see here
https://dev.to/bugmagnet at skills/languages of the author
IMHO the author is open to contribute (
https://exercism.io/contribute ) of who is able and has time for a continuative support of a module for learning language by exercise (goal->exercise of development->program to evaluate->evaluation for upgrade level of knowledges-->GOTO goal).
So QB64 can be a candidate in the way it is a robust language of programming and not just a joke to write something in old QB45 or QBasic in 3 different OSes.
1. Who can be elegible to do this?
2. Must the QB64team release a patent or a grade of knowledge in QB64?
3. Must be defined roles and rules of QB64 programming?
For example if there is a likeworking keyword between QB and QB64 is deprecated the use of keyword QB (SCREEN 0 or GET graphic image and PUT graphic image) and thankgiving the use of QB64 keyword (SCREEN _NEWIMAGE(800,600,0) or _LOADIMAGE and _PUTIMAGE)...
it is possible if QB64 wants to hold the back compatibility with QB and QBasic but it prefers to go toward the future with its technology... C++ doesn't hate C but it is a little different!