaleX
vectorScale camUp, scaleY
'PRINT fov, scaleX, scaleY
SUB renderProgressive
, endSize%
) pixStep% = startSize%
pixWidth% = pixStep% - 1
tracePoint x%, y%, r!, g!, b!
LINE (x%
, y%
, pixWidth%
), _RGB(r!
* 255, g!
* 255, b!
* 255), BF
pixSize% = pixStep% \ 2
pixWidth% = pixSize% - 1
y1% = y% + pixSize%
x1% = x% + pixSize%
tracePoint x1%, y%, r!, g!, b!
LINE (x1%
, y%
, pixWidth%
), _RGB(r!
* 255, g!
* 255, b!
* 255), BF
tracePoint x%, y1%, r!, g!, b!
LINE (x%
, y1%
, pixWidth%
), _RGB(r!
* 255, g!
* 255, b!
* 255), BF
tracePoint x1%, y1%, r!, g!, b!
LINE (x1%
, y1%
, pixWidth%
), _RGB(r!
* 255, g!
* 255, b!
* 255), BF
pixStep% = pixStep% \ 2
y1% = y% + 1
x1% = x% + 1
tracePoint x1%, y%, r!, g!, b!
PSET (x1%
, y%
), _RGB(r!
* 255, g!
* 255, b!
* 255) tracePoint x%, y1%, r!, g!, b!
PSET (x%
, y1%
), _RGB(r!
* 255, g!
* 255, b!
* 255) tracePoint x1%, y1%, r!, g!, b!
PSET (x1%
, y1%
), _RGB(r!
* 255, g!
* 255, b!
* 255)
factor! = 255 / (endSize% * endSize%)
DO 'Marsaglia polar method for random gaussian s! = u! * u! + v! * v!
= SQR(-2 * LOG(s!
) / s!
) * 0.5 u! = u! * s!
v! = v! * s!
tracePoint x% + u!, y% + v!, r1!, g1!, b1!
r! = r! + r1!
g! = g! + g1!
b! = b! + b1!
PSET (x%
, y%
), _RGB(r!
* factor!
, g!
* factor!
, b!
* factor!
) r! = 0
g! = 0
b! = 0
FOR v%
= 0 TO endSize%
- 1 y1! = y% + v% / endSize%
FOR u%
= 0 TO endSize%
- 1 x1! = x% + u% / endSize%
tracePoint x1!, y1!, r1!, g1!, b1!
r! = r! + r1!
g! = g! + g1!
b! = b! + b1!
PSET (x%
, y%
), _RGB(r!
* factor!
, g!
* factor!
, b!
* factor!
SUB tracePoint
, y!
, r!
, g!
, b!
) x0! = (x! - halfX%) / halfX%
y0! = (halfY% - y!) / halfY%
rayX = camDir.x + x0! * camRight.x + y0! * camUp.x
rayY = camDir.y + x0! * camRight.y + y0! * camUp.y
rayZ = camDir.z + x0! * camRight.z + y0! * camUp.z
'normalize to a vector length of 1
= 1 / SQR(rayX
* rayX
+ rayY
* rayY
+ rayZ
* rayZ
)traceRay camPos.x, camPos.y, camPos.z, rayX * d, rayY * d, rayZ * d, 3, -1, r!, g!, b!
SUB traceRay
, startY
, startZ
, rayX
, rayY
, rayZ
, depth%
, lastObj%
, lightR!
, lightG!
, lightB!
) findMinObj startX, startY, startZ, rayX, rayY, rayZ, lastObj%, minobj%, minDepth
IF minobj%
= 0 THEN ' Infinity lightR! = 0
lightG! = 0
lightB! = 0
ELSE ' An object was found intersectX = startX + rayX * minDepth
intersectY = startY + rayY * minDepth
intersectZ = startZ + rayZ * minDepth
'Calculate normal vector
normalX = 0
normalY = 0
normalZ = 1
normalX = (intersectX - positionX(minobj%)) / size(minobj%)
normalY = (intersectY - positionY(minobj%)) / size(minobj%)
normalZ = (intersectZ - positionZ(minobj%)) / size(minobj%)
'Calculate UV coordinates
IF textures
<> -1 OR bumpmap
<> -1 THEN texcoordU! = intersectX
texcoordV! = intersectY
IF normalY
<= 0 THEN texcoordU!
= 0 ELSE texcoordU!
= 0.5 texcoordU! = atan2(normalX, normalY) / pi2 + 0.5
= acos
) / _PI
IF bumpmap
<> -1 THEN texdirxx = 1
texdirxy = 0
texdirxz = 0
texdiryx = 0
texdiryy = 1
texdiryz = 0
texdirxx = normalY
texdirxy = -normalX
texdirxz = 0
texdiryx = normalZ * normalX
texdiryy = normalZ * normalY
texdiryz = -(normalX * normalX + normalY * normalY)
x! = texcoordU! * bumpmap(minobj%).scaleU - bumpmap(minobj%).offsetU
y! = texcoordV! * bumpmap(minobj%).scaleV - bumpmap(minobj%).offsetV
dx1! = x! - x1%
dy1! = y! - y1%
dx2! = 1 - dx1!
dy2! = 1 - dy1!
dx1dy1! = dx1! * dy1!
dx1dy2! = dx1! * dy2!
dx2dy1! = dx2! * dy1!
dx2dy2! = dx2! * dy2!
x0% = remainder%(x1%, bumpmap(minobj%).w)
y0% = remainder%(y1%, bumpmap(minobj%).h)
x1% = remainder%(x1% + 1, bumpmap(minobj%).w)
y1% = remainder%(y1% + 1, bumpmap(minobj%).h)
= ((_RED(c0&
) - 127) * dx2dy2!
+ (_RED(c1&
) - 127) * dx1dy2!
+ (_RED(c2&
) - 127) * dx2dy1!
+ (_RED(c3&
) - 127) * dx1dy1!
) * bumpmap
/ 127 sy!
= ((_GREEN(c0&
) - 127) * dx2dy2!
+ (_GREEN(c1&
) - 127) * dx1dy2!
+ (_GREEN(c2&
) - 127) * dx2dy1!
+ (_GREEN(c3&
) - 127) * dx1dy1!
) * bumpmap
/ 127
normalX = normalX - (texdirxx * sx! + texdiryx * sy)
normalY = normalY - (texdirxy * sx! + texdiryy * sy)
normalZ = normalZ - (texdirxz * sx! + texdiryz * sy)
= SQR(normalX
* normalX
+ normalY
* normalY
+ normalZ
* normalZ
) normalX = normalX / r
normalY = normalY / r
normalZ = normalZ / r
r = 2 * (rayX * normalX + rayY * normalY + rayZ * normalZ)
rayX = rayX - normalX * r
rayY = rayY - normalY * r
rayZ = rayZ - normalZ * r
diffuseR! = 0
diffuseG! = 0
diffuseB! = 0
specularR! = 0
specularG! = 0
specularB! = 0
dirX = lightX(a%) - intersectX
dirY = lightY(a%) - intersectY
dirZ = lightZ(a%) - intersectZ
= 1 / SQR(dirX
* dirX
+ dirY
* dirY
+ dirZ
* dirZ
) dirX = dirX * r
dirY = dirY * r
dirZ = dirZ * r
'Shadows testing
findShadow intersectX, intersectY, intersectZ, dirX, dirY, dirZ, minobj%, noShadows%
'Diffuse lighting
r = normalX * dirX + normalY * dirY + normalZ * dirZ
diffuseR! = diffuseR! + colorR!(minobj%) * lightR!(a%) * r
diffuseG! = diffuseG! + colorG!(minobj%) * lightG!(a%) * r
diffuseB! = diffuseB! + colorB!(minobj%) * lightB!(a%) * r
'Specular lighting
r = rayX * dirX + rayY * dirY + rayZ * dirZ
c! = r ^ (1 / highlight!(minobj%)) * specular!(minobj%)
specularR! = specularR! + lightR!(a%) * c!
specularG! = specularG! + lightG!(a%) * c!
specularB! = specularB! + lightB!(a%) * c!
lightR! = diffuseR! + specularR!
lightG! = diffuseG! + specularG!
lightB! = diffuseB! + specularB!
IF textures
<> -1 THEN x! = texcoordU! * textures(minobj%).scaleU - textures(minobj%).offsetU
y! = texcoordV! * textures(minobj%).scaleV - textures(minobj%).offsetV
dx1! = x! - x0%
dy1! = y! - y0%
dx2! = 1 - dx1!
dy2! = 1 - dy1!
dx1dy1! = dx1! * dy1!
dx1dy2! = dx1! * dy2!
dx2dy1! = dx2! * dy1!
dx2dy2! = dx2! * dy2!
x1% = remainder%(x0% + 1, textures(minobj%).w) ' returns positive value only, in contrast to MOD
y1% = remainder%(y0% + 1, textures(minobj%).h)
x0% = remainder%(x0%, textures(minobj%).w)
y0% = remainder%(y0%, textures(minobj%).h)
= _RED(c0&
) * dx2dy2!
+ _RED(c1&
) * dx1dy2!
+ _RED(c2&
) * dx2dy1!
+ _RED(c3&
) * dx1dy1!
= _BLUE(c0&
) * dx2dy2!
+ _BLUE(c1&
) * dx1dy2!
+ _BLUE(c2&
) * dx2dy1!
+ _BLUE(c3&
) * dx1dy1!
lightR! = lightR! * materialr! / 255F
lightG! = lightG! * materialg! / 255F
lightB! = lightB! * materialb! / 255F
IF reflection!
) > 0 AND depth%
> 0 THEN traceRay intersectX, intersectY, intersectZ, rayX, rayY, rayZ, depth% - 1, minobj%, reflectR!, reflectG!, reflectB!
lightR! = lightR! + (reflectR! - lightR!) * reflection!(minobj%)
lightG! = lightG! + (reflectG! - lightG!) * reflection!(minobj%)
lightB! = lightB! + (reflectB! - lightB!) * reflection!(minobj%)
' Global intensity
= EXP(-minDepth
/ 1000.0)
lightR! = lightR! * r
lightG! = lightG! * r
lightB! = lightB! * r
SUB findMinObj
, startY
, startZ
, rayX
, rayY
, rayZ
, lastObj%
, minObj%
, minDepth
) minObj% = 0
minDepth = 1E+308
depth = -startZ / rayZ
posX = positionX(a%) - startX
posY = positionY(a%) - startY
posZ = positionZ(a%) - startZ
r = rayX * posX + rayY * posY + rayZ * posZ
d = r * r - posX * posX - posY * posY - posZ * posZ + size(a%) * size(a%)
IF minDepth
> depth
THEN minDepth
= depth: minObj%
= a%
SUB findShadow
, startY
, startZ
, rayX
, rayY
, rayZ
, lastObj%
, noShadows%
) noShadows% = -1
depth = -startZ / rayZ
posX = positionX(a%) - startX
posY = positionY(a%) - startY
posZ = positionZ(a%) - startZ
r = rayX * posX + rayY * posY + rayZ * posZ
d = r * r - posX * posX - posY * posY - posZ * posZ + size(a%) * size(a%)
noShadows% = 0
PRINT "Generating textures. Press any key to see them generating." showing = 0
x% = 0: y% = 0
= (ASC(MID$(a$
, b!
, 1)) - 35) * 4 x%
= x%
+ 1:
IF x%
= 128 THEN x%
= 0: y%
= y%
+ 1
getWorldBump x% / 3000, y% / 2000, a!
a! = (a! - 0.387) / 0.502: a! = a! * a!
getWorldPixel x% / 8 - 0.5, y% / 8 - 0.50, c!
= c!
/ 255:
IF c!
> 1 THEN c!
= 1
r! = 11 + (24 + 231 * a! - 11) * c!
g! = 10 + (49 + 198 * a! - 10) * c!
b! = 50 + (8 + 181 * a! - 50) * c!
getWorldPixel x% / 8 - 0.46, y% / 8 - 0.50, c0!: getWorldBump x% / 300 + 0.001, y% / 300, a0!: a0! = a0! * c0!
getWorldPixel x% / 8 - 0.54, y% / 8 - 0.50, c1!: getWorldBump x% / 300 - 0.001, y% / 300, a1!: a1! = a1! * c1!
getWorldPixel x% / 8 - 0.50, y% / 8 - 0.46, c2!: getWorldBump x% / 300, y% / 300 + 0.001, a2!: a2! = a2! * c2!
getWorldPixel x% / 8 - 0.50, y% / 8 - 0.54, c3!: getWorldBump x% / 300, y% / 300 - 0.001, a3!: a3! = a3! * c3!
r! = (a1! - a0!) * 7
g! = (a2! - a3!) * 7
getFloorTexture x% / 256, y% / 256, r!, g!, b!
PSET (x%
, y%
), _RGB32(r!
* 255, g!
* 255, b!
* 255)
getFloorBump x% / 256 - 0.002, y% / 256, a0!
getFloorBump x% / 256 + 0.002, y% / 256, a1!
getFloorBump x% / 256, y% / 256 + 0.002, a2!
getFloorBump x% / 256, y% / 256 - 0.002, a3!
r! = (a1! - a0!) * 1400
g! = (a2! - a3!) * 1400
SUB getWorldPixel
, y!
, c0!
) dx!
= x!
- x%:
IF dx!
< 0 THEN dx!
= dx!
+ 128dy! = y! - y%
c0! = c0! + (c1! - c0!) * dx!
c2! = c2! + (c3! - c2!) * dx!
c0! = c0! + (c2! - c0!) * dy!
= c0!
- 72:
IF c0!
< 0 THEN c0!
= 0
SUB getWorldBump
, v!
, a!
) l! = 0
fbm u!, v!, 1, l!
a! = 0.3 * l! + 0.2
SUB getFloorTexture
, v!
, r!
, g!
, b!
) v1%
= v!
- INT(v!
) < 0.5: u1%
= u!
- INT(u!
) < 0.5
l! = 0
fbm u!, v!, 3, l!
l! = l! * 0.7
fbm u!, v!, 2, l!
r! = 0.054 * l! + 0.61
g! = 0.054 * l! + 0.42
b! = 0.054 * l! + 0.25
l! = 0
fbm u!, v!, 1, l!
l! = l! * 0.6
fbm u!, v!, 0, l!
r! = 0.10 * l! + 0.05
g! = 0.08 * l! - 0.04
b! = 0.07 * l! - 0.06
SUB getFloorBump
, v!
, a!
) v1%
= v!
- INT(v!
) < 0.5: u1%
= u!
- INT(u!
) < 0.5v2!
= v!
* 2 - INT(v!
* 2): v2!
= 1 - v2!
* (1 - v2!
) * 4: v2!
= v2!
* v2!: v2!
= 1 - v2!
* v2!
= u!
* 2 - INT(u!
* 2): u2!
= 1 - u2!
* (1 - u2!
) * 4: u2!
= u2!
* u2!: u2!
= 1 - u2!
* u2!
l! = 0
fbm u!, v!, 3, l!
l! = l! * 0.7
fbm u!, v!, 2, l!
a! = 0.02 * l! + 0.7
l! = 0
fbm u!, v!, 1, l!
l! = l! * 0.6
fbm u!, v!, 0, l!
a! = 0.05 * l! + 0.6
a! = a! * u2! * v2!
'a! = a! + (u2! * v2! - 1) ' * 0.88
'IF a! < 0.06 THEN a = RND * 0.02
zx! = x! * 40 - y! * 2
zy! = y!
i% = -5
zx! = x! * 50
zy! = y! * 50
i% = -2
zx! = x! * 80
zy! = y! * 80
i% = -2
zx! = x! * 30 + y! * 0.5
zy! = y! * 2
i% = -2
scale! = 1
zcx! = zx!: zx! = zcx! * 0.6 - zy! * 0.8: zy! = zcx! * 0.8 + zy! * 0.6
= CINT(zx!
/ scale!
) * scale!: zcy!
= CINT(zy!
/ scale!
) * scale!
rx1! = zcx! + 0.5 * scale! + 14: ry1! = zcy! + 0.5 * scale!: r! = 123094 / (rx1! * rx1! + ry1! * ry1!)
= rx1!
* r!: ry1!
= ry1!
* r!: rx1!
= rx1!
- INT(rx1!
): ry1!
= ry1!
- INT(ry1!
) rx2! = zcx! - 0.5 * scale! + 14: ry2! = zcy! + 0.5 * scale!: r! = 123094 / (rx2! * rx2! + ry2! * ry2!)
= rx2!
* r!: ry2!
= ry2!
* r!: rx2!
= rx2!
- INT(rx2!
): ry2!
= ry2!
- INT(ry2!
) rx3! = zcx! + 0.5 * scale! + 14: ry3! = zcy! - 0.5 * scale!: r! = 123094 / (rx3! * rx3! + ry3! * ry3!)
= rx3!
* r!: ry3!
= ry3!
* r!: rx3!
= rx3!
- INT(rx3!
): ry3!
= ry3!
- INT(ry3!
) rx4! = zcx! - 0.5 * scale! + 14: ry4! = zcy! - 0.5 * scale!: r! = 123094 / (rx4! * rx4! + ry4! * ry4!)
= rx4!
* r!: ry4!
= ry4!
* r!: rx4!
= rx4!
- INT(rx4!
): ry4!
= ry4!
- INT(ry4!
) x0! = (zx! - zcx!) / scale! + 0.5: x0! = (3 - 2 * x0!) * x0! * x0!: x1! = 1 - x0!
y0! = (zy! - zcy!) / scale! + 0.5: y0! = (3 - 2 * y0!) * y0! * y0!: y1! = 1 - y0!
pixcompx! = rx1! * x0! * y0! + rx3! * x0! * y1! + rx2! * x1! * y0! + rx4! * x1! * y1!
pixcompy! = ry1! * x0! * y0! + ry3! * x0! * y1! + ry2! * x1! * y0! + ry4! * x1! * y1!
= o!
+ SQR(pixcompx!
* pixcompx!
+ pixcompy!
* pixcompy!
) * scale!
* scale!: scale!
= scale!
* 0.8
objectType%(1) = FLOOR
colorR!(1) = 1
colorG!(1) = 1
colorB!(1) = 1
colorA!(1) = 1
specular!(1) = 2
highlight!(1) = 0.002
reflection!(1) = 0.5
texturePrepare textures(1), texture&(3), .005, .005, 0, 0, 0
texturePrepare bumpmap(1), texture&(4), .005, .005, 0, 0, 1
objectType%(2) = SPHERE
positionX(2) = 0
positionY(2) = 57.735
positionZ(2) = 50
size(2) = 50
colorR!(2) = 1
colorG!(2) = 0
colorB!(2) = 0
colorA!(2) = 1
specular!(2) = 1
highlight!(2) = 0.1
reflection!(2) = 0.1
texturePrepare textures(2), -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0
texturePrepare bumpmap(2), -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1
objectType%(3) = SPHERE
positionX(3) = -50
positionY(3) = -28.8675
positionZ(3) = 50
size(3) = 50
colorR!(3) = 0
colorG!(3) = 0
colorB!(3) = 1
colorA!(3) = 1
specular!(3) = 1
highlight!(3) = 0.04
reflection!(3) = 0.4
texturePrepare textures(3), -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0
texturePrepare bumpmap(3), -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1
objectType%(4) = SPHERE
positionX(4) = 50
positionY(4) = -28.8675
positionZ(4) = 50
size(4) = 50
colorR!(4) = 0
colorG!(4) = 1
colorB!(4) = 0
colorA!(4) = 1
specular!(4) = 10
highlight!(4) = 0.01
reflection!(4) = 0.2
texturePrepare textures(4), -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0
texturePrepare bumpmap(4), -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1
objectType%(5) = SPHERE
positionX(5) = 0
positionY(5) = 0
positionZ(5) = 132
size(5) = 50
colorR!(5) = 1
colorG!(5) = 1
colorB!(5) = 1
colorA!(5) = 1
specular!(5) = 5
highlight!(5) = 0.002
reflection!(5) = 0.15
texturePrepare textures(5), texture&(1), 1, 1, 0.35, 0, 0
texturePrepare bumpmap(5), texture&(2), 1, 1, 0.35, 0, 1
numObjects% = 5
lightX(1) = 460
lightY(1) = -460
lightZ(1) = 460
lightR!(1) = 1
lightG!(1) = 0.25
lightB!(1) = 0.25
lightX(2) = -640
lightY(2) = -180
lightZ(2) = 460
lightR!(2) = 0.25
lightG!(2) = 1
lightB!(2) = 0.25
lightX(3) = 80
lightY(3) = 260
lightZ(3) = 760
lightR!(3) = 0.25
lightG!(3) = 0.25
lightB!(3) = 1
lightX(4) = 0
lightY(4) = 0
lightZ(4) = 400
lightR!(4) = 1
lightG!(4) = 1
lightB!(4) = 1
numLights% = 4
SUB texturePrepare
, handle&
, sU!
, sV!
, oU!
, oV!
, bumpfactor!
) tex.image = handle&
tex.scaleU = sU! * tex.w
tex.scaleV = sV! * tex.h
tex.offsetU = oU! * tex.w
tex.offsetV = oV! * tex.h
tex.bumpfactor = bumpfactor!
'# Math Library V0.11 (routines)
'# By Zom-B
= a%
- INT(a%
/ b%
) * b%
'> merger: Skipping unused FUNCTION fRemainder (a, b)
'> merger: Skipping unused FUNCTION safeLog (x)
'> merger: Skipping unused FUNCTION asin (y)
= pi05
- ATN(y
/ SQR(1 - y
* y
'> merger: Skipping unused FUNCTION safeAcos (y)
'# Vector math library v0.1 (module part)
'# By Zom-B
SUB vectorScale
, scale
) a.x = a.x * scale
a.y = a.y * scale
a.z = a.z * scale
SUB vectorNormalize
) r
= 1 / SQR(a.x
* a.x
+ a.y
* a.y
+ a.z
* a.z
)a.x = a.x * r
a.y = a.y * r
a.z = a.z * r
SUB vectorCross
, b
, o
) o.x = a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y
o.y = a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z
o.z = a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x
'# Screen mode selector v1.1 (routines)
'# By Zom-B
FUNCTION selectScreenMode&
, colors%
) DIM aspectName$
(0 TO 9), aspectCol%
(0 TO 9) READ aspectName$
), aspectCol%
DIM vidX%
(1 TO 100), vidY%
(1 TO 100), vidA%
(1 TO 100) READ vidX%
), vidY%
), vidA%
PRINT "Select video mode:";
"Click " POKE yOffset%
* 160 + 132, 31
y% = 0
lastY% = 0
selectedAspect% = 0
reprint% = 1
lastButton% = 0
reprint% = 0
COLOR aspectCol%
PRINT "<"; aspectName$
y% = (yOffset% + y%) * 160 + 1
y% = 0
selectedAspect% = y% - 1
reprint% = 1
y% = (yOffset% + y%) * 160 + 1
y% = 0
lastY% = y%
), vidY%
), colors%